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Posts posted by randyp

  1. Hi Randyp! At least the randyp drought is over, we were getting seriously worried because we hadn't heard from you for so long. Wonder how rhasler is doing, New Mexico is on fire.

    Hi Tom, no, am still here, seems when Im not working something lately, then Im working on it. I dont know bout ole rhasly, would like to hear from him though. Its shaping up to be a murderous summer here, already getting really hot. I dread it, gonna start work early and quit early,,,,randyp
  2. I orta just take you out behind the barn Vinny, you know better than to type that word on here! Now sound them words out fore you scribble em down youngun! Im just glad you are aware of your blasphemous grammar now. randyp

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  3. I'm down on supplies right now. With all those political passengers riding on taxpayer's expense we depleted the nationwide supplies of rubber gloves as we certainly didn't want to "catch something".

    We are currently negotiating with "Trojan Man" for an emergency fullfillment order. If this is an emergency, we do have an allocated stash that is made in China we could use on you, I suppose.

    I'll keep you posted.


    Are these the "Trojan Ribbed Gloves?" randyp
  4. So much has changed since i was a kid. I have to really work hard to control my temper when i go in a store or gas station here. There is so much dis-respect going on with people now days. I was going in a store the other day though, a young man, prolly bout 14 or 15, stopped and waited with the door open for an older lady, helped her in the door, and was going to continue on his way till i stopped him and told him I wanted to shake his hand and commend his good manners. To tell you the truth, I was a lil shocked by it. We all do need to encourage that, even among total strangers, we cant give up the ship, have to keep pushing manners on them. Times really have changed though. I guess people have to believe what they want to, me, my health is really bad, dont bother me none though, cause I know where im going, thas me, my belief, others can differ if they wish, not gonna sway me though. Ifn i beat you there, will keep the light on for you. randyp

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  5. I dont have any filters on mine. I did have a vent plug one time, LOL, blew the tank apart at the seams! it was hard to bleeve a vent could plug bad enough to split seams on a steel tank, but it did. Course, my bed sets a land speed record on its way down anyway. randyp

  6. Oh woe is me, forgive me olive, my pologies ahead of time,,,but,,,,I am an AVID bird lover,,,and,,well,,forgive me,,,I would scatter that freakin cat all over pasture with 12 gauge buckshot ifn I saw him doing that dastardly deed! Oh the pain and misery, just the thought of a cute lil bird getting eaten! I would scatter cat and then stomp whats left of his entrails in ground! Randyp

  7. Meat is meat. What difference does it make what critter it came from? :tease:

    Well,,all these country folks out here where im is, kinda bony, prolly tough and stringy. If the shit hits the fan, hafta go into town and find me a nice plump tender bank executive, or lawyer, or,,,no,,forget lawyers, prolly catch food poisoning offn one them rascals,,,,randyp
  8. Im way off down here in Texas,,yet,,I definitely heard a strange scream, musta been Vinny. (sounded kinda girlish though). Thas some great kodiackatronomy Tom, specially liked the way you incorporated the human element in some of them,,,i.e. the thumb. Keep up the good work Master,,,,randyp

  9. Ifn they nuke anywhere round here, I hope the top of my head is "ground zero". I dont wanna have to see the aftermath of any of that or starve to death, or for that matter, attempt to eat my neighbor. She doesnt look like she bathes regular anyway. Just say no to nukes,,,,randyp

  10. I got to agree on that I am thinking 5 maybe 6 or 6 maybe 5

    I will solve this "size dilemna". I looked at it this way, then that, then this agin,,,,I deduce it is a 6.11743 caliber, wish i still had my spectrometer, but I ran over it with my Komatsu D-4128.996. randyp
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