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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Ditchdiggerjcf

  1. What were the upgrades to make it reliable? Repower?
  2. It's the standing around videoing himself talking about the wreck, and probably the whole drone footage deal that would set me off if I was paying.
  3. Repurposed fire truck. I wonder what the tank behind the cab is for?
  4. Any time I see F model related stuff it makes me ill. They get no love whatsoever. I want one bad.
  5. I sure hope they aren't paying that asshole by the hour to recover that car.
  6. Truck drivers by and large are full of shit, and usually not the sharpest tacks in the box. For the record, I have a CDL.
  7. I was chastised a few days ago for a post that was very similar to your post. For the record, I agree with your assessment.
  8. Yep, they are almost always garbage trucks. Almost every one of them are heavy spec too.
  9. Man, that is nice. Would make an excellent shtf bug out vehicle. I bet that diesel has nada for electronics. Y'all notice it was hardened against emp?
  10. The important thing is that they don't beat the hell out of my wallet. I know they won't. I can't see how they could ride any worse than anything else spec'd out that heavy. Why do you think they ride worse?
  11. Light frame and fronts on that truck. Probably better candidates around for making a tri.
  12. I checked em out. Both of them would be quads if I pull the trigger on this deal. They both have 20k fronts, one has 44 rears, the other he claims is like 60k rears. I have not ran a VIN to confirm that, but they are at least 44k, which is plenty. They are 300 and 285hp, one with 7spd, one with straight 5. Obviously camelback rears. They are real heavy spec. Room for two pushers easily. Probably use 18' beds. I am not worried about overloading the front axle. I don't think that would be an issue.
  13. Meh. He handled that situation poorly and it ended badly for his naval career.
  14. I think an MR would work like a champ on a highway job. Turning radius is a big deal in that application.
  15. The ones I am looking at are roll on/roll off trucks. They will be tri or maybe even a quad. They are way overkill on specs for a twin screw truck.
  16. Why wouldn't they make good dump trucks? They are heavy spec enough for it.
  17. The buck has always stopped with the skipper. He has always suffered the repurcussions for anything that goes wrong under his command. His fault, their fault, nobody's fault, he gets the blame. It has always been this way, as it should be. I hope the navy doesn't puss out on this... any more than they already have..
  18. He had to go because of his bad judgement. It is the navy way.
  19. I know where there is a superdog sitting that is heavy spec. I will take a look to see if it has a heavy frame or if it is double frame.
  20. There used to be some of those old heads around that still worked a full time gig. They were all serious motor grader and/or scraper guys. They had built interstates and major airports all over this country. No laser, no problem, they were experts at their craft. A pleasure to watch them work. I guess they are just about all gone now.
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