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Posts posted by HeavyGunner

  1. I've already purchased a couple, one in red, one in pink. Just couldn't do without them. I had one custom made for myself in Mack green cause I want to fit in. Problem was that every time I'd bend over to tie my shoes, (for instance) I pop the snaps across the bottom of the crotch area open, and the damned fabric would roll up over my gut like a window shade you'd let go of at the bottom of it's travel. Done got that part fixed though. Had "Momma" sew me a zipper across the bottom, (still need easy access to change my diaper) and it stays shut much better. Done tried "velcro" but it lost its grip through a few change cycles.

    "Momma" picked up some silver reflective material and was gonna sew me an exhaust pipe on the backside but I didn't let her. I've got class and morals, (but you already knew that) and I thought it would look "tacky".


    Some regular old house hold dryer vent sown on the back would make a classy "tail pipe". :loldude:

  2. ya,,,man theres a perfect example,,and now thier pissing thru all our social security,for thier little pet programs,,and when it comes time to collect your retirement,,they will simply say,,sorry,we used it all,dont know what to tell you,,,but dont forget me,at voting time.lol.bob

    Yep, that's why I am a firm believer in not giving politicians any better benefits than the regular citizen gets. If their healthcare and retirement depended on medicare and SS I guarantee they wouldnt be "borrowing it" or giving it away to illegals and welfare rats. People better wake up before we a have an irreversible crash.

  3. No kidding! Here at our local post office the LOCAL mail has to be drove 96 miles away to our nearest auto-sorter get sorted (now mind you this is a town of less then 800 people, and sorting would mean simply picking up a letter and putting it in the right recieptients box) and then get driven back another 130 miles to the nearest hub to us then another 60 miles back to us. Like you said Bob these idiots wonder why they are broke and wanting to run healthcare...Scary.

  4. So this is OOOOOOOOOLD news. Glad you were able to get back into it though.

    My wife was my nurse. W/C paid her 12 hrs/day for 14 weeks, then 6 hours until I could move about with little difficulty.(cruthces)

    Yes sir, old news. Just got the pics and thought they would be fun to show. Sorry if you got the impression that it was breaking news. My bad :whistling:

  5. You mean raising the debt ceiling which gives the knuckle heads running this country free pass print even more "funny money" will wreck our credit? Absolutely disgusting how dumb our politicians are and how complacent the public is. Everyone is sittin' on their thumbs and watching the greatest country in the world go to hell in slow motion with out the brains to get involved and try and stop the havoc.

  6. oh ok,,well then i guess we can live with that,,my company fedex freight is doing some really funky stuff rite now,trying to save a buck,but seems thier just tripping over the buck to pick up penny,s

    Not to change the subject or anything Bob but I used to work at Fed Ex Freight in Boise for awhile before coming home to Montana. I still have a lot of friends that work there and I am hearing the same kinda dumb moves that you are talking about.

  7. Damn, you got all effed up. BUT you are here to tell the story. Thats a good thing.

    Looks like you got a long road to recover. (no pun intended) You're gonna need a nurse (pics) to wipe yur azz, and get you food to continue the cycle. I was bed bound for 14 weeks awhile back. NOT FUN.

    Good luck on your recovery.

    Didnt need a nurse but it was a helluva reach there for awhile, I refused to be wiped. But you are right the recovery (some still on going) was 8 months off work. Been back to work since April of '08 and everything is pretty good. I just relearned how to do a lot of things differently than before. And above all I am a lucky bastard in my opinion and am glad to be here. Shared the pics because I finally just got them this week and was amazed at what I walked away from...well sorta walked away from :)

  8. Man glad you made it out alive althought battered and bruised. Nothing worse then a perfectley good truck laid over.

    Thanks slpwlker, I do feel pretty danged lucky to have come out of it pretty well. Lucky for the boss that was the oldest and highest mileage truck in his small fleet. It had about 900,000mi on it and was getting tired. Maybe rowdyrebel was right and it just got tired and laid down for a nap. :loldude:

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  9. This was the first (and last) time that I ever road in a truck without being behind the wheel. Although I was uncomfortable with my bosses decision to make me team drive so I wouldnt miss this load of fat calves going to Kansas I did it any way. About an hour and a half into the trip my co-pilot woke me up to make sure he was on the right road. I came to the passenger seat buckled in and confirmed we were on the right road and warned him that the road was extremely windy with true 90 degree corners so when the yellow sign says 45mph he better hit em about 30. He assured me he has driven lots of trucks and then he caught back up with the truck that we were running with so should be no problems right? About 30 min later he called me out of the bunk because the other truck lost him in some foothills and wanted to make sure again we were on the right road. Begrudgingly I got out of my bunk and when i was in the door way of the bunk I heard him start screaming every obscenity known to man and at the same time felt the cattle shift and we started our roll over. I ended up fracturing 3 vertebrea in my lower back, bulged 5 discs in my neck, broke both hands, fractured and badly bruised my sternum and pulled my right hip out of socket. We had 124 fat calves on and lost 11, luckily a ranch nearby say the dust cloud and came to investigate and was able to get me out of the truck since diesel fuel was leaking everywhere. Then he went and got help and tools to cut the top out of the trailer to get the cattle out.





  10. Looks like some fun rounds to try out. I have a slug mold that casts a 525g slug that looks like a giant pellet for a pellet gun. It groups really well out of my Mossberg 590A1 plus it holds 8+1 with a 20" barrel and ghost ring sights. Makes a pretty sweet home protection gun.

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