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I Learned A Lesson

Double L

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I don't see how people can drink to the point they are drunk and then drive. I had a .5 pint of Crown Royal and Coke. I drunk it all and I'm feeling the hang over and I hate it. For starter's I threw up once, went to sleep and woke up 3 hours later and can't go back to sleep. I felt like my head was floating away from my body, I was stumbling and I couldn't even do the heel/toe method. Sure I was coherent but I know good and well I was in no state to be driving which is why when I drink (shooters) I make sure I'm home for the night. I got no problem with drinking but to drink until your drunk and drive is plain ridiculous. After last night I'm sticking to shooters cause I hate the drunk feeling, it's not pleasant at all. I don't see how college kids can party and get drunk off their tush every weekend and enjoy it. They say they are having fun, naw I say they are making a complete fool of themselves because there is nothing fun about getting drunk and having a major headache the next morning. Besides that they are wasting their parents and the government's money all on partying and not focusing on getting an education like they should be. I done rambled on long enough. Happy New Year everyone!

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HaHaHa Happy New Year Larry LOL

Nice to know you went out and had fun and got home safely.

My wife and I just stayed home and had a couple with some friends that came over.

I have to agree, these people that put them back (drinks) then get behind the wheel should be dealt with aggressively. I can't think of a good penalty right now, but it should be a lessen they will never forget.

Like an evening in the Emergency Room to see the DUI crash victims.

I'm not quite clear on your logic from switching from Crown Royal to shooter in hang over prevention.

I for one hope College students Don't stop driving them selves stupid.

I have made a pretty comfortable living being the guy that cleans up after them the next day.

I maintain a 6 story College residence here in North Bay, On. Those kids make a hell of a mess by Monday morning.

I'm glad I didn't wake up this morning with a head banger.

In the wise words of Charlie (Two And A Half Men) "I'm never gonna drink again"


GRANDKIDS :Gods little gift to us for not killing our kids while they were growing up

All I want, is just to be luv'd and for my Check Engine light to go out on my Volvo.

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Actually I was at home, I never go out and drink I make sure I'm home for the night before I do drink which is very rarely. Actually you can get a shooter in anything they have the same amount of alcohol as a shot glass which is plenty for me and gives me a very small buzz.

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Gotta live it up if you're in college. I think it's just as much the parents' fault as the kids when it comes to wasting money. If they'd pay attention to their kids instead of just warehousing them for 4 years it might be different.

I've found that if I eat a decent breakfast before I go to bed after a night of drinking that I wake up feeling like a million bucks. If I don't eat, bad bad day afterwards...

...And "two and a half men"...awesome show.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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Back in my college days, I could go out to the bar, drink 2+ pitchers of beer, and still not feel the effects....walk, talk, etc. just fine. Hell, I got pulled over for speeding (71 in a 55) going home from a club one night (talking on the phone, of course...trying to get a girl to wait up to let me in). Got to do all of the field sobriety tests...walk heel to toe, stand on one foot & count, even the "follow my finger with your eye" thing. When they give you the field sobriety tests, the cop first reads off the card what he wants you to do. Then he demonstrates the exercise. Then he asks you to do it.

When I got done, the cop shrugged at his partner and handed me back my drivers license and insurance card. He told me to "slow it down a little...the deer are out tonight" and as I was walking back to the truck, I heard him tell his partner "That damn kid did those better than I did!"

I would have been fitted with chrome bracelets had he made me blow...I had polished off probably a 12-pack at the club.

That was a wake-up call for me, though...these days, I only drink when I'm working out in the garage or watching Nascar. I'll occasionally enjoy 1 or 2 when I'm out at Show-Me's, but I just sip on 'em...usually takes me at least an hour to polish each of 'em off and then I sit there drinking 7-up for another hour or so. Just ain't worth the risk...can't afford a DUI.

...and FWIW, I've NEVER been hungover. Even on my 20th when I polished off a 5th of Jack, chased it with half a dozen jello shots w/ everclear, and woke up 24 hours later on my dorm room floor with a duct tape "chalk outline" around me...never had a hangover.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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These days if you get a DUI Illinois has something to where you got to place a machine in your car and blow on it before it will even start. A DUI isn't worth losing your license or worse CDL over and speaking of CDL I just renewed my permit.

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Gotta live it up if you're in college. I think it's just as much the parents' fault as the kids when it comes to wasting money. If they'd pay attention to their kids instead of just warehousing them for 4 years it might be different.

I've found that if I eat a decent breakfast before I go to bed after a night of drinking that I wake up feeling like a million bucks. If I don't eat, bad bad day afterwards...

...And "two and a half men"...awesome show.

I think you hit the nail on the head there Gambi

I sent my kids to College out of town. but the only difference was we DIDN"T pay for the kids tuition.

Our kids had to save their own money to pay tuition then we helped them with living expenses.

This way we were able to tell them that we didn't want them to live on residence, they had to find an apartment near the college.


GRANDKIDS :Gods little gift to us for not killing our kids while they were growing up

All I want, is just to be luv'd and for my Check Engine light to go out on my Volvo.

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Happy new years Larry!:lol:

Yea its gets tough. Just make sure you have some food in your stomach next time. I have drank lethal amounts and been fine but thats after eating a whole gooey nasty domino's pizza. Although my first time drinking was a awful, couldn't even look at the stuff for a few months.

The other night I polished off half a liter of Jager Miester and half bottle of Jack. Spaced it out over many hours though. Woke up fine. Just take your time and make sure you eat!


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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I think you hit the nail on the head there Gambi

I sent my kids to College out of town. but the only difference was we DIDN"T pay for the kids tuition.

Our kids had to save their own money to pay tuition then we helped them with living expenses.

This way we were able to tell them that we didn't want them to live on residence, they had to find an apartment near the college.

I lived in the dorms all 4 years. They cooked for me. They cleaned the dishes. I was close to classes. No slumlord issues or problems. It was nice.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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