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Prepping for the old Clinton Magic Bullet?


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Could Clintons have the magic bullet to win the election here?............

Why does the Department of Homeland Security all of a sudden want to oversee security for the election in November? Just a little while ago I checked the Drudge Report, and I was greeted by the following headline all in red: “HOMELAND SECURITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF ELECTIONS”. I was immediately alarmed, because I had already heard about how local election databases had been hacked, and Donald Trump has expressed concern that the presidential election in November could be rigged somehow. So I immediately clicked on the link and it took me to an article from the Washington Examiner   But can a Department of Homeland Security that has been packed with Obama appointees actually be trusted to handle the security for our elections in a fair manner?  The integrity of our elections is absolutely paramount. Without free and fair elections we might as well not even have a country. So the fact that hackers have proven that they can hack into some of our systems is quite alarming indeed.

Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security is considering declaring the election a “critical infrastructure,” giving it the same control over as it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid.

The latest admissions of attacks could speed up that effort possibly including the upcoming presidential election, according to officials.

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said.

Three days ago, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., sent a letter to Comey, expressing concern that “the threat of the Russian government tampering in our presidential election is more extensive than widely known and may include the intent to falsify official election results.”

In late June an “unknown actor scanned a state’s Board of Election website for vulnerabilities” and, after identifying a security gap, exploited the vulnerability to conduct a “data exfiltration,” or unauthorized data transfer, the FBI said in a recent bulletin.

Earlier this month, hackers used the same vulnerability in an “attempted intrusion activities into another state’s Board of Election system,” the FBI said.

The FBI’s analysis of the hacks, contained in a security alert first reported byYahoo News, shows that Arizona’s elections website was penetrated in June using a common vulnerability that’s well known to security experts. Then, in July, Illinois’ voter files were accessed apparently using stolen login credentials, which could have been obtained by spear phishing a state employee.

During the primary election in Arizona, for instance, a number of Republican voters found that their party affiliation had been changed without their knowledge. When they showed up to vote in the state’s closed primary elections, some were told they were ineligible to vote with the party of their choice.

State officials have blamed the problem at least in part on an error at the state’s driver registration bureau. But similar problems have reportedly cropped up in California, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The following headline from U.S. News & World Report caught my eye: “A Candidate’s Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election“. This is how that article begins…

The presidential election could be delayed or scrapped altogether if a candidate dies or drops out before Nov. 8. The perhaps equally startling alternative, if there’s enough time: Small groups of people hand-picking a replacement pursuant to obscure party rules.

The scenarios have been seriously considered by the White House, Homeland Security and a few politicos outside of the legal community and likely are too morbid for polite discussion in politically mixed company. But they have pondered the effects and possible ways to address a late-date vacancy.

“There’s nothing in the Constitution which requires a popular election for the electors serving in the Electoral College,” says John Nagle, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, meaning the body that officially elects presidents could convene without the general public voting.

 There are many among the elite that would be extremely happy if something caused Donald Trump not to make it to election day. So let us definitely pray for his health and safety and the health and safety of his family.

This election season has already been the strangest one that we have seen in decades, and I have a feeling that it is going to get a lot stranger over the next couple of months as Team Hillary gets more and more desperate.     Paul.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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