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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. Me too. Makes my mother wish she would have kept the baby instead of the afterbirth.

    Actually the cab is shifted 11 inches to the left from centerline as the standard R series is. It was very nice when doing curb work from a mixer, or close proximity dump truck work.


    Leave it to Rob to make sense of any situation... That was a close one, thanks for talking me down, Rob.


  2. Does anyone know why the DM Macks have the hood shifting to the right hand side? Is there a reason why these truck were designed this way? Thanks in advance!

    That is an interesting point of view! I always considered the hood in the middle and the cab off to the left! Everything I have known up to this point in my life has been thrown into question! My head is going to explode

    Gregg (I think!?!)

  3. Hi there Underdog-where've you been for so long?

    Greetings! You know how it goes, busy, busy, busy. Not much free time to chat. I have been trying to get my F-model in shape to make some shows this summer, and I have actually been running the road pretty hard this year, work broke loose after New Years and hasn't slowed down. That's a big change from last year. One of these years I will step into the 21st century and get a laptop so I can check in while I am in the truck.

  4. Mackmann I am surprised OOIDA even quoted you. I have checked with them several times over the years and they will not cover my dump trailer due to the increased liability of rollover.

    Here is my current agent, good service and a competitive rate:

    Ed Konopki, Jr. @

    Eastern Insurance Group

    Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-7980

    phone 570-819-2000

    fax 570-819-4000

    This year I am under $3,000 for liability and phys. damage. I am under permanent lease so I don't have cargo insurance. I think you will find that cargo insurance is required as per federal regs.

  5. When I got my '63 F-model it had 2 12 volt batteries and a broken post on the series-parallel switch, so I decided to eliminate the switch and wire the starter direct 12 volt. I reasoned that money saved on a new switch could be spent on replacing the 24 volt starter motor with a 12 volt unit if needed. So far though I have not spent that money, as the 24 starter cranks fine on 12 volts.

    Also, for ease installing electrical accessories and to avoid confusion with jumper cables,etc. I converted to negative ground. The starter is not polarized, and as I recall the voltmeter and fuel gauge wires are swapped for neg. ground. I used the Mack Service manuals for my upgrades as they have all the schematics for 12 or 24 volt start systems as well as pos. and neg. ground systems.

  6. Hi guy's ,this was the 1st time I attended Macungie ,went on friday,but in 2011 we'll go on saturday ,(more trucks and vendors) it was a great show.

    Try to make it Friday AND Saturday! This year was my first time at the Reunion picnic and it's a great time to hang with friends and meet new ones! Plus if you stay close by you can maximize your time on Saturday. Lots to see- almost 600 trucks this year!

  7. The only disappointment was that I didn't run into Doug Maney. Fantastic show this year and it was my first time at the family reunion. You are correct sir, a good time had by all ! Don't forget the music, too, provided by CITIZEN'S BAND RADIO who not only rocked Friday and Saturday but travel in their own vintage bus ! How appropriate for the ATCA meet.

  8. Just got my first truck and need some help. I got a 1-1 code and don't know what it means, also I don't know if it's related to that but the EMI light comes on for a second when rpm goes right over 14, I noticed it does it on 8th and last 10th gear. Truck is a 99 CH with a E7. Any help would be great.

    On my E-TECH engine a 1-1 code indicates a voltage issue with the oil pressure sensor. Oil pressure is probably OK, just an electrical fault with the wiring or sensor.

  9. Ya know, if you went with the clear tube idea between the fittings, then drove the truck in cold, humid weather before long you could tell the level of ice in the air brake system. Of course this may be beneficial cause the brakes would not overheat and fading could be kept to a minimum.

    Maybe that is something me and Other Dog should seek a patent on.

    See how smart I be? This prolly makes me a double geeeeenieous!!

    Maybe now I can get my own Nobel Prize, (since they just give them away nowadays).


    You have inadvertently tipped your hand, Rob. If you were truly of Nobel prize caliber in the genius genus, then you would also be aware that AL GORE (Nobel prize recipient) has already determined that in the very near future there will be NO ICE available to cool our brakes, due to global warming.

  10. sorry...I know I need help. This is a serious topic, not "Odds and Ends". As you know, the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem, so I guess i'm well on my way then.

    Some of history's greatest artists were considered to be eccentric during their lives. Only when they are gone is the genius truly appreciated...

    Life is only as serious as you allow it to be. You gotta be a little crazy or you might go insane!


  11. A frameless trailer puts your pivot point across the rear axle, much lower to the ground than on top of the framerails of a frame type trailer. There are no pins & bushings to wear out or service at the rear of a frameless. Also you have a tripod stabilizing the front half of the trailer, rather than relying solely on the hoist and two pins. Side loading the hoist increases the chance for piston failure. At the very least the pins & bushings wear faster, and loose pins at the hoist or at the rear inceases your chance of an unintended side discharge.

  12. I think its a moisture separator. I remember Gearheadgirl posing a similar picture of a mystery component from her B model. Turns out its a moisture separator which was used in the days before air dryers. It should have three ports, an input, output and a moisture drain that might be a hose barb. Hers was located on the rear near the axle(s). If you decide to plumb an air dryer into the system, you can do away with this device (if description is correct).

    That is what I thought, and purge is activated by brake application. Since I have installed an AD-9 air dryer I will put this Wagner unit in the box marked "posterity".

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