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Mack Technician

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Posts posted by Mack Technician

  1. God Bless Texas indeed!! Not only shot back, but chased him in his car. May still get credited with downing the shooter.

    Disgusted, but comfortable knowing they were hearing Christ's saving gospel when they were called home. 

    Nut jobs show up at your church in Kevlar so all you have to shoot at is nuts, butts and guts. 

    Feel it may be time to retire the .38 for something that holds a bigger meat drill.

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks for the follow up!! That is a good return for a hands-off software flash. 

    The other day I saw a straight log truck + pup pull up to our scale. 2004 AI. Couldn't help myself. Asked him how the truck has been? Guy said he had over a million (second engine) on the truck pulling 98K and has never got better than 3-4 MPG. Never touch the engine, even to upgrade injectors.:( You wonder how many are out there?


  3. Historically we first have a miss if it is base metal dying in an EUP hole. Code is generally a pulse magnet, but can accompany a miss.  Has a lot to do with the OEM software. I've replaced a dozen EUPs on the Liehberrr for mechanical or magnet fails, but have never, to date, got a code, only a run issue. Mack was more sensitive by far.

    It's never a bad idea to check your EUPs when your over 10K hours. The pic I have attached was from a 15K engine. 2 of 6 cylinders had broken EUP springs, the one which broke a second time took out the cam because it unloaded the roller from the cam. One crack keeps the load, but when #2 comes it's over. Pulled a lot of broken springs out of Mack engines.

    You likely will not find your code issue in the hole of the EUP or inspecting and you could introduce dirt if your not careful. I would only inspect them in the case of engine age, off season downtime, free labor and because Pre EGR engines are real nice to work on.   

  4. On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:00 PM, gearhead204 said:

    I heard tonight on the radio that the annual pumpkin chucking contest is suspended pending a lawsuit from a injury caused at last years show. my question is why cant we get the guy with the big treburgie and load this terrorist into the contraption and give him a fling?......problem solved+ entertainment !


    Then His foreigner parents would probably sue America and a lib  judge would rule in favor of the plaintiffs. End up with more lawsuits at pumpkin fest.......

    but think of the happy faces when the trebuchet tripped. 

    Alllllaaaahhhh's snack baaaaaaaaaaaaar ~thump~

    • Haha 1
  5. If you do pull them cross swap #5 to a hole that is easiest to access. See if the code moves to the different hole. If next week you pop a new cylinder position you've caught your trouble maker red handed. I'd run six months and if no codes popped anywhere x-install the cal codes from 5 to wherever and vise versa.

    Record codes during swap if you can still see them.

  6. 7 hours ago, david wild said:

    Dedumbo is a terrorist, and Scummer is a idiot and all liberals have some brain defect and it's to bad that they only shot this scum bag in the tummy, now he can recover, stand trial, tell all about his  problems, go to jail, eat special muslim food and get out in a few years so he can spread more of his crap. meanwhile  8 more Americans have died so we can be nice to people who will never ever like us, somehow the only thing I see needed to be a leader in this country is to be a idiot, even the republicans are fighting Trump on draining the swamp, that means they too have become part of the problem, funny how are leaders are so fast to sell out. They have no spine and are bad as those they claim they are better than. I hope the snowflakes and the liberals enjoy the world they building.

    Roger that D.W.

    Muslim terrorists have great success recruiting in prisons, best to kill them before the Miranda rights kick in. If you tell a fellow criminal that murder, control and rape is the path to heaven they are much more enthused than via the Christian version.




    Guessing Jr was gut shot cause the suspicion is that this was planned and he is going to have body armor.

    You may see a few more pistol bearing cops using an alternative gut/pelvis hit and the swat with Ftlbs. of fire energy using center mass. 

    After that cop fires the first round it is game on. If the turd in question has body armor then he is going to counter engage. If Ishmael has a couple 10MM bile holes leaking into his guts it is more debilitating than a useless square-body hit to Kevlar. 

    Looks like it is going to be a colostomy bag instead of 40 virgins.............aw Shuckers.


