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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Gmerrill0516

  1. I've got a 2V E6-250 turbo replacement engine in the 815. The stock oil filter is in place and I'm good with that and know what to get. The fuel filters are not numbered and I need new ones. They look like they came with the E6 and sit up under the nose of the truck. They are spin ons and one is green and one is orange or red. I think they are mack primary and secondary filters but what is correct? Any help is appreciated.

    Work continues. The nose is comming along and hopefully close to paint soon. The LH saddle tank is off as it is rubbed through and rusted through in two spots. I blasted it saturday and plan to flood with CO2 prior to welding for safety. I'll use a second bottle and regulator, block off all but one way in and one way out and purge in good shape priort to welding. Diesel is much less volitile than gasoling but I don't want to take any chances...

    Pictures to come soon...such a pain to post here but I guess it is for a reason...

    Thanks for the filter thoughts guys


  2. Never been in there but in general if it had a gasket, you should buy or make one to go back. RTV in place of a gasket puts things closer together than they were intended to be in my opinion and is not the best way to go. Some gasket paper, good scisors, a good hole punch set and maybe an exacto knife and you will have it knocked out in no time. I'd use a little permatex formagasket to lightly coat both sides of the gasket for a leak proof seal...never fails and is good insurance.

    Let us know how you make out.

  3. Dad used to spend some time loading trailers with a Scoopmobile. Was an 8 yard machine...it was enormous for an 8 yard machine. There is a guy around here that has a front plow and rear wing on a grader similar to the one above for pushing snow. It has a screaming Detroit in it. Does the best job with the banks in town...it kinda crabs down the road shoving it back...

  4. Sounds like you are artificially governing the fuel input to the pump...I'd start with what Gearhead204 suggests (sounds like he's been there once or twice) and then if that all turns to crap go for your spare...might check that out now for good measure too.

    Good luck

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  5. Can't understand how a syncro can have an effect on the system like that. It's either in gear or out right? If the gear were not "in" the engine would rev to the limiter with no load. If it is not shifting related but is happening as you drive and pull harder...I still vote clutch. Classic symptoms. The highest gear has the worst mechanical advantage and is where things typically show up. If you down shift it will work the clutch less hard in the lower gear and will hold the forces necessary to move the truck.

    If this isn't the case, I'd love to know the mechanics of the problem.

  6. Shipping through customs can be a problem some times. I sent all the brake parts from the LS85 via the post office. Big mistake. I insured the stuff for good measure and they are happy to take your money to do so. The only problem is when you try to collect and cant document what you paid for those specific parts with a receipt (like you have that for some parts of a restoration project???) they don't pay. Told me to screw. No parts, no money no nothing! At least with UPS they pay on the insurance or so I am told. They never lost anything so I have not found out.

    DHL is another horror show...

    Good luck. Hope you have insurance...


  7. Looks nice in white. No idea where it is at this time but its sharp. Doing final assembly and detail of the brakes, drums and spokes on the 49 myself. Found wheel bearings on the front were toast. $312 with NTN, $500 with Timken. Went with NTN.


  8. Oh MAN that brockway is nice. Dad used to drive a 48 Broc in the 70's. Hauled 32 ton of baled cars from Brentwood to the pier in Portsmouth now and then. It had a 600+ cubic inch Continental in it with a five speed and a two speed rear. The rear was rated 38,000 per the numbers cast into it! She had two 50 gallon fuel tanks and that run would leave her 50 gallons down and it isn't that far! I'd love to have that rig back or one like it. Dad would be thrilled...Don't suppose it's for sale cheap?

    Thanks for the pictures. Those were rugged trucks. That truck wet my appetite for trucks as a kid. Good memories there.


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  9. Interesting stuff. My Dad grew up on what was the Allen farm in greenland, NH. They (Merrill's) had no such thing that I am aware of but I think by the time our trees blossom we typiclaly don't hit freezing temps. I'll have to ask him how that all went back in his youth. I know they had lot's of deer issues and were poor so there was a fair amount of venison meals in the winter months. He (Grandpa Merrill RIP) always kept a dear tag to satisfy the curiosity of the local fish & game officials...nothing to see here...he got good at making it a brief trip from fatal gun shot wound to freezer! All in a days work.

    That has got to be a pain and the downside I assume is reduced or no production from the orchard. The blossoms freeze and the fruit doesn't grow. Thanks for the information and pictures. Interesting stuff. May some global warming find your land until mother nature warms up a bit on her own!


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  10. I'm sure I am not the only person unfamiliar with what you are doing. Is the wind machine a means of preventing freezing in the orchard? I remember the old smoky pots burning something spread around orange trees in the news. Some pictures and explanation would be cool.

    Hope mother nature is cooperative.


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  11. Margin for error is a tad smaller with a full mixer I guess. It reacted well to avoid the pick up but all that inertia was not going to be overcome to get her back in the right lane right side up...That one the driver owns unless I'm missing something. Must have been an oh-shit moment.

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