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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. lt saves the mirror arms from being crushed by the vice grips. .....Hippy
  2. Jim it looks like some fine, good quality NH loam in this picture! lol .....Hippy
  3. My son's ex CF Freightliner has an air starter. .....Hippy
  4. KEEP the AIR STARTER! Their so much fun at the shows when people don't expect it. .....Hippy
  5. I work for a world wide company that has both single and tandem drive tractors. When l was told there would be a new tractor being added. They asked what l thought could be spec'd to cut operating costs. The first thing l mentioned was a lift push axle. My thoughts were 60% of the time we don't need a tandem. Your not using two sets of brakes, running four tires, turning a rearend, not paying a toll for that axle when lifted, and an improvement in fuel mileage. Being the penny pinching company they are this went on for six months asking different questions about what to order. ln the end a used Penske rental tandem rolled into the yard. Go figure! There is a local milk distributor that has a lift axel on there air ride refer trailers. The axle lifts automatically per how much weight is on the tandems. .....Hippy
  6. You think l could take that to work with me this week? And show the boss and them damn Volvos what a days work is. Without breaking down or having electrical and exhaust issues! .....Hippy
  7. The cab tips forward. The locking handle and safety latch releases are at the right rear corner of the cab. lf the truck is headed downhill, pay attention when you push the cab over. There is nothing to hold it back once it starts over center till it hits the stops. Headed uphill it may take two of ya to tip it up. .....Hippy
  8. School bus mirrors. Had one on the right side of an S model lnternational. You can see across the front and down the side with one glance. Even check if a head or fog/driving light is out. .....Hippy
  9. OMG! The horror! l need to find my safe space quickly! 🏃‍♂️ lol Mine should have the green wheel but, Overnite replaced it with a black one. l'm going to leave it as it was when it was retired from service. Please no pictures of whats left of the one in the junkyard. 😭 .....Hippy
  10. Back in '75-'76 a friend of mine was having his R model lettered and striped. We got him to go for coffee and donuts. While he was gone the painter did a little extra work as a joke. He painted an erection and testicles on the bulldog on the doors. When the owner came back he about s--t himself when he saw it yelling l can't have that on my truck! The painter said that was his trade mark and it needed to stay or he could not finish the job. We dragged it out as long as we could, and then got the owner to see it was just a joke. The painter put a little thinner on a rag and wiped them off. .....Hippy
  11. Mack did build one with a shorter wheel base than mine. lt was a trailer toter model 401T or 487T. This one was used by St. J and was for sale in Mass. .....Hippy
  12. l wouldn't know. Seems everyone had them and they were used for everything. l've had drivers stop and look at mine at the shows and reminisce. You can tell which ones drove an MB, it was a love/hate relationship! LOL .....Hippy
  13. A nice atta-boy for B-42! And a good looking puppy dog too! .....Hippy
  14. Another real truck! Ex Overnite Transportation with vertical exhaust and power steering installed. Owner says it's still used when other trucks can't get the job done. .....Hippy
  15. There is someone else not on Facebook or Twitter?! Now am l the last one with my small flip phone?
  16. Tire repair shop in Farmington NH says their the "Best place in town to take a leak". .....Hippy
  17. Welcome to BMT Mike! And pictures too! (Someone will turn them l'm sure) Good way to start on here. .....Hippy
  18. Ah Rich, l think that might be a grandchild of ours! lol lf l turn as hard as possible the MB's inside drive tires make an eleven or twelve foot circle. Great for U-turns on two lane roads. .....Hippy
  19. Thank you Bulldogboy! l totally missed this one. .....Hippy
  20. For our 3 trucks and 5 trailers we use the local agent for State Farm. All but one trailer are registered "Antique". .....Hippy
  21. Alex was the guy's name Eddie that taught you to drive? l got the same thing except it was for using the clutch to shift. lt was a '68(?) 4070 with a 290, 10 speed, single axle Ryder rental. Bemis Bag Pepperell Ma. to Long Island NY. loaded with potato bags. Sure would like to see him again. .....Hippy
  22. Take this picture and put it on the visor of the Volvo l drive. Just so l can remember what a real truck's cab looks like. .....Hippy
  23. Cole's Express and Cole Family Land Museum in Bangor Maine. https://obituaries.bangordailynews.com/obituary/galen-cole-1078239462
  24. Welcome Bigtow, Your first contribution could be several pictures. We always enjoy pictures. More the better! .....Hippy
  25. HG, You looking all the way across the yard at the roller? l think that might be a scarifier of some kind. .....Hippy
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