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Shawn Barrett

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Everything posted by Shawn Barrett

  1. Steve the assistant curator told me the local ATHS club comes over on Saturdays to play...I thought about you immediately. I also noticed Daryls superliner was on display. Let me guess, today you moved his and the rest into the old sound test room that they just epoxied the floor of....right? Lol Quote MultiQuote Edit =102717&st=&auth_key=7cd6a8bf4e6af5baf438fd7c5be567ff"]Delete
  2. Ok Ok Its time to get specific...although I was at the Macungie manufacturing plant just in the giftshop yesterday....Thats NOT where these pics were taken. This is at the former engineering, design, and proving grounds in Allentown PA just down the road and around the bend from the former Mack World headquarters which was closed down and relocated to Greensboro N.C. two years ago. They have been renovating the old R&D plant for the last 2 years and now its the Mack Museum and Customer center. Where you can see the oldest Mack known to exist, study Mack history, or if in the market take a brand new Titan or whichever you fancy for a spin around the complex!! This is also where they are keeping the historical documents on our trucks gentlemen! To say the least...it was awesome, and if you havent been there yet, well....get off your axle. http://mackexperience.com
  3. Name: B67 Date Added: Owner: B67 BullDog B67 BullDog
  4. Guess where I was today....

    1. randyp


      Was it in Pennsylvania, or close?

    2. umodelnut
    3. mowerman


      hey,,,welcome back babba,lol.have a splendid weekend my friend...bob.seeya

  5. Heres some long overdue shots of me removing the ratty old dump bucket from my former road tractor B67-enjoy April 2011
  6. Very welcome. Gorgeous isnt it? That Bulldog at the end of the line is theee very same bulldog that was mounted on Mack world headquarters since the early seventies. Recently relocated too....well nobody guessed yet.....
  7. You MUST be thinking of Brockway.....Close!!!....but no cigar my friend. Heres more....
  8. Thank you sir, Yea I love it, very excited to have the old truck back.

  9. Congrats on the progress. Just made some progress on my 67 recently. I ripped that ratty old dump body off the back. Looks so much better. I can just see the 5th wheel on there now... haha. I sure hope I dont whind up having to do a CSI investigation and recreation of the murdur of my brake components like you did. Will post pics of the old Dog soon. -Shawn
  10. Hey Doug it was nice to meet you too, sorry about the late reply I missed your comment on my intro post. The show was awesome at Macungie this year. I could only catch Friday, I missed Saturday but it was great as usual. Cant wait to get mine down there.

  11. Funny you should ask, just recently tore the nasty looking dump body off of it, will post pics soon

  12. Jim that truck is absolutely spectacular. Congratulations on an awesome build. -Shawn
  13. Thanks for all the warm welcomes fellas I appreciate it. And Rob I'm glad you read the truck story section thanks alot. And that looks like one helluva nice collection you've got there! Thanks for the pics.
  14. Actually I'm planning on turning it back to a tractor. If you are interested I wrote up a pretty lengthy backstory on the truck and my father who it used to belong to in the "Truck Stories" section. B67 Bulldog
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