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mostly real adventures on the road

Entries in this blog

Sad End For A Good Dog

I'm just mad...and angry...irate... and hurt-I don't know what to do. Really nothing I can do. Jobyna just popped me upside the head,then threw the phone book at me after I told her if she wanted to leave I'd help her pack, and haul her stuff...where ever,as long as it was away from here. Not the Brookneal phone book either,she went with the much,much larger Lynchburg book, complete with the yellow pages. I told her she was lucky she's a woman,or she'd be dead right now,cuz i'd have killed her a

other dog

other dog

More Pictures-toga Benefit

Went to the annual benefit at the Toga Volunteer Fire Department today. I took some pictures there at the car show,but I left and went to see my Mother and Father in Cumberland,Va. before everything was there...it had just got started good when we left,and was about over by the time we got back. Stopped by to see my oldest son on the way back,and gave him his birthday present...his birthday was August 19th,so I was A little tardy. I took pictures of what was there before we left,then a fleet o

other dog

other dog

Gone To Ohio

It's been nice running south for a while,but now i'm headed to Cincinnati.I have no energy...none. Just feel tired all the time. It said on the antibiotics prescription I got that that was one of the side affects. I didn't have a lot of energy to start with with the infected gum-waited a week too long to do anything,now i'm paying for it.

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other dog


I should've picked the tomatoes yesterday,but said "naw,i'll do it tomorrow". Now it's raining,and been raining all night. Not only is the 'mater patch muddy,the rain will cause them to split open ...but,my laziness aside,we do need the rain . The weather has been causing the satellite signal to come and go,so the pc works periodically. Watched Bullwinkle this morning.I thought he was Canadian,like Dudley Doright,but he's from Minnesota. A fine actor too,I didn't appreciate his humor as much

other dog

other dog

Flea Market Find

I went by Carter Cat this morning and pulled the truck outside the gate so I could get it Sunday,then went to Concord,got my check,went to the bank,then the post office for stamps,then to Appomattox to the drugstore,and when we got back to Concord and turned on 24 Jobyna saw a little water can at the little flea market they always have on the corner there,by the produce stand.Of course she wanted to stop and look around. I said "I don't want none of that crap",so we stopped to look around. I fou

other dog

other dog

What's New?

Geez,what did I do this week,if anything?..oh,I remember-left Sunday (4th Sunday in a row I had to go out,and I hate having to go on Sunday!) for Chester,W.V. After I unloaded in Chester Monday morning I went to Macedonia,Oh. and loaded coils going to Roanoke. First time i'd been to Macedonia to load for a long time.Good place to load,nice people, Rachel ( )in the office looked good as always . Unloaded in Roanoke Tuesday morning,then went to the shop and fueled and dropped my trailer and pu

other dog

other dog

More Reminders Of Days Gone By (thanks Paul)

just some random photos taken recently. I try to get pictures of the old trucks I see...plus added bonus pictures of me-in days gone by. The little girl on the back of the bike is my stepdaughter-now married and has three children. I was a true trucker back then-note chain drive wallet! and Jobyna (on left) and sister Sharon in days gone by.

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other dog

And Now- The Rest Of The Story

So,as I was sayin' I went to Greensboro yesterday morning and came back and went to Dillwyn and picked up a load of kyanite going to Chester,W.V. I should have delivered it today,but Todd told me to go to the doctor and deliver it Monday. So I did,except for the going to the doctor part.I've had a sore throat on one side all week-hurts all the way from my ear to my neck on the left side. It hurts so bad when I swallow I couldn't even sleep Wednesday night.I went to the store and got some Sudafed

other dog

other dog

Another Great Jobsite Adventure

Had another interesting week,and it's not even over yet. I went to Macon,Ga. with a load of pipes Sunday. Blew a trailer tire on the way down and had to wait 3 hours for a tire. I wasn't pulling my regular trailer,the new aluminum Fontaine.They were supposed to switch the load at the shop,but for some reason they never did so I had to pull the raggedy 53 footer it was loaded on.( I know-whine,whine,whine!) When I got to the jobsite Monday morning I ran by the road I was supposed to turn on.There

