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Easter Bunny was a no-show around here....


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No squirrels in my little corner of the world...nothing for 'em to eat. These damn sweetgum trees have no nutritional value for 'em...they tend to prefer oaks & trees with a little more substance to their nuts & seeds. When he sees 'em from the jump seat, they definitely get his attention, though, so no doubt he'd try & get 'em if they did try invading his turf.

...and it's only nature doing its thing. I didn't make the rules, I just enjoy watching the game.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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...and with all those acorns the squirrels still eat every single peach, pear, and apple off the trees. Don't even let them get ripe before they eat them.The deer in the picture is eating peaches off the ground, the squirrels eat them right off the tree.


Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Them bunnies pissed me off a few years back...planted some blueberry bushes in the back yard and the damn bunnies kept biting off the damn twigs so they wouldn't grow. Never did get any berries. Quit trying to take care of the strawberries, too, because the ants usually beat me to 'em. Same with the peach tree...hasn't really produced yet, but the 2 or 3 peaches it had last year the ants got. My apple trees had a bumper crop last year, though....ate enough apples to keep the doctor away for a few years....and STILL had 3./4 of them rot out there on the trees. I'm thinking I need to get another plum tree, though, because the 1 I have that I dug up from my grandma's house flowered real good last year but didn't produce. Ended up mowing over the raspberry bushes, too....they were spreading and taking over the back yard. The birds usually get my grapes, too....dropped seeds in the bushes by the house so now I've got grape vines choking out them damn bushes.

All because I wanted some cheap, healthy summertime snacks available in the back yard when I was unable to get to town to buy any food for the house.....more trouble than its worth sometimes.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Not really....ants got the strawberries, and I mowed over the raspberries (ants would get those, too) when they started getting out of control. The bunnies killed the blueberries. The birds get the grapes. Peaches & plums just haven't produced anything. Only thing I've ever really had was apples....

Would have been nice to have a good variety of free & healthy snacks right out there in the back yard....but it just didn't work out that way. :angry:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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