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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Hey guys, I just wanted to remind everyone that there is another option for uploading photos to BMT...one that will help us save disc space. As some of you already know...uploading to the forums uses up your allotted space and once it is full, you can't upload anymore. The same thing happens to our server on a bigger scale. One way to avoid that is to open a free account on www.photobucket.com Once you have an account, you can upload your photos from your PC to the Photobucket account and then just copy and paste their links to your posts on BMT! It doesn't use any of your upload space and the photos will remain on photobucket until the end of time. All posts here will remain intact as long as you never move or rename the photo within your photobucket account. You can also do the same with our built in gallery. It uses a separate area of storage so it shouldn't affect your forum upload space but it still does fill the server's disc space. The gallery is optimized for photo storage though so it isn't too bad. But seriously, give Photobucket a try if you plan on uploading a lot of photos to a post or if you have run out of upload space! It is easy to use and very powerful! Edited to add: Any of the many free photos hosting sites will work fine on BMT such ad Picaso, Flickr and Tinypic! I just referenced Photobucket because that is what I use and I am more familiar with it.
  2. Ramaley used to be a good customer of ours! Walt was one of the owners but died several years ago...he could tell a tall tale but he was a good guy! Looks like this old mixer is a survivor!
  3. Thanks everyone! I'm starting to feel as old as some of these trucks! LOL! Sorry for the slow reply...I just got finished replying to all the Facebook wishes! Mike...I still have your 12 days of Christmas prize! It's good for at least 6 months!
  4. I'm alive but I still don't feel like it! 24 hour bug feels more like 72 plus hours so far!
  5. Again, the export debate is one thing...I'm just asking that all BMT members (other than scammers and spammers) be treated with respect. That is all, carry on.
  6. I validated him...see if he can log in now.
  7. As most of you know, we had a pretty ugly thread about exporting parts and trucks that turned into some mild bashing that offended some of our International Members. I just want to remind everyone that BMT is here to be a help and a service to everyone that enjoys Mack Trucks and those that depend on Mack Trucks to get their work done. I realize that everyone has different views and opinions on this topic and I can appreciate that. All I ask is that if you don't want to sell parts or trucks to other countries, that is your right to not do so but please don't bash or flame other members. They came here looking for help as we are the premier place to get information and help on Mack Trucks! Likewise, if you suspect a member of trying to scam, troll or spam the forum with requests outside of the classified area, please hit the report button and the staff will deal with it. I have had a number of international members PM me with discern about that thread and the attitude of some of the guys here...some long time members even want to be removed from the forum because of what was said. We have some really upstanding members from overseas and I would like them to feel welcome as well! I have locked the other thread and would like for us to not revisit that debate...Like I said, I can appreciate both views on this topic but there is no right or wrong answer so lets all just agree to get along! Lets make sure BMT remains the best place on the internet for anyone to come and get information, help, support and even be able to ask for parts no matter where they are from. That's all I ask! Thanks everyone! Barry
  8. This is a tough thread to moderate since there are various angles and ideas...but the fact is that sellers have the choice of who to sell to...with all the scams on the internet lately it is no wonder many are reluctant to sell to international buyers. But I would like to remind everyone that we do have good people from around the world here as members including folks from Australia, The Netherlands, Europe, Russia...etc. Some have already PM'd my with concern over the attitude of this thread and some have requested to be removed from this forum as they don't want to be part of BMT anymore. Out of respect for everyone, I am going to close this thread and would ask that we don't revisit this debate. If you don't want to sale international, that is fine...Likewise, if you are here to spam the forum with purchase requests, you will be banned! Please keep wanted to buy ads in the appropriate classified section. Thank you... Barry
  9. You are all set up, BigDog! Thanks for helping to support BMT!!
  10. Yes...we do accept credit and debit cards over the phone (Visa, MC, AmEx & Discover)
  11. Yes...you can mail a check or money order to us at: Watt's Truck Center c/o BMT VIP Membership Po Box 707 New Alexandria, PA 15670 Attn: Barry When we receive the donation, I will manually upgrade your account to VIP Status! We can also process a credit card over the phone...Toll free: 1-888-304-6225
  12. I'm near Pittsburgh so I doubt we'll get much snow but I'm all for it! Bring on the white stuff..LOL
  13. What's the latest? Is there a Noreaster coming or something?
  14. Good to hear...International members were one of my concerns as to hot USA topics like politics and such. You hit the nail on the head though, if you don't like a topic, you don't have to read or participate in it! You can always post some Putin jokes! I'm sure we would love to see them! LOL! Thanks for weighing in, Vlad!
  15. You should get a pop up message on your screen when you get private messages in your inbox? They pop up when you login to BMT.
  16. I'd like to tell them to swim back to Nigeria with brake drum in each hand!
  17. Correct, I emailed Hank at the first sign of trouble and to date, I have received no reply. I don't want a feud between websites I just want them to understand that we are not a pay site, we don't make money from the forums and their photos are just being posted under the fair use clause of the US copyright laws for comment purposes. I see no harm in the way we use their photos or any other downloaded photo from the new. BMT is dedicated to supporting the antique and classic truck hobby as well as peer to peer support for Mack Trucks of all ages...this is purely non-commercial as far as BMT is concerned. I can't even register on Hank's forums as new member registration seems to be disabled. Oh well look on the bright side...our BMT Gallery is HUGE! We have almost 11,000 photos hosted and over 4 Million views! I also just made a few setting tweaks to make the gallery easier to use!
  18. Yeah, don't feed the trolls...I have added him the coveted BAN list! LOL! Sorry about that guys, the bottom feeders do manage to sneak in from time to time.
  19. Yeah, still no response from Hank Suderman...I like how they say to ask permission but then no one ever replies! How convenient!
  20. Haha, you are correct! Our t-shirt artist drew that image from one of your photos! I'm probably in trouble with the artist for using the image also! LOL! Just can't win!
  21. Good post! This is exactly what keeps us safe from 99% of copyright issues! I'm no expert but this clearly defines BMT's usage of most images on the web.
  22. No problem Mark! You didn't do anything that any of us wouldn't have done ourselves! I know there is merit to some of this copyright stuff but the fact is that if someone doesn't want there photos shared and enjoyed then they shouldn't post them on the internet. Asking permission is fine and encouraged but can you imagine if we have all asked permission every time we re-posted an image from some where? My ISP would crash! LOL...and even then, you would be lucky to get 2-3 response from every 10 requests and maybe less responses giving permission. It's just not feasible...I still support the notion of not posting if you are paranoid about re-posts of your images! It's that simple. My beef is with these so-called enthusiasts that don't play well with the rest of us! Copyright laws are what they are but it's these types of self centered people that get me fired up! Don't worry, I have other ways to battle turkeys like Sissick and Faust and the rest of the photo posting picture whores out there! There are a few forum settings I can tweak to make us a little more private here! Here is the final reply from Faust...as you can see, he is talking in circles now. My debate is done with him! I'm sure they are reading this thread...so feel free to continue telling them how you feel about their support for the real truck enthusiasts!
  23. Here is my response to Mr. Faust's last email...even though I will never win an argument with a fellow like this, it is just too much fun to try!
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