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mostly real adventures on the road

Entries in this blog

Still Trucking Around

Guess I should catch up a little. I went to Chesapeake Monday and came back up to Petersburg and loaded another load for Roxana,Il. Delivered there Tuesday evening and loaded in Pittsboro, In. Wednesday morning for Petersburg, Va. Hit snow in Charleston, W.V. coming back, but the turnpike was pretty clear. When I got off on 64 east at Beckley it was a different story. Completely covered. I waited on top of Sandstone mountain for a couple of hours, hoping the snow would stop...and a plow truck wo

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A Routine Ice Road Trip To Pa. And Ohio-with Photos

I delivered the load from Texas to Milton, Pa. Tuesday, then rode over to Brookfield, Oh. and got a load of coils and went to Roanoke. I thought I was going to Chester, W.V. with a curtain side, or Conestoga, or whatever you call it Thursday (they won't unload a flat bed in winter, and we didn't know if we could get a return load for a van), but they got a Fremont, Oh. load so I took that instead. Ran in lots of snow (again!) all the way (well, all right, most of the way!) up and back. Had to go

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Catchin' Up

Gee...where to begin? Haven't posted a blog since Dec. 22nd. Lot's been going on since then, good and bad and in between, but i've forgotten most of it. The bad news is that my nephew Bo Scruggs was one of the victims of the sorry bastard who shot and killed 8 people in Appomattox recently. 8 good people, for no apparent reason, or reasons known only to him. Then Bo's dad Ronnie had a heart attack and is now recovering at home from 5-way heart bypass surgery, so he'll be out of work for a while.

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My Great Northwestern Adventure

I delivered that load in Roxana Monday, and boy did I get a surprise! Neal told me when I called in empty to go to Blytheville, Arkansas to pick up a load going to- he said "I can't pronouce it, but it's p-u-y-a-l-l-u-p". I said "well what state is that in?" He hesitated a few seconds and said "Washington". So I said "yeah, right-where am I going?" He said "you wanna talk to your boss-man?" I said "yeah...it's probably in Kentucky somewhere". Then Jeff got on the phone and I asked him if I was g

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Ice Road Trucker?

Things must be slow around here, this is the third week in a row that I only made one turn. I went to Fremont, Oh. Monday and had to layover a night before I got a load back. Ended up loading 9 skidded coils in Hubbard, Oh. going to Orange, Va. After I unloaded in Orange yesterday I went to Petersburg and loaded for Roxana, Il. to deliver Monday. Loaded with H piling, going to a refinery. The rules they sent said drivers must be clean shaven, I guess in case you have to put a gas max on. I took

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Pictures Of The Week

I went to Midland City, Alabama Sunday...sorta-kinda. I made it all the way to Cowpens, S.C. before I took a nap. The after Christmas traffic was bumper to bumper so I stopped about 5:30 at Cowpens and got a bite to eat and laid down until about midnight. Then I got a super-size Red Bull and hammered down. Came all the way back to Atlanta and picked up a load going to Scherr, West Virginia Monday- a whopping 6,000 lbs. I unloaded at Scherr Tuesday morning-good little ride from Midland City. Sche

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New Physical

I've got to leave Sunday for Midland City, Al. It's near Dothan. My DOT physical also expires Sunday, so I went to renew it today. Somehow I managed to pass it again, so i'm good for 2 more years. The young girl who took my blood pressure said "now we have to wait 'til we get a room". Meaning an examination room for the doctor of course. So I said ''get a room?!! but we just met, shouldn't we at least go to dinner first?''...yeah, I know-that's the same thing she thought. That's about as funny a

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New Hat...and Gloves!

