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Posts posted by 41chevy

  1. 2 hours ago, david wild said:

    Yep, me and my crew are off in Midwest city waiting for our State Patrol escort but we are having a great time and soon we will be on our way moving a Airplane part that will honor our Vets so again that is great too and then were off to move a Caboose that will go on display so you will standing on the sidewalk watching us preserve history, like I have said it's great to be on this side of the fence, due to my horrible non union job that you assume that I have I have seen the pyramids  in Egypt, been to the mountains outside of Accra Ghana and hung out at Bob Marley's house, even met his son here in the USA only because I knew about his dads house, flown around the world on the biggest flying plane in the world, got any idea what it feels like to fly in a plane that weighs 1.3 million pounds ??? even stood inside the unfinished 225,  I have done the transfer at sea to a pilot boat from a cargo ship while under way, have you ? and of course spent a year in Ireland and worked in Iraq and other destinations in Africa, been to France, Ukraine, Sweden, Kuwait,Netherlands and on and on what have you done ?  Yep my non union scab job sure has been hard to take, oh since you made such a great  living with your Union job how commercial property have you invested in ??? maybe you stay retired and be seen not heard.       


    Now now, the union in the mid of April made my job a breeze.  There are 6 houses in a small development whose only access in or out is a bridge a mile away. The piers were getting eroded from the recent rains. Town and county requested for us the install temporary diverters  so police, fire and medical could have access. My company gets there and low an behold the local union boy arrives. Calls the VSP and informs them we are not on the state list of necessary business, VSP officer informs me we are in violation of governors mandate and will be fined, equipment impounded and as owner I can be arrested. We leave and return to my property. I called the town and infromed them the bridge will not be stabilized with out an edict from the governors office allowing us to be there.  That injuries or death of the 9 adults, 18 children or the 5 elderly are on Trooper Galanti's  and Union rep Hennesy's heads and it is on video .

    The same VSP officer  shows up a few minutes later at my gate and demands entry to look my property over "because you are blaming me" for enforcing the states edict and because the local union guy informed him that all your crap is ex military and he needs to know why.  Told him I was turning around and going to my car and he  may now shoot me in the back. . .smile you're  definitely on video and likely ranged in on.

    Never knew the Unions run the VSP and can void somebodies rights under the Constitution.


    Thanks to the unions compliant and the VSP  voiding the Constitution my crew had a lot of OT.  We re did my road with gullies on both sides for drainage, added two switch backs and  fougasse pits for de icing.

  2. 5 hours ago, Mack Technician said:

    I’m on the fence with Don’s handling of Covid. He’s hasn’t been a complete Cov-idiot like some governors, but he certainly hasn’t taken a Libertarian approach either. He could have kept his opinions to himself on Georgia’s reopening. He’s still the only viable option for November at this point.

    Despite his shortcomings, His policy decisions are excellent. Pence has been schooling him on attracting Christian conservatives and it worked. Trump can’t properly pronounce half of the 66 books, but he keeps showing up in the right place at the right times to mispronounce them to a cheering crowd who’s flattered he even gives a damn enough to try.

    Wisconsin Republicans will be taking King Evers IV before the State Supreme Court on Tuesday to knock out his stay home order. I’m throwing $25 into the kitty. If Republicans win I’m sending 💰 to Tom Tiffany as another gift of thanks for his campaign. They knocked down Tony’s attempt to block our April election, they’ll beat him this time too, hopefully. 

    Trumps allowing the governors to do what they think is good for their subjects  citizens. Some are using common sense and some are showing their true colors, like DiBlasio declaring war on the Hasidim for a funeral, Mich governess telling the state legislature to Fk off about limiting her power or Baltimore's  air surveillance. Not to spy on people but to prevent crime. No public meeting on it because of the Covid19 emergency.


    I also understand that the crybaby emoji in not a sarcastic thing according to one response but sympathy for the dead young soldiers. But since I have not devolved to using pictographs and still can use primitive caveman things like  words , perhaps one of your children can explain it to me.


