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Everything posted by JumperAndSon

  1. You could park them with one facing forwards and one facing backwards so they can lean on eachother and not fall over. Ben
  2. Do you want the heavy half (left side) or the light half (right) ? Cousin Ben
  3. You people shouldn't be allowed to paint your 4 strokes that color. Isn't that copyright infringement or something? Ben
  4. Ha! Who needs class when you have more noise than the high school marching band? Ben
  5. Classy? Now you're starting to sound like a pete lover. They're always talking about how their trucks have "class". You see, Macks don't have to take classes because they already know how to get the job done. And as far as the show at the museum, I really want to go, but I doubt we'll be able to make it. We've been really busy at work lately. We might go Lititz though. Ben
  6. Heyyy, thats the same color I'm gonna paint my 8V71 with. Haha. Ben
  7. Don't worry Cousin, you'll get it eventually. I've made a few custom pictures myself. Tonight or tomarrow, I'll post them here. Ben
  8. Yea, but some of us less fortunate folks don't have fancy lowboys or the money to pay somebody that does Ben
  9. Yea, I think using the M818 to pull the trailer is the best bet. But if you absolutley have to, you can probably pull it with the dodge as long as the trailer has good brakes and you drive very carefully. If it is truely flat the whole way, it should be alright. But I would definately see if you could use a heavier duty truck if possible. Ben
  10. That truck on the right has the tires I'm putting on my pickup truck, Michelin 14.00-20's. Ben
  11. Yea man! You don't see awesome trucks like that every day. Ben
  12. Oh and yea, whens the last time any of you guys heard a Mack motor that sounded as good this? Huh? Yea, that's what I thought. Ben
  13. She's actually 10. Too young for anybody. She shall not do any dating for several years. Ben
  14. Duuuude, I need that twinsteer B model. It's sick! Ben
  15. Yea, and my sister is the girl with the camo hat at about 45 seconds into it. Ben
  16. Thanks Paul. I keep watching this video over and over again because it's just that awesome. Ben
  17. Here it is: The best part is that this was at a car cruise and I didn't know the guy that took the video at all. He was just a passerby that liked the truck and took a video, and I just happened to see it on youtube. It just makes so happy to know that people out there appreciate things that I'm responsible for, i.e. black smoke and noise Ben
  18. I'm with y'all on the loading/unloading. When Watts brought our backhoe home on their DM rollback, Dustin had to tilt the bed down till the bucket hit the ground then he drove the truck out from under it, which was kind of a project. But he and I took care of it and all was well. Ben
  19. That's a pretty spiffy green leaker! I'll bet that one is dry in all the right places. I like the Scenicruisers but I've got a soft spot for fishbowls, my dad drove them when I was a kid and I got to tag along sometimes. That's where my affinity for 2 stroke diesels comes from, the East Liberty bus garage in winter with about 40 or so of them idling at 6 AM waiting to go on their runs. I can almost smell it! Oh yeah, Ben loves the on the governor sound too, helped rekindle my affair with Detroit too. Tim
  20. ONE DRIP?!?!?!? Well I guess the international only has one drip too. And about 50 waterfalls. Cousin Ben
  21. From the pictures. When you look at it up close, it looks like some old junkyard-bound cornbinder that some jamokes threw some paint and chrome on. Oh yea, that's what it is. Vinny's truck looks like somebody took their time and did a nice restoration. His does look a little bit crooked though... Ben
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