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Day seven? oh god knows



blog-0744891001368810641.jpgAnother productive day....

Once we got the engine a bit cleaner it was time to see what I have gotten myself into. Trying to turn the engine over by hand sucked so the starter came out without much problems (it is bloody heavy tho) as I had popped my 12v booster pack on it in the hope that it would turn over but no luck. Once on the deck and cleaned, Alex loves to pick and scrape off old paint and rust to find whats underneath we discovered that the starter was 24v so I doubled up my jumper packs and it fired into life with a little spark. I took an old tooth brush and some WD40 and got the cog looking good and returning freely. As I was fitting it back in Alex was happy going through all the parts that had fallen off and giving them a quick clean.

With the starter back in and the engine turning by hand I popped the Frankenstein jumpers back on and nothing much happened but a small fire and a bit of clunking so out it came again. I retested it but I had a look at the wiring diagrams and found it was a + earth. The things we are learning is amazing. So tomorrow I think we will pop the starter again and give it a try. I have been lucky enough to get a few 12v batteries so I will Macguyver them into the hole where the battery box was and try again.

Alex was in the cab between checking all the parts for details so she cleaned, lubricated and freed off the gear levers. We were not sure what they all did but with help from Lucas and Vlad and the reconditioned glove box lid we figured the function of them and we are now getting our head round all the bits in the cab. If anyone had the picture of what the dash on a 1949 LFSW looked like that would be great.

The big red box was next on the hit list. It seems to be a massive battery pack but it is not connected to anything so it was removed from my chassis. Think I will be making a few trips to the dump.

Got lots to do over the next few days so stay tuned .....

coming up next time.... will the starter turn the motor? will the batteries fit? will the wiring burst into flames? .......


Recommended Comments

You must be on holiday to be putting that much time into it. That is quite the challenge, but it seems you have the ambition and energy. Don't get frustrated, take your time.

Oh yeah, who is Alex?

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Alex is my girlfriend. She is a great help. And no I'm not on holiday but I was made redundant at Xmas so I need a project to keep me busy.

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my wife helps me when I need a hand, but she does not volunteer to help very often, but she did volunteer to marry me so I guess we are both lucky!

Keep it up and it will be running and driving before you know it.

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