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Posts posted by mechohaulic

  1. 2 minutes ago, Onyx610 said:

    And I get hangovers now hahah😆

    another old age situation;; your told DO NOT mix alcohol (hang overs ) with meds. old age brings in many meds. LOL😁

  2. 9 minutes ago, mowerman said:

    You know mentally I don’t feel any different than what I was 20 but my body is getting a little beat up and mainly hard to bemd down and get up again mainly that’s the only issue I have now but I am sure it will get worse… Oh by the way I think I have the baby quad in my DM it’s a 15 speed with a low hole on the auxiliary that can’t be used when up shifting the pattern

    the body parts don't get worse (yes they do); call it they get more challenging to operate. your DM is a DM6???  , DM607/611 ? do you have the same shift pattern on the dash or is it showing 15 speed?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mark T said:

    That looks like one of those from something with a gas engine.

    possibly but he states it's in the DM 607 he posted a picture of. a DM607 wouldn't be gas ??   711 or 673 non-turbo . green interior from picture. i'm thinking early DM. not saying trans wasn't changed ;; who would change dash shift  pattern. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Onyx610 said:

    Like a ford I guess, cab has to come off to do anything haha

    it can be done without cab off. helps alot to be 20-30 yrs old. have tried lowering with a rope, someone inside cab and helper outside. remove small side panel outside , try not to think of how many fingers will be smashed . 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, mowerman said:

    Yes I put an air starter in mine long long time ago and it was a real bitch I mentioned it before I was only 39 when I put it in at 65 I don’t think I could take it out ha ha

    at 70/closing in on 71; i don't think i can climb the steps to sit in the seat and turn the key to start it ,never mind change it ,,,

  6. 1 hour ago, D-Day said:

    It's in this D M 607 unfortunately the rest of the truck is in bad shape pretty much a parts donor


    the DM800 along with it's "older brother " the B81  will always be a favorite . the steel nose 600 is a close "cousin" . the steel nose 600's back in the day have also been called other names when twisting upside down trying to remove items such as starters. LOL . that orange one must be up in age late 60's=early 70's being a 607 (sx)? 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, mechohaulic said:

    i have heard the term mini -quad used in yrs past.  at the farm i've been hanging out at; supposed to be getting a B81sx up and running there. out back with lots of other stuff is  a mack trans. i t's a small twin stick . tried to clean off data plate section for numbers  didn't come clean enough. complete trans with mounts. took some pictures a while back. can try and up load. back section  had a repair . will talk with owner and find out his plans before it's scrapped . 



  8. 2 minutes ago, mowerman said:

    Yes I was just checking out a GMC with a Jimmy on YouTube thanks for the tip I’ll check it out…. Oh by the way l Don’t know what a mini quad is I thought it was something with four big tires that mostly  kids ride haha 

    i have heard the term mini -quad used in yrs past.  at the farm i've been hanging out at; supposed to be getting a B81sx up and running there. out back with lots of other stuff is  a mack trans. i t's a small twin stick . tried to clean off data plate section for numbers  didn't come clean enough. complete trans with mounts. took some pictures a while back. can try and up load. back section  had a repair . will talk with owner and find out his plans before it's scrapped . 

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, D-Day said:

    Would this be what I have seen referred to as a baby quad it looks like a quad box and is it a step up from a triplex


    I've been staring at that pattern for some time now. 1- can't recall ever seeing a 14 ;; 2= minus 5th lo which would give the 14, it states lo-lo NOT a splitter. 1st lo-lo only?? that would take out 3-4 more moves . how14?? like the 6 speed twin stick maxi  low for first only  was "made into a10 speed by many

  10. 2 hours ago, mrsmackpaul said:

    They sold them V8 B models new here with a Mack V8 and with a 8V71 GM 

    Both had the quad box, both had the big aluminium radiator and both looked the same 


    But they both sounded very different 🤪



    when you want to get away from the TV crap; as always Youtube has some fun stuff. punch in --- shifting a Mack quad. one is a B81 ;  of course some are good ; some aren't.  if  memory is correct ; a B815 has the V-8 .. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Onyx610 said:

    So not to change the subject, but I was looking for this companies trucks that I have seen around all with two stroke Detroit’s. Since you guys were talking about those engines. I did happen to find this on their YouTube channel. It’s pretty interesting. Give it some time….


