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Posts posted by mowerman

  1. Apparently not very interested in selling it. I called friday afternoon and evening, saturday a couple of times and sunday before we left Hunter to come home. We were only 40 miles or so from it and just kept getting told to call back in a few hours. :( Paul

    geeeeeees!!!,,aint that a b----h,,,thats what u get for your efforts,of coarse the party mighta been off for the weekend,,,but then again,no cell phone???lol.bob :whistling:

  2. well, it rained like nobodies business today at the show. i managed to get there about two hours after it opened. one or two trucks arrived after i did, and about 6 or 7 left while i was there. since nice stuff, but hard to really appreciate it with all the rain.

    maybe next year . . . .

    sorry you had a crummy time,,thats messed up,,we got hot august nights starting today,here in reno,,looking forward to some nice cars,mostly,,we do have a big rig section..but its usually about 150 degrees here,,this year supposed to be in the low ninty,s all week.bob :banana:

  3. Thursday 8/4/11 AAA Rating for the USA Great!!

    Friday 8/5//11 AA Plus for the USA!!! Not so Great!!! Ok people; so the Rep. party took over the house, they did not get the Senate!! OK I know they are a bunch of no good theives (both partys) but the fact of the matter what if the REP PARTY had both we would not be in this mess right now!!! But still... people don't get it!! So when this hair brained guy an his dream team get re elected (because we realy need hope an change, an it's all Bush's fault an we need more time cause Bush screwed us more then we thought) By the way thats gettin old already, an find somethin new, HOW ABOUT BLAMING BRACK AN HIS CREW!! And in closing my dear Mack Truck Friends, an I hate to use this site for political BULL S--T, but I keep hearin our Pres. talk about the so calld rich in this Country an the private Jet owners.... PRIVATE JET OWNERS !!! WAS HE TALKING ABOUT THE 737 JET THAT POLOSI BOUGHT WITH TAX PAYERS MONEY TO FLY HER ASS TO THE WEST COAST NON STOP!!!! I DID NOT SEE THAT COME UP!!!! Over an Out BULLHUSK

    AMEN ERNIE,,and i know what you mean about bringing up politics,on this site,,brings down peoples spirits,,but rite now,its affecting all of us,,feel free to blow your steam.lol.bob

  4. You mean raising the debt ceiling which gives the knuckle heads running this country free pass print even more "funny money" will wreck our credit? Absolutely disgusting how dumb our politicians are and how complacent the public is. Everyone is sittin' on their thumbs and watching the greatest country in the world go to hell in slow motion with out the brains to get involved and try and stop the havoc.

    seems time ammo up,and payem a visit,,,show em who,s in charge now,lol...ya like thats gonna happen,,,just start droppem em.operation white house .getter done.lol..sure lotta people arent gonna like my idea,but i do.concerned american.bob

  5. well illegal aleins been getting away with murder,for a number of years,,now thier all pissed off cause were finally doing something about it,,these states are only doing things they shoulda been doing years ago,,i dont see a problem,and that phony president otta keep is nose out of it.concerned american citizen.bob :icon_bs:

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