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  3. All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right (the U.S will embrace communism") and the left ("It can happen here" -- referring to fascism). It's not that I've ever believed liberty was guaranteed. Being familiar with history and a pessimist regarding the human condition, I never believed that.

    But the ease with which police state tactics have been employed and the equal ease with which most Americans have accepted them have been amazing to say the least!

    People will argue that a temporary police state has been justified because of the allegedly unique threat to life posed by the new coronavirus. I do not believe the data will bear that out. Regardless, we are closer to a police state than ever in American history.

    "Police state" does not mean totalitarian state. America is not a totalitarian state; we still have many freedoms. In a totalitarian state, this rant could not be published, and if it were published, I would be imprisoned and most likely executed. But we are presently living with all four of the key hallmarks of a police state:

    No. 1: Draconian laws depriving citizens of elementary civil rights.

    The federal, state, county and city governments are now restricting almost every freedom except those of travel and speech. Americans have been banned from going to work (and thereby earning a living), meeting in groups (both indoors and outdoors), meeting in their cars in church parking lots to pray and entering state-owned properties such as beaches and parks -- among many other prohibitions.

    No. 2: A mass media supportive of the state's messaging and deprivation of rights.

    The New York Times, CNN and every other mainstream mass medium -- except Fox News, The Wall Street Journal (editorial and opinion pages only) and talk radio -- have served the cause of state control over individual Americans' lives just as Pravda served the Soviet government. In fact, there is almost no more dissent in The New York Times than there was in Pravda. And the Big Tech platforms are removing posts about the virus and potential treatments they deem "misinformation."

    No. 3: Use of police.

    Police departments throughout America have agreed to enforce these laws and edicts with what can only be described as frightening alacrity. After hearing me describe police giving summonses to, or even arresting, people for playing baseball with their children on a beach, jogging alone without a mask, or worshipping on Easter while sitting isolated in their cars in a church parking lot, a police officer called my show. He explained that the police have no choice. They must respond to every dispatch they receive.

    "And why are they dispatched to a person jogging on a beach or sitting alone in a park?" I asked.

    Because the department was informed about these lawbreakers and they must be dealt with.

    And who told the police about these lawbreakers?" I asked.

    His answer brings us to the fourth characteristic of a police state: Informants told us.

    No. 4: Snitches.

    How do the police dispatchers learn of lawbreakers such as families playing softball in a public park, lone joggers without face masks, etc.? From their fellow citizens snitching on them. The mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, set up a "snitch line," whereby New Yorkers were told to send authorities photos of fellow New Yorkers violating any of the quarantine laws. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti similarly encouraged snitching, unabashedly using the term.

    It is said that about 1 in every 100 East German citizens were informers for the Stasi, the East German secret police, as superbly portrayed in the film "The Lives of Others." It would be interesting, and, I think, important, to know what percentage of New Yorkers informed on their fellow citizens. Now, again, you may think such a comparison is not morally valid, that de Blasio's call to New Yorkers to serve a Stasi-like role was morally justified given the coronavirus pandemic. But you cannot deny it is Stasi-like or that, other than identifying spies during World War II, this is unprecedented in American history at anywhere near this level.

    (As an example my friend Klaus jumped the Berlin Wall when it was first up. He told me he had to leave his wife and son  behind because one or the other said they would turn anybody in who tried to leave. They would've been paid in extra food.)

    We are dangerously on the tipping point now.

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    Free market economist Frederick Hayek held forth that socialistic economic planning, regulation, and intervention pave the way to totalitarianism by building a power structure that will inevitably be seized by the most power-hungry and unscrupulous. Hayek is quick to point out that emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberties have been taken away. It is a very short and slippery slope to an authoritarian dictatorship. The USSR, and Nazi Germany labeled themselves as socialist governments. Venezuela has been transformed from a democracy to a socialist dictatorship within a decade. Cuba, China, and North Korea would label their forms of government as communist, but in the truest sense of the word they are simply socialist dictatorships.   Socialism is simply the government control and administration of all means of production and distribution of goods—the economy. Accordingly, this is what gives these types of governments such ultimate dictatorial power and control.