    • Like 1
  7. If they can produce anything that sticks on Manafort they will have accomplished their task. With the current climate you don't have to exhaust yourself on detailed facts and proof, the consumers are too A.D.D. for large info meals. You simply get your victim on the front of a newspaper and public opinion court does the rest.

    Look at Cosby and Harvey. I'm not debating their ethics, just the butterfly effect of the accusation.....

    First all your endorsements run, deals cancel, the colleges/guilds/associations pull whatever awards/acknowledgements where awarded to you, Obama comes on twitter and makes a statement about your behavior, women with children run to the other side of the street and you have not yet made it through the first week of an accusation.  

  8. 2 hours ago, 2000CL713 said:

    Im going to be taking each eup out and inspecting them.

    Does anyone have the part numbers for new o-ring kit and new bolts and retaining screws and whatever else I should replace since I'm doing it. 


    Use your PAI log-in. It will do the "manual" break down and should give you OE numbers as well as PAI conversion. It's handy for owner operators who DIY.


    PS- if the little connector screws for wire do not feel like they want to be removed........ better stop and consider if you want to snap it off just to do inspection. They generally do not do well with age.

  9. 6 hours ago, OldRedMack said:

    Ok, y'all are awesome.  I've learned more from this place than I have the last 3years of talking to every mechanic I can find to try and figure this truck out.  If I decide to do injectors also,  should I put 427 injectors in with the 370 program?  Or request the HP upgrade to the 427?

    No politics here. No money changing hands. Straight talk, I love it.

  10. On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:59 PM, kscarbel2 said:

    * As Paul would say, nearly 150 years ago was another time and place, with different attitudes. I feel, it is absurd to attempt to apply today’s standards to people who lived 150 years ago. And, many of today’s new so-called standards are themselves not accepted by a majority. Based on the history we’re taught, these men were exceptional…..in their time period. I resent their honor being tarnished today. Based on history as I know it, the church should feel honored to have had these two distinguished gentlemen (in their time period) as parishioners.

    These historical revisionists are shameless, but by filling the drum with water they are driving the rats to the top of the barrel.

     I keep rereading CS Lewis's book Mere Christianity and this is His scope through which I view history.......... Folks think they have achieved a new higher level of thinking, but they haven't.

    Chapter 2...

    "For example, one man said to me, "three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. Was that what you call the Rule of Human Nature or Right Conduct?", But Surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things. If we did......if we really thought there were people going about who had sold themselves to the Devil and received supernatural powers from him in return and were using these powers to kill there neighbors or drive them mad or bring bad weather, surely we would all agree that if anyone deserved the death penalty, then these filthy quislings did. There is no difference of moral principle here: the difference is simply about matter of fact. It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house."

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, B MACK said:

    What gets me, is all the crying of unarmed black men being shot by police, ( some would not be shot if they would not resist or try to fight ).    I drove over the road in the late 80's, flat bedding and have been in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philly, Dallas and others. And I know things in the inner city haven't gotten any better.    But what I don't understand is ,NO ONE other than Sean Hannity, ever says anything of BLACK on BLACK killings in Chicago.  It is a crazy number.

    Ironically, Bill Cosby was the only other talking head I've heard, in recent history, having a frank, objective, conversation about the State of the Black Man in America.

  12. Only comment is pin sticking wires. Don't do it (or I should say "don't have done it"). Get a break-in to enter the closest harness pin from the weather seal side. Got mine from CAT. Your in salt country. A year from now you will have a little green dinner mint show up right in the middle of your harness where the copper once was.

    If your pump actuator is going why is your comm dropping out to create the codes?

  13. If you want to improve runnability get the last update file. If not happy get the file+injectors. If your still not happy.....a tuner you can manipulate.

  14. 2 hours ago, OldRedMack said:

    I had an s467 built for it, then read that posting a couple days ago and swapped the manifold.  And it helped a good bit, but you can still tell when it opens up.  I thought I read somewhere that the torque curve was programmable on that engine, but when I call the local Mack dealer here in Atlanta they sound like idiots and acted like they have never even heard of the updates for that engine.  So I have no idea if it has had the 12b update or not.

    Mackpro can tell you your level if you list your vin on this posting. He is plugged in to central.

    Have you upgraded the injectors yet?

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