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bulldog man

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Posts posted by bulldog man

  1. you know thats the difference between a driver and a steering wheel holder. A driver looks for the shift pattern and doesn't assume. if no shift pattern when you go for a few rounds with the trainer you watch and see how he shifts or it shifts. Sometimes the trainer isn't worth a damn either. I've drivine alot of different trucks,trans, and motors. Still screw up when I jump into something else. But hell we all have done that forgotten what gear or hey this isn't my truck damn pattern is different or what the hell damn thing won't split in low range when you need an extra gear on the bottom end.

    True Dat .


  2. The problem is a lot of drivers that cuss & put The truck w/ my name on it down is because they never have drove let alone been in the cab of 1 . You can tear up a brand x truck but its tough to tear up an older Mack . ;)

    Everyone on this board knows that a Mack transmission shifts a helluva lot different from a road ranger . My buddy that I instructed over the cb his older brother can drive a bulldog all day long . he works in the steel mill in Blytheville, AR & helps his buddies on his days off who farm & drives for them .

    Anyway he looked @ me about 2 weeks after this happened & said in front of his younger brother you need to start a driving school for drivers who have no experience w/ a Mack & my brother could be your 1 st student . I just lmao & said he already was & I told him I want something extra in my paycheck because of it ..lol

    Oh man you ought to have seen the younger brothers face ...if looks could kill the older brother & myself would had been dead lol

    No I don't remember him but if I seen him I might recognize him if he worked for Tri State . im better w/ faces than names . ;)


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  3. that impact is your trouble. They are fine for buds but you don't need them for spokes., I never had a lick of trouble in all the years we ran spoke wheels,all I ever used was a big 4 way and a cheater bar for final snugging.

    We did the same way on our trucks w/ daytons as Mike is describing .

    & We also lined the wheels & tires up by putting a sledge hammer in front on the tire & wheel & spun the tire & wheel wherever the wheel & tire wobbled is the lugs we tightened up until straight & true . esp if it was a steer tire .


  4. Nice truck... Random rant: Have you guys ever heard somebody say they didn't like DM's or U's because the cab was too narrow? I've had the argument with several people who thought, and swore, that the R model cab was 2 feet wider. I usually just get pissed off and walk away. You can't fix stupid.

    Hell Ive got a buddy of mine who I grew up with & he has a road service business & his family is like mine : always farmed , logged & excavation . I Worked for him for 3yrs & still help him some to this day .

    HE HATES MACK PERIOD ! He cusses more than usual every time he works on a mack . I Tell him quit cussing me & I lmao & he gives me a f.u. look .

    We once carried a customers 92 R Model Tri cycle dump to his shop for repairs . The R MODEL HAD A 7SPD Mack tranny . I was in the IH Service truck right behind him . he was raking gears & cussing . I lost my cool told him to shut the F UP & FING LISTEN TO ME ! OR GET OUT OF THE R MODEL & LET ME DRIVE IT ! I taught his fat ass how to drive a 7spd mack over the cb .

    Some of our other friends who are owner operators & haul out of the rock & sand pits in Memphis never let him lived it down even to this day . I bring it up round our friends & he hates that he has to admit that I taught him how to drive a 7spd mack tranny over the radio. ;)

    But if needs to know something about a Mack & he doesn't know about it he come to me before anyone else . if I don't know about it . I call my buddy that is a retired mechanic from Tri State .


    • Like 2
  5. Though I like Twinkies I prefer an ICE COLD RC COLA & A MOON PIE But then again im from the South. ;)

    & that was a staple around our place more on the weekends than any other time . As if I was good that was 1 of our treats from maw maw & pop .

    Never herd of banana flips & just seen tasty kakes in walmart & Kroger here for the 1st time . I guess I been living under a rock ..lol


  6. Ive never owned a West coast Bulldog always owned DM East Coast R Models & Est Coast B Models but was & still am a fan of the Western Mack esp the Western B & R Series & Esp the Superdog . I

    I was told the other day by a retired Sales Rep for Tri State Mack in Memphis (who is a friend of mine), that for years folks East of the Ms river couldn't get a Western Series Bulldog .

    He said it took a lot of Mack customers complaining to get the Western Series Bulldogs on this end of the country & it finally happened .

    what bought that conversation on was I told him how id ilike to find a B75 OR B77 & He said ah now there was a truck we couldn't get here in Memphis as a new truck & that started the history lesson that I enjoyed so much that I only got an hour workout in cause I was so into the conversation . ;)

    He is in the local YMCA W/ me 3 days a week & Ive known him for years my pop knew him better than I did . & now that ive got some time to talk to him & get to know he & his wife better than I did before. & talk to him about of course the bulldog & other things as well I can honestly say it is a joy to sit down & listen to his experiences esp w/ Tri State .

