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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by hicrop10

  1. How far are you going to take the B75,my cab is off and I moved it today into the bigger shop so I can sandblast it,prime and do any body work to it.Good luck with your truck.Mike

  2. It was parked when I went by it,but on the return trip it most of been running cause it was parked with 2 other macks and all 3 were gone.It didn't look all bang up.

  3. Waiting to hear back from a friend up in the Newark,NJ area.He may have a lead.If you want to take a ride up the jersey pike I can probley find the one I saw last year.Give me a call or stop by.

  4. What throws me off is that the truck sit low.Now I know the tires are flat but I could look right into the cab.My B87 I need 2 milk crates to do that.It did have the diesel motor in it.I think that someone would need big $$$$ to restore this one.Like I said there's not whole lot of rot through,but then I didn't see the floor nor the back of cab real close.It's mostly a parts truck.

  5. I rent out my yard to a bunch of truckers down here in PHilly.One of the truckers that hauls containers to the port of NJ said that they only check only a few of the containers going out of the US.I know here in PHilly there is a bunch that is going after the higher end cars to be shipped over seas.I went into one of the shops to talk to a fellow that wanted to rent out our whole yard,and there were two guys grinding the #'s off a BMW to load it into a container that had another BMW already in it.I told a friend of mine that is with the fbi and they raided that place the week before he said.Found no cars,but there were alot of grinding wheels.He was saying they no sooner get the cars in and they remove the #'s and ship it right out.

  6. I feel your pain Farmer52, the last 6 months of my dads life he spent at home under the watchful eye of mom and me and my 2 brothers.The doctors said he had to be place in a home,when they told my mom that I was there and I could see the life just about go out of her.She looked over at me and asked me what I* wanted to do.I told her that if you want him home then lets pack up his clothing and get on home.She was very thankful for that and has always reminded us boys that she couldn't have been more proud of her 3 boys.It was 24/7 care but looking back I wouldn't have changed it for the world.God Bless Farmer52.Will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

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  7. No pictures this time,only news to report is that I finished stripping the cab of all lights,air horn,grab handles today.The only thing left to remove is the windshield then the cab will be ready to be stripped of all 5-6 layers of old paint.I think if the weather is better in the next couple of weeks I will sandblast it myself.I can't talk myself into spending money to have someone do what I'm quite able to do.I'm going to build some sort of a harness to turn it over so I can blast the bottom also.Will have pictures of it when done.

  8. I watched a show not that long ago about the company Blitz that made the cans.Lmackattack is right that they had close to 80% of all gas cans sales in the US,but they couldn't afford the insurance so that if some dumb Mother F#@%#$ poured gas on a buning fire and burnt themsleves they couldn't be sued.Well guess who brought out Blitz it was some overseas company that can't get sued.Only in America

  9. Paul,i'm sorry about your so called day in court.Maybe your other son and daughter in law will see the light when the little bastard steals from them.Keep your head up and stay cool.Justice will be served one day.

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