OK, maybe it doesn't take a lot to excite me anymore. I got soaked in Fremont while untarping a while back, then soaked again in Erie Monday rolling my straps up. Already had a cold, and was wishing I had something to keep my head warm. The old baseball cap just wasn't doing it for me. Found just the thing at the local Wal-Mart store today. Covers my ears and if I have trouble hearing I can open the fold-out ears to hear a pin drop miles away (see second photo). It's camouflage colored except fo

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In Memory Of Gary Barr

When I left Sunday headed to Erie,Pa. I called Ma to tell her I wouldn't be in the Christmas parade this year. She said ''you knew Gary Barr died didn't you?". No, I didn't.Gary was an old friend,been knowing him since high school.Been driving a truck all his life practically-he changed the date on his license to run double to California with me in 1979 because he was too young to run out of state, and he had been driving for several years then,even owned his own truck and leased it on with H.H.

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Roundabout Way To Post Pictures

Got some film developed the other day, some pictures so old they were taken this summer. My scanner still won't work so I took a picture of the 35mm pictures I wanted to post with the digital camera. Tried it all at once this time instead of individually, so you'll probably have to biggerize it to see anything. This is an experimental process, thought i'd try it here instead of the test forum...we'll see. not too bad- the pictures are, top row L to R- the Areva trailer I bobtailed to Florida t

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Only got in one trip this week, was supposed to go to Negley, Ohio monday but went to Fremont instead. Had to untarp one pallet at a time in the pouring rain so it wouldn't get any wetter than it already was. Then I went to Brookfield to load and there was 4 trucks ahead of me at door 12. Got there at 3 o'clock and left at 8. Didn't really matter though. I unloaded about noon Wednesday in Roanoke and was done for the week until I went to Moneta today and loaded treated lumber for Erie, Pa. I wou

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New Red Truck

Looks like i'm behind a little, haven't said anything since before Thanksgiving. I left Sunday and went to Orchard Park,N.Y. I must say that New York does an excellent job on the roads when there's snow, at least in that area (rt.219 from Pa. to Buffalo). Another driver went to Orchard Park last week to deliver Friday, but he broke down somewhere near Bradford, Pa. and had to have the truck towed to Bradford. He said the wrecker was an old Mack, but I don't now if he meant AC old, b-model old, o

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Last week when I left Thursday going to Masury,Ohio (everybody hates Masury ) Todd told me to "run this load, and you'll be done 'til after Thanksgiving". That didn't really happen, as I left Monday and took a load of fingers (well,that's what they called them) to Milan, Ohio. When I left he said "run this load, and you'll have a four day weekend coming up anyway". That didn't happen either. I delivered in Milan Tuesday, which is near Norwalk, and ran in snow all the way from Strasburg to Milan

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Some Snow Pictures

...and after I got back from sunny Florida, I went to Masury,Ohio. From palm trees to snow covered highways.

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Some Florida Trip Pictures

Just a few pictures I took on the last Florida trip-load of sheets I took down, red & black Mack dump parked in front of N.B. Handy in Boca Raton, N.B.Handy trailer, a nocluejoe unloader machine with rubber tracks, the load of lumber I brought back, and an old GMC dump truck trying to hide a b-model Mack on rt.301 in South Caolina.

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Back To Florida

I finally left Tuesday and bobtailed to Florida to pick up a trailer at the St. Lucie nuclear power plant and bring it back to Lynchburg. Got there at 3:30 Wednesday evening but couldn't leave until Thursday morning. Had to wait for the paperwork, then they wanted it back in Lynchburg at 8:00 AM Friday The most interesting thing I saw was a crab crossing the highway just before I got there. I've seen lots of things, but that was a first. Now i'm loaded with sheets from N.B.Handy going to Boca

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Chicken,squirrels,beer...and A Beagle

It's been an exciting weekend around here -i've raked leaves, flattened some cans and bagged them-not all Anheuser-Busch products by the way, I think I saw a Pepsi can in there-and cut some grass, piled leaves in the garden and ran the tiller through it, and made a squirrel feeder. The apples, pears, and peaches are gone and I wouldn't want them to go hungry. Besides, if work doesn't pick up I might eat the squirrels. I went to Fremont last Sunday and after I got unloaded Monday morning I we

