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Brand New Heater/AC units for R-Models and Superliners!

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Check this out!  I found some brand new heater/AC units they will fit most R-Models and Superliners!  They used to have the round vents but have been superseded to rectangular vents by Mack.  They are Red Dot R-5050 units and I have 2 available now and more after September!  Most parts for these will be available also!  $1995.90 plus shipping and we'll send it your way!  Blower motor and plenums not included.


Barry - Watt's Truck Center Parts Manager and BMT Webmaster...1-888-304-MACK

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Don't worry, I have been working all day to secure more stock!  I have some coming as soon as tomorrow and more at the end of September!

Barry - Watt's Truck Center Parts Manager and BMT Webmaster...1-888-304-MACK

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I just opened the PRE-ORDER option for the heater/AC units! We have a limited number coming in at the end of September so if you want to grab one, the best bet is to PRE-ORDER to lock yours in! There are a couple on stock also, so the first few buyers will receive their units within a few days!! Buy with confidence...fully refundable if anything were to go wrong with the supply shipment! https://wattstruckcenter.com/shop/heater-ac-unit-for-r-rw-cabs


Barry - Watt's Truck Center Parts Manager and BMT Webmaster...1-888-304-MACK

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  • 11 months later...

Probably going to end up buying one of these boxes from you.  I need better heat/better flow out of the heater box in 2 of my 70's R models.  Either wanting to go with an aux heater mounted somewhere in the cab, probably under the existing heater box, or upgrade to a better heater box if there is one available.


Do these boxes heat/blow any better than the factory ones?


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