    Our COVID-19 crisis is giving to citizens of the United States a chance to taste the Democrat power and control of socialist authoritarianism prior to our upcoming election. In the past two months our federal and state governments have basically shut down the economy ostensibly to save lives. Only the most essential components of the economy have been kept open. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi twiddled her thumbs, doing woke appearances on CNN and MSNBC for a week before she allowed the bill funding small businesses to come before a House vote. Shut down orders have been given in 42 of the 50 states. Stay-at-home or social distancing orders have become our new national norm. President Trump, recognizing the irreparable economic harm these draconian efforts are having, provided a three-step re-opening plan for our economy long before the pandemic is over. The role of monitoring of progress has been given to the governors of each state—Federalism at its very best.

    By using this method, President Trump has allowed the governors and local elected officials to show their true stripes to their citizens. The results are socialistically disheartening. The WSJ opines that in case readers didn’t already know, today’s progressives lack even a minimal understanding of how business and the economy work. Why would you when you are convinced that the state is the best way to run our economy? Other proposals from New York City are that businesses must retain all employees unless they have a just cause in order to survive, or businesses having to pay each hourly worker a $40-$75 premium per shift, or even better, the City Council’s invitation to tenants to stop paying rent entirely. Ah, free everything!

    We must remember exactly what the Democrats have shown us, and what other ambitions they profess, when we go to the polls on November 3rd. In response, Democrat government officials are demonstrating their attraction to the siren call of totalitarianism and how close at least some sections of our nation may actually be to socialism. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, with a firm grip on her state’s people and economy, is conspicuously reluctant to release her control of the local and state economies. In fact, she has taken actions that might be more commonplace in Cuba or Venezuela. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is incentivizing citizens to “snitch" on neighbors who violate his stringent limits on group gathering sizes. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced he would “hunt down” citizens not in compliance with his strict shut-down diktats. Stratford, Connecticut Mayor Laura Hoydick said last week that social distance violators in her town could face a fine of $100; the state’s governor has joined in the totalitarian response by indicating the state will also use surveillance technology for rule compliance.

    Avowed socialist AOC is encouraging American workers to strike during this Covid-19 shutdown and not go back to work until the totalitarian left’s green agenda is adopted.

    All of these actions should give the American public a taste of what socialism might look like in America. The tearing down of the greatest free enterprise economy and personal liberties existing in today’s world will all be part and parcel of the Democrat new socialist agenda. All American citizens should remember George Orwell’s reminder in his novel about the totalitarian state, 1984: "Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” Giving Americans a socialist incentive not to work by virtue of its juiced-up unemployment benefits, our federal and local governments are stripping away any semblance of capitalism.

    While we are still locked down and locked in, it would be valuable for freedom-loving Americans to do two important things. First, get a copy of George Orwell’s 1984 and read it carefully. Second, remember how your federal, state and local representatives have treated your personal liberties during this COVID-19 pandemic. Vote in the 2020 Election and never, ever forget, the Democrats are intent on dumping the liberty and free enterprise system we currently enjoy, and replacing them with a socialistic society.   

  5. 11 hours ago, Red Horse said:

    Very good Paul.     And along this line, the WSJ on Saturday covered an interview they  conducted with Dr. John Ioannidis.  He basically shoots holes in so many  of the statistics that forecast gloom and doom and I think puts things in the right perspective.  He is a professor at Stanford School of Medicine and in addition to being a medical guy, he understands statistics.   One thing I never forgot from school...a tongue in cheek definition for  "Statistics 101"...."How to Lie With Numbers".

    This guy IMO understands the medical issues, but also what constitutes valid statistical assumptions.  Google him.  One thing that pops up is an interview Mark Levin had with him.

    I saw him on Levin (enjoy all his shows along with Trucker Carlson) and the Immunologists from John Hopkins and the pair from the Mayo Clinic all along the lines of it is no longer medical it is just control and staying in the lime light.