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other dog


Went to Altavista just now,and out here where 699 runs into 29 some people were having a yard sale in the restaurant parking lot straight across 29. So of course Jo wanted to stop and look around-I said "I don't want none of that crap", so we stopped to look around. Saw what could well have been a heckuva deal- a cobra 148gtl cb radio,chrome plated external speaker,and a 300 watt linear-all for $60! The radio or linear either one is worth way more than that-way,way more.I was tempted to buy it m

other dog

other dog

Kind Of Weird...

what a day-went to the eye doctor this morning...she said everything was looking about the same,which is good. "Ramblin' Man" unloaded the load I brought in last night,which is good. Jobyna and I stopped by the Food Lion in Rustburg on the way home,where they had T-bone and top sirloin on sale.Which is good. We got a few groceries,I picked out a great looking top sirloin steak from the reduced rack,and told her to pick out any steak she wanted,and i'd cook it when we got home.She picked a nice T

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other dog

Saturday Update

Wow,Bernie Mac passed away-he was 2 years younger than me! Don't get to watch much TV,but I saw the Bernie Mac show a few times,and it was great! He always thought the kids were trying to get over on him,and he'd outsmart 'em,and the kids always thought he was tryin' to get over on them...sad to hear anyway. Took some pictures yesterday-I went down to the apple tree to pick some apples. They're not ripe yet,but Jo wanted to try cooking some.I managed to pick 4 or 5 before I had to run for my li

other dog

other dog

Amish Adventure

I took a van load-actually part of a load, only had 5,600 lbs. and the trailer was about a third of the way filled-to an Amish stove shop just out of Ashland, Ohio. The address said it was on rt.545 so, I could either go through Ashland on rt. 96 and go north on 545 or, stay on 250 up past Bailey Lake and come back south on 545. I opted for the latter so I wouldn't have to go all the way through town. As usual,I picked wrong. The place was easy enough to find,but it was on the right and I had to

other dog

other dog

In Early

I'm at home...early...on Tuesday this time. I've been to Conneaut,Ohio and back to Richmond from Follansbee,W.V. with a van load,now i've got another van load going to Ashland,Oh-home of the late Tim Richmond-with a return load to pick up in Vinton,Oh. Only thing is,the load in Vinton won't be ready until Thursday,so it seemed better to me to lay over at home tonight and deliver in Ashland Thursday morning,rather than deliver tomorrow and have to wait until Thursday to reload. I'll only have abo

other dog

other dog

Weekly Report,with Photos

What's left of the garden looks pretty good,lots of squash and onions,more tomatoes than we can eat,egg plant,and the hot peppers are loaded! I've been freezing them whole,and when they're all harvested i'm gonna put them in the blender,liquify 'em with some vinegar and salt,boil it for a while,then pour it into bottles-home made hot sauce! I've got ecoli-free jalapenos,tabascos,hot cherry,New Mexico Big Jims,and a Habenero.Thought I had some cayennes,but they turned out to be more jalapenos. Ha

other dog

other dog

Strange Week

well,sorta-kinda strange,as it was a bit out of the ordinary. Get used to doing pretty much the same thing all the time,and going to the same places all the time,so whenever you do something different it seems strange.The week started out as usual,unloaded in LaCrosse Monday,then went to Petersburg and loaded beams going to Ambridge,Pa.Unloaded there Tuesday morning,and went to Hubbard,Oh. and loaded for Alpharetta,Ga (near Atlanta).We almost always load coils going to Lynchburg or Roanoke,so th

other dog

other dog

Truck Show Pics

OK,here's a few pictures from Troutman-an Emeryville for you Joe, a b-67, a c- model,and a sharp B-61...OK, another Emeryville too. Also found a nice belt buckle,looks like the front of a b-model. I made a new photo album with all the Mack trucks at the show,it's posted in my gallery.

