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Posts posted by scottwetzel

  1. I see 2 bolts that hold the motor to the cap but I'm not sure how to unbolt it from the linkage inside the cab. Also my control knob is the pull type and its working fine. I actually replaced it hoping that was the problem but it still exsists. Soon as u pull the knob it won't do anything. When the wiper knob is pushed in or in the off position air leaks from the wiper on off valve for some reason. Any ideas?

  2. i recently bought two sets on ebay. Keep an eye out. Mine were made by Bores. Paid $100 for each

    And what about shipping on those eBay ones.That's what I charged the last 2 guys that bought them from me $ 100 per set and the shipping cost $40 by mail so there you go $140 . Mine are patterned off an old set of bores ones only difference with mine are they're cut out of a bit heavier gauge of stainless. I'll get more sets cut out if anyone want a set. I'm not marking up price it pretty much costs me that to make them up. I've only done them before because I was getting some other stainless bent for the truck and I'm going to be getting more bent next week so the more I buy the better the deal he does for me so nows the time to do them. He'd gladly make me 1000 of them but I really don't want to sit on that many.

    Looks go to me. I'm in for sure.

  3. My father spoke to him while I took pictures. Seemed like a real nice guy.

    Those two water haulers above are looking good. Mike

    Thanks we take them out everyday. There is a local company that hauls all kinds of general freight around us and they own all CHs. There drivers are always hanging out the window waving and hollaring at us on the radio. We love seeing people appriciate our trucks as much as we do. We couldn't be happier with our old school Macks.

  4. I sure miss those days when my dad and I ran a matching pair of Superliners I used to always have mine polished up and looking good used to make may day when somebody gave you the thumbs up or complimented on my truck. I loved my job and was very proud of my ride then because it was different than everyone else's, and I owned it. Now I'm just a company driver and drive a piece of crap W900L with a 550 Cummins that I wish my boss had left in Texas where he bought it 2 yrs ago. It spends more time in the shop than it does working, I'm glad I don't own it ! A good E 9 would do circles around it or even a hopped up E7 and either on a lot less fuel at the end of the day. I wish a guy could find a decent job to put a truck on I'd get my old Superliner out and at least put it to work in the good weather months anyway, I have it fixed up too nice to have it out in the winter now I'd need a winter beater truck. But I can tell you one thing I would definitely rather drive a good Superliner vs a W900 KW anyday !

    My dad and I love our superliners and I know exactly what your saying about people's giving you a thumps up. I love that feeling!!! We haul water so we are hauling heavy everyday and our little ole E6 engines runs strong!!

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