    Va Governor says 3 years  in "phase 1" to start to open the state and they need to study what businesses they feel are non essential. I do sea walls, break waters and diversions for bridge abutments. Va says it is a non essential business. So two weeks ago when a small 5 ton max bridge had  minor erosion that the town engineers said could be fixes with a dozen stone baskets. State police said I was none essential and was not allowed to do it. The engineer closed the bridge and the 3 families on the road now have a 26mile round trip. Fire, EMT and Police also have a long ride on a narrow country lane.  Just about power not common sense IMO. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, RowdyRebel said:

    Hope you make an appearance at the board meeting to make sure they (and everybody else in attendance) know 1) that is what IS happening, and more importantly 2) WHY it is happening.

    With the virus crap their meeting are live streamed on Zoom so I'll put a few half page ads in the local papers,  a few 30 second spots on the local radio stations and on WMTW the local Southern Maine news channel. Cost wise about 4 or 5 grand for all. Might run a few when their election comes up too. This is the push to far.

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  7. Veterans in general seem to annoy a certain political party. We offer them no political edge because most vote conservatively. As for the Somalis and Angolans they came in illegally through Mexico and the City of Portland being a sanctuary city welcomed them with housing, SNAP and Maine Care. They "welcomed" 9400+ to a city of 64000 and now ran out of money to take care of them. A city that had minimal violent crime now has day time robberies in the main business area, some right in front of the police head quarters.

    Virginia was afraid the disabled vets would overload the emergency services and schools, plus with "them" being in the village would make the Fork Union Military Academy students would be upset with seeing them.

    As for the response to the Cumberland County Executive board letter they will receive a letter stating that if they want the housing set up like that, they must pony up 2.7mil  to have the land for the project.

    I had the issue with land in Mattituck  in N.Y. with the mc mansion crowd being angered by an old house and barn my aunt died in and I just closed it up. After two years of threats I deeded the 6 acres to the Jehovah Witnesses for their church functions out side the church proper. Maine I'll deed the 60 acres to the First Russian Baptist Church. Nobody gets homes, nobody gets tax revenue off church property and I  move on to building a few nice hardened bunkers at Firebase Bulldog in Virginia.

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  8. Nice unit.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who demands respect for my units. I've fired drivers for trash or cigarette crap  in the trucks or not washing it at the end of the day.

  9. On 4/19/2020 at 7:34 PM, hicrop10 said:

    Can’t say the same for our governor here in Pa.I think it’s going to be a while before he opens up much of anything.Can’t understand why all construction work had to stop.Pendot is opening up some jobs,how about all the new home construction.There is a new development going in not far from me,price tag is 7-8 hundred thousand.There are some homes just framed up that have been out in the weather now for 6 weeks.How would like that buy one of them.Put the workers back to work now.

    Governor Sununu of New Hampshire is weighing an order mandating all people 60 and older must shelter in place until  the Covit19  has either a vaccine or abates to less then 5% statewide. The governor said the state will be following guidelines set by the CDC and ordering the most at-risk older members of the community to avoid leaving their homes. He said these people should try to find help getting groceries or meeting other needs that would normally require them to go out into the public.


    Police Are Using Drones To Enforce Social Distancing In America’s Backyards

    April 20, 2020 By Chrissy Clark

    Police departments across the country are resorting to the use of drone surveillance to enforce social distancing in both public and private spaces during statewide shelter-in-place orders.

    New footage shot by MSNBC shows police in Elizabeth, New Jersey using drones to look for people not social distancing in areas their patrol cars cannot access.

    “The drones make it easier for people to see into certain areas where access by patrol car is more difficult,” Rehema Ellis, an NBC news correspondent said. “That includes tight spaces between buildings, in garages, near open doors or windows, behind schools, and in backyards including decks and pools.”

    Elizabeth Mayor Chris Bollwage told MSNBC that cities need to get creative, and defended the intrusive tactic as potentially saving lives with either fines or jail.

    “If these drones save one life, it is clearly worth the activity and the information the drones are sending,” the mayor said.

    When a drone identifies a group of people collected together, such as individuals quarantined in their backyard, it says, “you should not be congregating in groups.” Consequences for refusing to abide by the drones in Elizabeth, NJ include a court summons or a $1,000 fine.