other dog

other dog

Truck Shows

Why am I up at 5:00am? Just can't sleep...except when i'm supposed to be working! I think if I had the walls and ceiling in the bedroom painted to look like the inside of a truck cab I could sleep fine. Might be the excitement-i'm planning on making the trip to Troutman,N.C. today to the ATHS show. Got my cameras ready! Speaking of shows,Truck Enterprises (the Kenworth dealership) in Lynchburg is having a big truck and bike show today. It's sponsored by channel 13,the local tv station and it's t

other dog

other dog

Weekly Photo Review

New River gorge on rt. 19 in W.V. East River Mountain tunnel on I-77 at the W.V.-Va. line Big Walker Mountain tunnel,near Bland,Va. on I-77 view from Fancy Gap Mountain,headed south on I-77 -on a clear day you can see forever! Pilot Mountain,U.S. 52 between Mt. Airy and Winston-Salem,N.C. my favorite-dogs in a truck.every time the truck stopped at a light,all their heads would pop out.when they started off again,they'd disappear back inside. oversize load parked at the Truckworld Truckstop

other dog

other dog

More Pictures Of Stuff

and this week we have a lion in the yard in Zelienople,Pa.- you can stick your head in it's mouth and get a drink of water. a better picture of the big Mack wrecker in Broadway,Va. Mack dumps near Mt. Storm,W.V. GMC dump truck, Weirton,W.V. big truck on the side road somewhere-I forgot where or why I took this picture.It might be rt. 219 in Pa. or N.Y...or maybe not And an Autocar on a trailer on rt.77 in W.V, headed north between Ripley and Parkersburg. Other Dog on rabbit patrol

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other dog

Truckin' Again Again (recycled Title)

I've been to Brook Park,Oh. and back. Unloaded in Roanoke last night and came home because the phone has been out since Monday night. Had a thunderstorm Monday night and lightning struck a big chestnut oak tree about 20' from the end of the house-too close for comfort! there's still bark and leaves all over the ground. The lightning struck the very top and peeled a strip of bark all the way to the ground,going around the tree like a corkscrew. I'll get a picture this weekend. The truck ran fine

other dog

other dog

Back To Work

Last day of vacation is over,so back to the old grind. I was ready to go after a couple of days off, now it'll take a while to get motivated to get back at it. Hope they fixed the list of problems with the truck,instead of just putting somebody in it and sending them on their way. By the way,water,hot sauce,and soap does NOT deter rabbits- -as a matter of fact,they must think it's pretty tasty-3 of them were in the garden last night,one was standing on his hind legs holding onto a cabbage pla

other dog

other dog

Vacation,day 1

Well,my first day of vacation is about over-i'm ready to go back to work. Got up at 3:30 this morning,for no particular reason. Climbed up onto the roof when it was light enough to see and fixed the shingles that the wind blew off earlier this year. Used a homemade ladder I built out of some treated 2x4's I brought home. Weighs about 9,000 lbs. but it worked OK. I didn't replace the shingles,just put a lot of tar on it. Then I went over to Wal-Mart and got a weedeater and a sprayer,so when we go

other dog

other dog

More Exciting Pictures

...yeah,this is a giant steel mushroom on rt. 51 in Pittsburgh,a random shot from Phillipsburg,Pa ( -Jobyna asked lots of questions about this picture-lots of people have probably never been through Phillipsburg,and wonder what it looks like! ),a couple of Mack dump trucks on I-77 in W.V,a big Mack all-wheel drive wrecker in Broadway,Va, the load of cement mixers I picked up in Malta,Oh, the old Cedar Grove Truckstop on rt. 60 in W.V,the old truckstop in Ansted,W.V,and the old weigh station ju

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Bad Day For Peaches

Dang it! Got up this morning and looked at the peach tree in the back yard,which was full of nice big peaches as recently as yesterday evening,and it was stripped bare! They weren't quite ripe,just starting to turn red,but apparently they were ripe enough for whatever ate them. A few were still on the tree half-eaten. I don't know if it was squirrels,racoons,a possum,or crows-crows ate all the cherries off the tree,and the rabbit about got the beans before I started spraying them with the hot sa

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