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Posts posted by farmer52

  1. "Back in the day", people with mental issues were in mental institutions under 24/7/365 care. Now most of the institutions are closed. My late mother spent most of her working career as a LPN taking care of mental patients.

  2. Moth balls or flakes work. The mice hate the as much as humans. It'll stink up the truck but I learned this from a friend who had a lot of snow cats that sat all summer and

    it worked.


    I had at least four (4) boxes of moth balls in the MH and the little ba$tard$ still managed to chew wires, paper towels, and ruined my ultra rare Mack Ultraliner jacket. Sum beaches!

    Currently I have moth balls, Fresh Cab (pine scent), dryer sheets, sticky boards, pb baited spring traps, and poison blocks placed inside the MH, car, and pickup. I have the bases covered. :twothumbsup: I removed the sleeper mattress from the MH and also placed paper items in plastic storage containers. I read mice do not chew plastic.

  3. I put TomCat bait blocks in the sheds and builds, only to have something eat the entire block in one evening. I did this for a week but each night the blocks disappeared. Finally I decided to forget it....getting too expensive. It is either a BIG mouse or some other critter. My guesses are skunk or fox. Mice are pulling material from one of the my cars parked in the shed. Built a nest in the engine shrouding of my garden tractor, would overheat and shutdown. They also like to build nests in the car air intake box.

  4. I have heard that (Fresh Cab) air fresheners work good. I put some packs in my trucks and didn't have mice in last year, don't know if it works but it says is does.

    That is the pine scented "crap in a bag". Worthless. Dang mice chewed the paper flap on top of the pouch and crapped all over the dryer sheets.

  5. A BIG hammer or a hungry cat? Let me know (post it here) if you or anyone knows of a sure way to keep mice out. Just hope they do not start chewing wires. I too have tried mothballs, Irish Spring soap, pine scent, and dryer sheets. Set traps but so far nothing. I am sure the critters are in there somewhere.

  6. My list is simple......5 million US dollars in cash (after taxes)

    But I would settle for:

    NOS 22MO349/22MO4234M2 dome/reading lamp

    NOS 6-piece MH grille

    NOS 42RM55M9 gray doghouse cover

    NOS 8ME4129M LH muffler support bracket

    2 - new Michelin XZA or XZE 11R22.5 tires

    4 - new Michelin XDN or XDE 11R22.5 tires

    4 - new Michelin XZE 255/70R22.5 tires

    4 - Alcoa aluminum 22.5 rims for the trailer

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