    In Lewes, Delaware, the police department is using drones to fly over bike trails and beaches. According to a local news station, the Lewes PD Chief said the state may use the drones in the future to enforce out-of-state quarantine protocols. Anyone with an out-of-state license plate would be subject to a state enforced mandatory 14 day lock down at their expense, vehicle impound and a substantial fine of not less than $500 per person.

    “We haven’t used it to do a car stop of an out-of-state vehicle yet but we will at some point have to try that. Actually stop the car with the drone up near the window to announce the out-of-state quarantine restrictions the governor has put in place and hold the vehicle to law enforcement arrives,” said Lewes Police Chief Thomas Spell.

    The Mayor of Stratford, Connecticut instituted a $5000 fine for individuals caught avoiding social distancing guidelines. In other Connecticut cities, police or drones who catch groups in violation of social distancing guidelines use the opportunity to educate and warn citizens.

    “We need to make it understood that we are very serious about enforcing the governor’s executive orders at our public facilities, and those who disobey will be cited or jailed” said Stratford Mayor Laura Hoydick.

    A Chinese company known as Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) donated these types of drones to law enforcement agencies in 23 states. Last May, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo warning that Chinese drones are possible security risks, ripe for the “potential use for terrorism, mass casualty incidents, interference with air traffic, as well as corporate espionage and invasions of privacy.”

    After introducing new legislation against buying Chinese-made technology in 2019, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., warned about potential data risks. “China now has in their law the availability to take information from virtually every Chinese company,” Warner told NPR. “As long as no specific laws exists, that provides a whole set of vulnerabilities to be debated."

    These drones have been distributed at in the following 23 states.  Alabama, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota,Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin .

    Governors, Mayors and Police departments across the nation say they are taking drone usage upon themselves to save lives . It was stated that in a national crisis they are allowed suspend all civil liberties and void the Bill of Rights in the name of public safety and social distancing guidelines. That includes surveillance day or night, outside and to view inside private property with out prior notice. GPS data and digital imaging is than transmitted to local enforcement squads to take actions needed to cite and fine the social distancing violators.


    Drone invasions of private property clearly violate the 4th Amendment, and no new laws exist to allow the use of invasive surveillance technology by governments, health officials or police departments.


     Police are using drones to enforce social distancing by spying on Americans in their backyards. Police the invasion of privacy is worth it “if it saves one life.”

    At a certain point even the most obsequious bootlickers will have had enough I just hope int comes before it is too late.



  10. On 4/21/2020 at 3:32 PM, Mack Technician said:

    I was beating on the doors for FSA info and had 2 emails pop into my box from the Corp and Provider.....



    2. The Governement won't be letting you keep your flex money, however you can now buy a thousand dollars worth of aspirin and maxi pads if you want.  


    Maxi pads? Think all 3 of my M917s has them on the Steer axles disc brakes. . .

    On the bright side I had an interesting talk with the giant spider in my truck today, pretty cool! He's into web design.     🕷️

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  11. That stinks! Nothing like stacking the deck against you. The drug policy I have for my crew in one of the many sub riders limits coverage for a pandemic to 50% copay for medication.

    . When Well Care took over from AETNA they snuck that in.

    Now I'm getting a bit worried! 3/4 pallet of Moxie left! Geez that's only  1800 cans and the plant that makes it is closed as non essential.

    Hows your mom holding up?

  12. 1 hour ago, GA_Dave said:

    Way back in 1978, I swore an oath to protect and defend that very same Constitution, from ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.  That oath had NO expiration date!

    When the defecation strikes the oscillating rotator, many of these self-appointed dictators will be the first to go!

    Funny, I had a well read member here tell me that when I was discharged in 1972 my oath of allegiance to defend the constitution ended, was at a loss for words when I told him it is for life.

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  13. 1 hour ago, james j neiweem said:

    Mr. Hancock to the rescue. Offset cabs did give you a good line of sight down the drivers side. There was a predecessor to the U and DM back in the 40's or 50'sI forget the model' A huge Mack water truck sometimes makes the show circuits. FK maybe? It seems Mack out did them all by a long shot with the number of models

    FCSW 1936 to 1947. There is a water tanker and a dump body that come to Macungie both have the pre L cabs



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