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Makes Sense


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Buddy of mine sent me this............."I just applied for a building permit for a new house of my own design,it was to be 100ft.tall,400ft.wide,with 9 gun turrets at various heights,windows all over the place,loud outside sound system,parking for at least 200 old cars and trucks,was going to paint it snot green,with titty pink trim........

The city council told me to F**K off!

So,i sent in the application again,but this time i called it a "mosque"

Work starts on monday.................

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Ain't that the truth Mark,

You know there's A Greek Orthordox Church on the site that was destroyed when the towers came down. They still haven't got past the City Bullshit to rebuild OK, so now comes the same jackoffs that killed 3000 Americans, an they just slide in under all the bullshit an get Cart Blanch from Bloomburg (Douchebag) an the City Council (bunch of Douchbags). Boy I'll tell ya this ,IF GUDY GULIANI WAS STILL MAYOR THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING. BULLHUSK

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Ain't that the truth Mark,

You know there's A Greek Orthordox Church on the site that was destroyed when the towers came down. They still haven't got past the City Bullshit to rebuild OK, so now comes the same jackoffs that killed 3000 Americans, an they just slide in under all the bullshit an get Cart Blanch from Bloomburg (Douchebag) an the City Council (bunch of Douchbags). Boy I'll tell ya this ,IF GUDY GULIANI WAS STILL MAYOR THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING. BULLHUSK

Yeah you're right! i just dont know whats wrong with people anymore! WHY would anybody in their right mind think this friggin'mosque is a good idea????? i wonder what NYPD and FDNY think about all this B.S?????? not to mention the victims families,i'm sure their THRILLED to have this as a memory of their loved ones! and i agree,rudy was the man!...........Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Me and my helper are discussing this morning about every generation thus far. Seems that the generation before each thought the next generation was messed up. But I have felt my generation has messed up royally and are throwing away everything that was built greater. We are now producing even faster a throw away world. So we are throwing away the world faster and faster. And turning it over to what was and is our enemies. I'll get off my soapbox now. I feel like messing something up so i'll go for now and look for someone to aggrevate here at work.

Good Day Mates


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