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David Smith

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Everything posted by David Smith

  1. The red B-Model in my gallery, captioned "Covert Mack", was a 1957 with a beautiful cream-colored steering wheel.
  2. There are quite a few in the various galleries. Good Luck! David Smith.
  3. I have known that the "R" axle was wider than the "B" axle for at least 40 years, yet I didn't think of it until reading LocomotiveBreath's post. "Senior moments" are becoming more frequent every day. I never got farther than the width of the spring leaves. I had wanted to use the "R" shock mounting set-up on my "B". In that case, the u-bolt, or"spring clip", spacer would have been too wide.
  4. Freighttrain, thanks for the offer! I hope you solve your problem. David M. Smith.
  5. Mr. Van Scott, great idea on swapping the R-Model axle. The R-Model spring leaves are about 1/2" wider than the ones on the B-Model. If not for that, you could just swap the spring clip spacer with the integral shock mount for the old one. Best regards, David M. Smith.
  6. Does anyone have a source for the entire rotary-shock unit? Thanks, David Smith.
  7. Mr. Van Scott, I have enjoyed reading your blog. Isn't it amazing how many nut-cases will show up when you're trying to sell a big truck? I think they probably ruin about half the truck auctions on e-bay. Please post some pictures as you re-assemble your truck. By the way, Other Dog, amen to your remarks about illegal vs. legal immigrants. Also, I have worn nothing but Red-Wing boots since 1965. We need to look after ourselves in this country for a change. David M. Smith.
  8. I agree with Superdog, it just needed a little T.L.C. The 96-inch bumper ruins the whole thing for me.
  9. The seller had a question about this B Model from "Jay" in N.C. Could this be Sgt. Mack 5 ???
  10. My vote is for the '50's and '60's. In my opinion, the B-Model was the best truck in it's day, and the R-Model was the best truck ever. I think our R-Models will be even more in demand as collectibles than the B's in the near future. An R with a few up-grades will perform along with any of the new trucks, and look better doing it.
  11. Put the Marvel or any good penetrating oil in the plug holes, let it sit overnight, then jack up 1 rear wheel, put the transmission in it's highest gear, and rock the jacked-up wheel. After reading your post again, could the starter be stuck in the engaged position due to low voltage while trying to crank it ?
  12. Thanks for everyone's help. I will check the oil cooler this week.
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