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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by BAD DOG

  1. I might be going Saturday. Any other Canadian BMT members going? Maybe we can meet up at the Mack booth at high noon for a group photo like we did with some of the others down at MATS last week.

  2. I hauled cars for Allied Systems for a while a few years ago. You always measure the height of your load before you head out with it, and you always have to have an eye for overhead obstacles when you're driving a car carrier because you don't want to so much as put a scratch on a new car most dealers check them pretty close when you deliver them. And there's nothing on the overhead deck to keep you from driving off the end like that guy did. Looks like those guys got some explaining to do to their boss! Lol!

  3. Its on my to do list but I think everybody here knows about those, still got to get to Macungie before Canada. Oh and I don't know French you think that'll be an issue getting laid up there? Lol

    I'm gonna have to do Macungie too. There just gets to be too many things going on to go to in the summer months. I usually go to our own antique truck clubs events up here. Maybe I'll switch Bowling Green Oh for the pulls for a trip to Macungie. And yes it's possible to get laid up there without speaking French as a lot are bilingual. Lol! I we could have kept Sneakers sober enough to function last year there would've been hope for him. Lol! Wish I still had the pics from last year but I lost them other wise I'd post them.

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  4. Does the snow usually melt by August?

    It gets just as hot up here as it does where you're at. But we still get the odd southerner vacationing in August up here with skis on the roof of his car asking for directions to the ski slopes. Lol! I live in Canada's most southern point and it's over 550miles for me to where the truck races are and they still get temps in the 80s and 90s in the summer .

  5. I remember the Big Mack Attack racing up there the first year we went. That was a strong running Superliner. Is that it chopped down and paired blue in you pic Phil or did you use parts from it in that truck.? Franco redone his R Model a couple years ago, is he running an E9 in it now? Didn't it have an ENDT 866 V8 before?

  6. Ryan. You need to take the trip up to Quebec in August to the Rodeo. Phil's pics are awesome but it's one of those things you just have to experience in person. Two full days of great truck races , lots of ice cold Canadian beer, music and a whole lotta French Canadian cuties dancing and wandering around just having a good time! It's kept a bunch of us going back for about 8 years now.

  7. The few of us that have met there before knew who to look for, so I guess maybe a sign might be helpful for next year . The cutie from Mack tried to stump us with the question about the gold Bulldog and we all had a chuckle out of it. So she might have known more than the Mack Reps. LOL! The Crazy Canadian with me is the infamous sneakers. We call him that because his dad has been one of those Pete guys that takes his boots off and drives in a pair of slippers and he drives for the same company as his old man and does the same so we call them Slippers and Sneakers. He's looking to buy his own truck and he's been looking for an old Pete, but we,re trying to steer him in the right direction. He never saw aTitan till yesterday and he was impressed. I think that's a little too much for his starter truck. Maybe we can talk him into a nice CH or a Pinnicle.

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  8. Phil, your truck is what keeps me going back to Notre Dame Du Nord every August. For those of you that has never seen his truck in action it is AWESOME! The first year I went up to the Rodeo they had it doing burnouts on the hill and when they stopped and lit her up it literally pulverized the asphalt and when it pulled away and the smoke cleared they had to kick the asphalt back into the ruts it was almost on fire. So cool! That Superliner looks great! Looking forward to seeing it at the Rodeo when it's done. We met at the rodeo last summer I was visiting Tyson over where he camps at by his tuck on Sunday afternoon he was going to take me for a ride in his Superliner but we didn't get to it last year , my brothers went up the hill with him a couple years ago never time it right to be around when he's staging maybe this year. Didn't know you were on BMT but glad to see you are. Thanks for sharing your photos keep us posted on your progress on the Superliner and please share more when you get some.

  9. Yeah I'm hoping we're done with the snow. I been itching to get the old Superliner outside and wash it . I need a warm day to paint the fifth wheel before I put it on . I'm hoping to get it safety checked and ready to go hopefully next month.

  10. i recently bought two sets on ebay. Keep an eye out. Mine were made by Bores. Paid $100 for each

    And what about shipping on those eBay ones.That's what I charged the last 2 guys that bought them from me $ 100 per set and the shipping cost $40 by mail so there you go $140 . Mine are patterned off an old set of bores ones only difference with mine are they're cut out of a bit heavier gauge of stainless. I'll get more sets cut out if anyone want a set. I'm not marking up price it pretty much costs me that to make them up. I've only done them before because I was getting some other stainless bent for the truck and I'm going to be getting more bent next week so the more I buy the better the deal he does for me so nows the time to do them. He'd gladly make me 1000 of them but I really don't want to sit on that many.



  11. It's not snowing where I'm at but it was in patches earlier today just enough to need the wipers and make the ground white for a while,in fact a lot of our 8' of snow this winter is gone but we have a lot of frost in the ground and Lake Erie had a bunch of crazy people out ice fishing on it probably close to a mile out on Sunday. It's around 30 degrees out today and very windy. I hope that snow misses us I've had enough of winter. Hopefully the weather is good by the end of the week for the trip down to Louisville.

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