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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. OK gents, I just got in 30 minutes ago, and after a looooong day of moving the body, setting it up, sandblasting, moving it and setting it up inside to paint, welding some patches in, fixing a few more things, it's now finished. Painted. Sorry, no pics. I forgot to snap a couple when I was done. Perhaps I can post a few tomorrow.

    BTW, we might put the body back on the truck tomorrow, too.

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  2. Today's progress:

    1. Greased the truck again. After steam cleaning it, it seemed like the sensible thing to do.

    2. Took the driver's dashboard out, stripped it, primed and painted it. That was the last part of the interior to not have paint (because painting it in place earlier would have been difficult with all the gauges in place).

    3. While the gauges are out, I took the fuel gauge apart to clean the glass, which was dirty and cloudy to the point where you almost couldn't see through it. Now it's clean and clear. I also attached a new needle to the tachometer. All I did was cut a piece of plastic out of an Armor All container and super glue it to the small piece that was still there.

    4. Replaced all the small bulbs that light up the dashboard.

    Hopefully, I will have pics for you tomorrow.

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  3. What are you using to isolate the stud from the chassis?, from the pictures looks like the stud is through the metal plate that is attached to the rear cross member which would not allow it to work.

    This what I use for doing what you did the single post with cap is like $.75 and multiple studs with cover (I typically use the 4 or 6) are $3-$4 respectively.


    That's not a metal plate you are looking at. It's rubber, and it works just fine. I've got a piece of fire hose that will go over it to protect it from the elements.

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