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other dog

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Posts posted by other dog

  1. Wow....I thrashed in the garage all morning: Got the oil changed in the B, got the front shocks hooked back up again(what a project that was), that's for another day, worked on stripping out the ol '67 F100 pickup. Took a quick road trip with budd to pick up his clutch in Painseville, Ohio. Got back and continued working on '67 F100 getting wiring harness out of it. Soon to be loaded up and scrapped into new Hyundias.

    Came in to find Pale Rider on............Classic Clint eastwood. Love that movie. Have seen bit/pieces of Wyatt Earp. Love all the actors. Always enjoyed Sam Elliot too.

    Haven't heard from Rob. Maybe he's packing for his road trip this week? He's head'n Eastbound and down.

    oh yeah, that's one of my favorites too.

  2. Rob has been MIA all day now...i'm gittin' kinda worried :rolleyes: -hope Momma didn't finally do him in. :(

    Anyhow, I went to the shop today and took a couple of chains and flags off that load of rebar, and measured the tool box on my trailer. Got some onion sets on the way home and planted them. Went to Wal-Mart and got some fertilizer and stuff, then tilled the fertilizer in. Made an insert out of some 2x 10 plank I had for the tool box on the trailer, so next time the door flies open on the Capital Beltway some Friday evening maybe all my stuff won't hit the road. Put a ham in the oven-it's almost done.

    Just didn't want you to think i've been loafing all day- but "Tombstone" was on TV when I came in, then "Wyatt Earp" came on next-both on A&E. I watched 'em both. Jo prefers "Tombstone", mostly because of Val Kilmer I think, but I think "Wyatt Earp" is better. Val Kilmer is great as Doc Holliday, though Dennis Quaid ain't bad, but Kevin Costner is way better as Wyatt Earp than Kurt Russell...but that's just MY opinion. Both are good movies. I told Jo Sam Elliott should have been Wyatt instead of Kurt Russell and "Tombstone" would have been better. I said Sam Elliott was born to be in a western, and she can't stand him for some reason. And for some reason I just can't quite see Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp.

    That's the "Big Mack Movie Review" for this week...what's your opinion?

    Anybody seen Rob?..if he was gonna r-u-n-n-o-f-t he coulda' at least told somebody :angry:

    ...wonder what she's gonna do with the r-model :rolleyes:

  3. Just wanting to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter tomorrow. We've been boiling eggs every since i've been home so we can dye them. Pretty excited for the boys since they can walk good and hopefully be able to hunt eggs. Everyone have a safe day tomorrow.

    Thank you Joe, same to you and yours.

    Guess we know what you'll be eating for lunch all next week. :lol:

    Monday: Easter eggs

    Tuesday: hard boiled eggs

    Wednesday:eggs boiled hard

    Thursday: egg salad sammich

    Friday:$#@& this, i'm going to Burger King!

    I got a picnic ham out of the freezer yesterday, it's cooking right now. When it's done i'll mail you a slice to put on your egg salad sammich- should be there by Thursday if I mail it Monday.

  4. I would first remove that paper sticker before you do any serious cooking also better to elevate it off the burner a bit.

    ok, thanks-I've never had a wok before, and don't know much about them. I would guess I also have to keep my stir fry perfectly balanced while i'm cooking.

    I could cut off a small length of pipe to put under it, that would elevate it and hold it level. Wonder how much it should be elevated?..couple inches oughta do it, eh?

    I could use them as Peterbilt hubcaps, but they're the wrong color- they don't look like this.

    I'm just gonna use them for their intended purpose- cook with 'em.

  5. I got a pair of these in the mail, and it took me a while to figure out what they were. At first I thought they were helmets, but they had no chin scrap. Then I thought "armadillo mirrors...but probably not". Can't be hubcaps-don't fit! Then I finally got it-I thought they were woks at first, but figured they couldn't be because they're round on the bottom and would wobble, but sure enough they're perfectly balanced and do indeed stand up straight! Now i'm gonna try'em out and whip up a stir-fry.

  6. Here it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I'm getting ready to get with the program on an older IH cab and fenders. I decide to put my RL797 outside to have room and upon starting the truck to let the air build, and flipping on the clearance lamps, I am treated to a lightning and smoke show that I would have really rather not attended. The first thing I noticed was that acrid smell of burning wiring and I immediately thought to myself: "I got to get stronger deodorant", then "that really smells worse than my feet", then "Holy Shit there Maynard, this SOB's on fire"!!

    I then shut the lights off, then the engine and since this was not a raging inferno just had to investigate further. Well down comes the headliner, sunvisors, and upper console and to my discovery is all kinds of bare wires for powering the rooftop clearance lamps running under, and through a nice sized mouse nest. This god awful smell that permeated the interior of the cab was nothing less than fresh roasted baby rodents from when I flipped the switch putting power to that wire. I immediately thought, "Halleluya!! The Lord come forth and provideth this fine cuisine for our dining pleasure to fill and nourish our bodies........ Shesh, I didn't even have to wait for the coals to get hot. Life is good.

    After dinner, (little critters were quite tasty) I went ahead and did a quick survey of the damage which really amounts to very little. All of the wiring has been severly dined upon through the years that this truck sat. I then decided to remove the Kysor roof air unit, and marker lamps. Tomorrow I will remove the air horns and cut the roof skin off of the cab. This is going to take a little rebuilding under the outer skin so don't really know what kind of progress I'll make in the next few days. Got a lot of gutter to make also.

    Didn't have good batteries in my camera so didn't get any photos tonight.

    Now if I only had some of Other Dogs' cake.


    could've been worse-at least you didn't run out of fuel!

  7. I gots to be on real good behaver now. Momma just demonstrated her newfound technique to me. She carved a figurine out of a hot dog in about eight seconds that looked like a pink "gumby". I thought that was purty neat till she said, "You be next". I thought, "damn", that girl knows where I sleep too....

    So much for my beauty rest.


    kevlar pjs-or a suit of armor. Both available at ACME products.

  8. I'll let Other Dog 'splain how "sensitive" I am and how easily my feelings are hurt. Nahhhh, only thing that hurts me is Mommas' broom handle point to the ribcage when I'm trying to sleep.Rob
    well, at least she doesn't sharpen the broom handle...or does she? maybe you need some of them there kevlar pajamas.

    Anyway, I don't have time to explain-i'm doing research, trying to find out what a hollow grinder is and how it applies to a butcher knife. I have a hollow grinder, but you put whole peppercorns in the hollow part. Then you can twist it around and fresh ground pepper comes out the end of it.

  9. Highly unusual for Other Dog to be posting during the week. The Pete must be in the shop again.


    naw,they had a load of beams going to Saginaw,Al. I'm just waiting for something better to come along,like kyanite or treated lumber going to Ohio.

    looks like I goofed again-shoulda took that load to Alabama, ended up with nothing. Hey, fits right in with the title here though.

    ...Tuesday-I'm finally outa here-going to Roxana with a 60' load.

  10. I ain't gonna mention it again. She bought herself a new "hollow grinder" at the tool store yesterday for the butcher knife, and promptly threatened me while testing it out.

    I swear, the dog rates higher than I. It could crap at the foot of the bed and somehow it would be my fault.

    Maybe she just likes picking on me; Sorta like folks on this site.


    I sharpen my knives with a whetstone-takes a while,but it'll shave 'ya when i'm done.You can send it to me if you want,i'll put a razor edge on it and send it back to you.Remember,a dull knife hurts more!

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