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Posts posted by Quickfarms

  1. I see it around here. The traffic engineers and tree huggers are nuts.

    In industrial areas they remove the painted median and plant trees thus forcing vehicles to stop in traffic lanes and other issues.

    The other thing that is happening is they take a four lane road and add a planted median and bike lanes and you end up with a two lane road thus forcing the traffic onto the freeways.

  2. I have seen the package delivery trucks being cut up at three different yards.

    They stack the tires and return them to ups

    The bodies were destroyed but the drivetrain was just lined up in a neat row?

    I have seen a few of what I think we're there freight tractors that were repainted and sold.

  3. The truth, that the environmentalists do not want you to know, is that there is more known oil reserves under North America than there is in the Middle East.

    If we want to be free of foreign oil we should expand our oil industry.

    The truth is that Middle East crude is low grade and easier to crack into fuel and that is all it is good for.

    North American crude is harder to crack and makes great lubricants.

    If we want to put the oil prices in the toilet all we have to do is start a real drilling program and bring the fields to production.

  4. Tractor drawn tankers have been somewhat popular in rural New Jersey (I know that's a strange concept but parts of northwest and southern Jersey are nothing but pine barren). They are also found in other extremely rural areas of the country where bringing water with you, and lots of it, is important.


    attachicon.gifTD FD TANKERS.png

    I remember one growing up on the jersey shore, I think it was from Jackson.

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