    Im tryong to get him on BMT W/us fellas . :)


  7. Ya 84 Superdog & Jake : They had a tandem B61 Oilfield Winchtruck up there . but he wasnted $15k for it & wasn't worth $15k more like $4500 to $5000.00

    & I Know the mack your talking about w/ the v8 I tried to buy it awhile back too but he wouldn't take my offer either . they are proud of their JUNK !


  8. Good ol Baskin, had some friends drive from Murfreesboro to his lot to look at dump trucks, I told em not to waste the trip but they found out the hard way. Baskin gets some neat ol Mack's but he's a high priced junk merchant fur sure.

    When I was pulling FEMA Frames from 1 gulf stream plant to another (ELKHART, IN to Montevideo, MN) After Katrina I jaw jacked on the radio a lot in the T300 KW I was driving & I got asked by a driver where I was from cause o my southern accent somewhere around Eau Clarie, Wi . I told him Millington, TN he said oh home of the Navy Base & only bout 30 miles from HOOK EM & CROOK EM BASKIN . I Laughed I said yup I know Big Don & lil don both . told him my back ground in Farming & excavation & my family only does business w/ them as needed . . found out he was originally from Hernado,Ms & lived in N.Ill & drove regional .

    It never ceases to amaze me no matter where I go someone knows about either Millington cause it was a training base before it was a personal base & then the owner operators that know about Baskin in Covington,Tn cause of how they have been hooked & crooked by them . Ive seen a bus pull up & 30 drivers get off the bus & Baskin sell 30 trucks to a fella & those 30 drivers he bused in drove out w/ a road tractor a piece . They definitely sell the trucks up there in Tipton County but I don't trust them far as I could throw a loaded tri axle DM Mack w/ 25 tons of CR610 Limestone .

    We had a brake spider bust on a 77 DM Tandem dump we had . Tri State in Memphis told us a week due to a back up in the warehouse in ATL, Ga . Nobody else in Memphis had one . Pop Called Baskin they said oh yeah we got it . Regardless of me not wanting to go up there pop threatened me within an inch of my life so I went up there waited all day to get the damn part . Came back home to the shop behind the house went to put it on & the bolt holes where the wrong size . TOLD POP: HE WAS PISSED I WAS PISSED, THE DRIVER (Who also help me turn wrenches )was pissed , & he was really pissed when I told him so . ;) he told me don't remind me . ;)

    Called TRI STATE Told em order the part & id be down there that day or 1st thing the next moring to pay fer it.

    went back up there to get my $ back the counter man told me no cash returned I went told big Don Baskin what was up . he told me ok son I normally don't do this but I knew your dad I know your granddad & your just like them both you wont take no for an answer . he went to the cashier(his daughter) told her give my $ back that I had to pay fer the part @ Tri State . she started to protest . he told her to do it or else she was fired . Im only 1 of a few that I know of that ever got their money back from them .

    Went to Tri State in Memphis the next day payed for the part had to wait 5 days & we was down to 1 dump truck for a few days (& lowboy tractor had to pull double duty tween lowboy & dump trailers) but finally got the RIGHT Part & got ole red back up & running again. After that & fight w/ pop on what should had been done in the 1st place he never went back to Baskin to buy even for the smallest thing . we would go up there & window shop @ trucks but never buy even a Coke from them . When it came to buying a used truck pop & myself went else where anywhere but there .


  9. Ive been a fan of the GMC Brigadier since I was a kid . , my family has owned them ... & I've owned my share w/ Cummins & Detroit in them & made a decent living w/ them also .

    always liked the looks of the Jimmy Brig till I seen these pics .

    I Seen these pics somewhere before & I thought it was ugly then . then again I thought the same of the CH Mack & T600 KW Anteater . & they slow grew on me

    im guessing this was a concept truck for Preston ? as these are the only pics of a Brigadier in an Aerodynamic style I've ever seen . & never seen 1 like it in person .

    it was definitely way ahead of its time .


  10. Ive never seen 1 in person but ive seen pics of them online very interesting looking truck .

    I'm curious to know how well they held up in the soft ground of the excavating jobs compared to a Bulldog or Autocar (W.M.C. NOT Vulva)


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