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shut down light code 4812

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2016 Mack CHU MP-8 The engine shut down light is on the truck runs fine it doesn't shut down .Engine fan is fully engaged getting codes 4812   4813 and 647

Changed both solenoids on oil filer housing wires look good getting 2.5 volts to both solenoids key on truck off.  I did notice when i picked the truck up the engine oil temp gauge was going up and down while driving back to shop haven't run it long enough since changing the solenoids to know if that stopped . Still have same codes and shut down light is on any thoughts? 

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The 2 oil solenoids on the oil filter stand should  have 12 volts to them . They share the same fuse. If one shorts out bad enough to blow the fuse it sets the code for both solenoids. Wiring to the solenoids rubbing on the engine also can blow the fuse as well. Each has a wire that runs back to engine ECM . The engine ECM controls/grounds the return wires to  close the solenoids independently. 

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Thankyou gentleman that was it , never even seen the fuse when first checked its a mini fuse on the top all the other fuses which are the taller circuit breaker style  .And yes it is the fuse panel near clutch pedal , on the right side very top spot 

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