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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BKrois

  1. a few from yesterday; http://www.flickr.com/photos/36474602@N06/sets/72157634034722586/
  2. Figures i go saturday and theres 20 trucks there, looks like a good turnout today
  3. Nice show, probably 150-200 trucks every year. See flyer
  4. Not sure if i posted this one. Believe they're from Middlefield/Rockfall
  5. Mine is fine. I made his go sky high along with his frustration level
  6. Lawrence Lynch Autocars in Falmouth,MA
  7. I remember the article. I think i have the issue, will do a little research and see what i can dig up
  8. More Frank Mercede pictures. The dump pix are from the auctioneer, the Superliner pix i took
  9. Some nut from Falmouth accompanied by his toothless friend showed me a few "hot spots"
  10. Frank Mercede from Stamford ran this DMM Quad. Photo by Merk
  11. Lawrence Lynch Corp from Falmouth runs this newer Granite with a nice spec'd body
  12. Some photos i took; http://www.flickr.com/photos/36474602@N06/sets/72157633914037827/
  13. That truck was owned by Frank Mercede from Stamford up until a few years ago. They bought a few RD's at their auction
  14. Reine Trucking from Falmouth still runs some of these B models on the Cape. Pictures came from a friend, i'll try to get more info
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