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Everything posted by Enck762

  1. Was this truck in Westford? GG2-we don't make as much as you western ny excavators . I will pass just the same!Gary is my uncle. I need a cab for a f model with sleeper anyway...
  2. Mike, Nice pic, sorry we didn't meet up! parade is sure a fun event. LIked the pit stop, my wife and I were saying that truck must be good on gas with such a small tank Brian
  3. Here is a pic of my truck compliments of John Kilmer aka Dockmen(i think that is handle on here)
  4. GG2- you missed a good one! met Mike Yarnall for about a second. Like myself never at his truck. See if he comments about his fuel stop midway thru parade , i was behind him but missed the kodak moment... Thanks for the pics!
  5. Mark-quite an exception having a 1693!any pics?i'm not too far from cortland which is a great time!pic of my 762 in the cortland parade
  6. GG is right I don't mind. It would keep the balance being we bought our 761 tilt hood out of VA. Better yet I can bring it to cortland and you can drive it in the parade .
  7. I have too many projects. Took this truck to Cortland 2009 show. pt270 cummins, 5 speed with huskidrive. Runs good and needs a few things but very solid. http://oneonta.craigslist.org/cto/3081424778.html
  8. Here's one offf the 79,other to follow..Brian 607-437-2166
  9. I have 2 R model hoods in good condition,not perfect $250 ea 607-988-6634 One off 79 and other off 77
  10. I have a cutoff 44# rears on camelback off 77 r685 dump, 20" rubber on spokes. We stopped running truck due to double frame swelling. Located in Oneonta,NY $2000.00 Ratio is 3:87 or 3:89(going on memory). Also have 18# front on budds. 607-437-2166
  11. GG2-your alot of help. This is the only brockway I have sold. It was a tough decision but I think it would look good in Alexander,NY with a new box.
  12. Green Dash -very cool truck, I like the paint scheme. Look great next to my Brockway cabover at a show(when i get it done)!
  13. Tires are good until you get on someone's lawn then they are like a banana peel.
  14. Mike-I figured you would chime in,my apologies. You were right it was salvageable I hope . Once he got it running we felt quite different about saving it. Steve-i will have to get info from mack museum,it seems a popular color combo. Like superdog said it has 1674 cat with 13 speed if that helps?.....Brian Mike-i'll get back to you with wish list when i get it home,also is your 759 plus 3 cab or not. I am looking at a parts truck this week if you still need inside door panel?
  15. Vinny, I recently got cabover off a friend. I got floor pans coming and interior is shot. friend of mine thinks he can weld it back into shape. hopefully i made the right decision
  16. The black and orange I came close to buying twice but didn't,that doesn't happen too often although It probably should Here is a prime example of one i got. I need some parts if any of you guys know of any of these. Most parts are interchangeable with f model. I need fuel tank and air cleaner specific to brockway. Would not rule out a good cab of either brand...Brian
  17. gg2-here's one of your buddies.
  18. GG-Ken Small has had this truck on Brockway site. It was on ebay 4-5 years ago,looked real nice but pic was a few years old if i remember story correctly(he had to do alot of work to it).I have pic from ebay i will post. I think i have seen the trucks talked about in pa as well.Look forward to the pics
  19. It is not too bad,#24,500,but here in ny you need a permit to haul anything on it though.
  20. Just keeping tabs on you b-day boy
  21. Vinny-,Nice pics, i saw these trucks when i went to the whiteout a few years ago. How was the whiteout,was it white?I help put on the Otego vintage sled show,ever been?
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