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Good,bad,ugly Week

I unloaded at Carter Lumber in Fairview, Pa. Monday morning and when I left there headed for Brookfield, Oh. it was snowing pretty hard. First snow i've seen this year. I ran out of it before I got too far though, and loaded coils and went on to Roanoke. Ran into more snow in West Virginia. Unloaded Monday night and came home, where I stayed Tuesday. Got a 55' load of piling Wednesday going to Columbus that had to be there at 6am Thursday morning. So I got there Wednesday night, and they jumped

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Stoopid E#@%*ing Computers!

I went to LaCrosse and unloaded Monday morning and when I called in empty Todd said to go home and pick up a van load Tuesday evening in Lynchburg at 4:00pm going to Port St. Lucie, FL. So I did, except they called Tuesday evening and said it would be ready at 6:00 instead of 4:00. Had to be in Florida with it Thursday morning, so I had plenty of time to get there. I dropped the trailer at a power plant Thursday morning, and bobtailed all the way back. Good paying load too. Now i've got a lo

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Final Harvest

I picked everything that was left in the garden yesterday, lots of peppers and a few green tomatoes. They said it might frost last night, and it's 30 degrees here this morning. Old Bill, the Diesel Gypsy, sent me a picture of a jack-o-lantern, and Jobyna had to have one just like it. I must be off to LaCrosse now.

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Another Week Or Two In The Bag

So, where was I? Oh, last week I went to Petersburg to load a 60' load going to Masury,Oh, but just as I was pulling off the scales I got a call from headquarters telling me not to load it because they didn't want it in Masury until the end of the week. I ended up taking a load to Piedmont,S.C. instead, then loaded a load of 60' re-bar in Darlington for Fredericksburg,Va. Had a flat on the way back with that load, had to call road service to bring me a steer tire. Then I went to Petersburg and l

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What An Idiot!

I'm home today so I could go to my brother's wedding. I'm still loaded for Roanoke, but I could have gotten somebody else to deliver the load tomorrow while I took a van load to Georgia tonight. And we had some really good paying loads of 55' piling going to Chicago, to deliver at 3:00 Monday evening. But I had to go to the wedding-Ma wanted me to take pictures. Only thing is, I found out when I talked to her last night that the wedding's not 'til NEXT weekend. D'oh!!!

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New Entry...gee, That Was Easy!

I've got a full report of my weekly adventures, but don't have pictures to prove any of it, so i'll save that for later. Even took photographic evidence of myself being broke down again, but it was just a flat tire...right front steer tire as a matter of fact. Went to the Appomattox Railroad Festival Parade today, drove the mixer in it.( new video on youtube,by the way ) . What a great day for a parade! Beautiful weather,great turnout, more beautiul women than you could-well...you know. Didn't

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Clean Pete- A Peterbilt That Is- Photo For Rob-peterbilt...pete That Is

Man, look at that Peterbilt...sure is clean! Figured i'd take it's picture...who knows when it'll be that clean again! And some random photos of an old GMC I saw on rt. 220 in West Virginia, between Franklin and Petersburg and the view from the mountain on rt.33 after you cross into West Virginia,west of Harrisonburg,Va. I erroneously said it was on rt. 42 near Mt. Storm,and the views are similar, but noted West Virginia highway and byway expert Big Jim noticed that there was a climbing lane c

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More Astonishing Pictures!

OK,the title is overhyped. Got my last roll of film developed yesterday, and some were taken so long ago I don't remember what they were, or where I took them, but here's some of them for your enjoyment anyway. Been very busy this week, felt much better after finding out Big Tail was gonna be all right. I went to Orchard Park Monday, then to Brookfield to Roanoke, then from Lynchburg to Orlando, then loaded 60' beams at Nucor in Huger, S.C. going to Fort Washington, Md.( D.C. area ). When we

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