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Detroit 71, v71, 92 and v92 series crankshaft flange bolt pattern

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i plan on making a convoy tribute truck, Ugly Duck(crooked DM). Plan on  a repower from e6 to as close as i can. the Detroit i found is a 6v71 .

i am wondering does anybody know for sure if the crankshaft (flywheel)flange bolt patterns, amongst 71, v71, 92 and v92 series, are the same????

not concerned about the pilot nor OD nor ring gear tooth count just the bolt hole circle 

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i have read there are different size flywheel housings but at the moment not worried about this aspect. 

so not the flywheel housing bolt up but the crankshaft bolt pattern. 

Edited by glenbjackson
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 well 71, v71 and v92 are all different as far as the motors i have.

inline 71's manual mentions different size "flywheel housings"(SAE 1 and SAE 2) but i didnt see any mention of different crank flang sizes or cuts.

also states the inline 71's crank has one hole offset 😠 


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ok i was incorrect on 671 and 6v71 cranks not matching. They do match!!! 

On 4/22/2022 at 6:44 AM, 1965 said:

Flywheel housing bolts are different. 92’s got 2 extra 5/8 bolts on the sides. Flywheels will bolt up on both, I believe, been long time.

i was thinking samething so i checked again and it did fit but too small of ring. its from a 671 with SAE2 flywheel housing and my 6v71 is SAE 1

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