    There's NO WAY anyone could ever say THANK YOU enough to people like those who had the interest in saving a valuable part of history not for the making of $$$$ , but in saving the past. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, mowerman said:

    But I run days now on a wide open highway and you can see stuff coming up way before you get there anyway not much point shouting out a report anyway they will see it themselves… Bob

    not to easy for many to see what's coming up when they have their face looking down at their cell phones. sad state of affairs  on the highways today. 

    • Like 2
  13. 19 minutes ago, 67RModel said:

    What I can't understand from the video is why they trucks (or 4 wheelers for that matter) are even travelling in those conditions anyway. You can barely see the closest two lanes from the shoulder, which tells me the visibility is maybe 20-30'. Like how could anyone with a straight face sit there and say they weren't travelling too fast for conditions

    seems  so many are in a hurry for no reason. weather channel has the highway through hell show, i know it's hiped up for tv , yet watch the vehicles traveling fast by a wreck with no concern of the responders working the wreck. challenge is going passed a wreck when the people have to slow down to "see what's going on" hoping the one's speeding behind you pay enough attention as to not crash into you. 

  14. I know this model builder will make  use of the info given here. at present no R-models on the "assembly line". one IH payhauler built up for low bed load; one DM-800 waiting on parts, DM-800 mixer ; and wrecker waiting in line for repairs. R-685ST with 300+ eng hasn't made the repair order line yet.LOL might have warm weather by then ; model repairs will end up on hold again. 

    • Like 2
  15. 9 hours ago, mowerman said:

    I was just pissing myself to finally have some decent weather around here to do that seems like winter is 10 months long it was gorgeous yesterday ribs came out a little undercooked.. I have to finish up in the oven ha ha… bob


    IT'S  SNOWING IN CT  RIGHT NOW !!!!! ''enough for ground to be white..  i really hate this state. was raking leaves yesterday. NO cooking out around here.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Joey Mack said:

    I love bikes..  My wife and I have these Jewel's..  The Honda was her Daddy's, I bought it for her from her brother. I had the sportster since 2003, The Duece,,,,,   well....   one day my Wife, looked at me (after riding bitch on the sportster for 2 years) Say's,,,, and I quote..... "Jojo, You need a bigger Harley"  After I got up off the floor, I went shopping...   The instant I saw that beautiful blue machine,  I bought it !!!  Of course a few years later, my lovely wife say's (who I guess had a plan) Jojo,  I Want A trike !  So there it is.... She has it for 3 years now...  It's about time for her to plant her A$$ in the seat this year..  Jojo





    I'm likein  the trike. drove/rode a variety of things through the yrs NEVER rode/drove a motorized bike. had a license since 16. rode a bicycle till 18.  at 18yrs old, was involved in a bike vs school bus accident.  i was on the bike. hit the  bus close to head -on. days of no cell phones. kids on the bus watched me fly through the air . busted up for a long time. point being after that i was never allowed on any kind of bike ; motorized or other after that. LOL

    • Like 1
  17. winter in older times  as kids we watched the town crew plowing the country roads with two man teams per truck. they took turns ;one driving  other was in the dump body SHOVELING the sand out the body to the roads. the blizzard of '78 had an OPERATOR on a TD20 with open cab spent 48 hrs no sleep opening roads 

    • Like 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, Onyx610 said:

    Apparently it was nothing for those older guys to plow snow in a blizzard on a open cab dozer and go for miles on end. They have nothing but a little heater at the feet and the whisky bottles people would bring out to them along their way to keep warm. 

    one of the ole timers i worked for  used his cable run bay city shovel  to lift his truck up in the air;; said he didn't like laying on the ground to grease!! LOL. he also told of running a single axle white from CT to NY in the winter with no heat. he put candles on the dash to defrost the windows. i know i said same thing ;; no way. he was serious. 

    • Haha 1
  19. like the FLYING ACES of the WW's , "operators"  are things of the past  today. ever see the satellite senders on machinery today. the drivers not operators sit back set the computers and a satellite thousands of miles away set the grades on the dozers, scrapers etc. had little time behind controls of a grader trying to teach myself how to operate it. any one can drive it operating is a totally new ball game. besides a grader, running a 100ft + crane was on the bucket list for me. 

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