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Brake Adjustments


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Everyone has their own opinions on correct brake adjustments..but this is what I do.

Build up air press to 120 psi.turn off truck, chock tires,release brakes, adjust the tractor tandems slacks so that they force the shoe to contact the drums. now back of 1/4 turn.

trailer.... adjust the trailer tandem slacks so that they force the shoe to contact the drums. now back of 1/4-1/2 turn.

if any wheel tends to lock up during normal braking. back that one off another 1/4 turn.

to check if they are properly adjusted have someone measer the push rod travel when the brake is applied.(parking brake released/full air press in tanks) it should not travel more than 2" on a 20-20 or 30-30 chamber.

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I have red plastic wire ties on the rods tight to the cans,makes it easy to check just pop the maxi brake and take a look or measure the travel,I keep mine at two inches of rod travel and try to keep all the brakes at the same adjustment so one set doesn't wear out faster than the others,make sure you check them often a ticket for out of brake adjustment is serious and you might need a lawyer when you go to court. Good Luck.

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thank you 4 the response...ive been an auto mechanic all my life an just startin 2 get my feet wet w big trucks...ur info is greatly appriciated

Everyone has their own opinions on correct brake adjustments..but this is what I do.

Build up air press to 120 psi.turn off truck, chock tires,release brakes, adjust the tractor tandems slacks so that they force the shoe to contact the drums. now back of 1/4 turn.

trailer.... adjust the trailer tandem slacks so that they force the shoe to contact the drums. now back of 1/4-1/2 turn.

if any wheel tends to lock up during normal braking. back that one off another 1/4 turn.

to check if they are properly adjusted have someone measer the push rod travel when the brake is applied.(parking brake released/full air press in tanks) it should not travel more than 2" on a 20-20 or 30-30 chamber.

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yes....lawyers an tickets is a baaaaad topic!!!!!!!dont need any of them...either one!!!thanks for the info!!!!

I have red plastic wire ties on the rods tight to the cans,makes it easy to check just pop the maxi brake and take a look or measure the travel,I keep mine at two inches of rod travel and try to keep all the brakes at the same adjustment so one set doesn't wear out faster than the others,make sure you check them often a ticket for out of brake adjustment is serious and you might need a lawyer when you go to court. Good Luck.

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