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james j neiweem

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Posts posted by james j neiweem

  1. Jam Bulldog: The books you are referring to were put out (edited from with permission from the Mack Museum) by Thomas E. Warth. I have volume 2 of the B models. Great picture book but has almost no dialogue. Volume one of the B models is quite pricy if you can find it. Some of these books can be found on ebay or amazon. I guess Mr. Warth didn't get around to the later F's G's W's R's DM's RD's MH's etc. May bee some Mack eager beaver can pick up the torch. I am not sure if Mr. Warth is still with us.   Just checked on Amazon Volume 1 of the B models is for sale for $987.00!(What)! Volume 2 can be had on ebay for about $ 50.00) Still some L model books available for about $50.00.🙂

  2. If you go to the Oskosh Defense website you will see the HET listed with all of the specs. C18 Cat HD Allison etc. Nice alternative to KW. Any pictures of the ones up in Canada? Probably would have to buy these used as I am guessing not many people could afford one new except for the deep pocket US Military.

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