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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by CaptainCrutch

  1. It's a Mack CF-600 (the serial number could have different numbers after the 6 but they're usually badged as CF-600s). I have one myself but it's green and white with lower rear fenders for hard sleeves and a ladder. From the way it looks the front suction is closer to the driver side whereas mine has it directly in the middle. A long lasting and famous unit used all round the country, some are even in service to this day despite the fact they started selling the model in the 60s!


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  2. Politics benefits from divisions, people are more likely to donate when they have been trained to hate the “other side”, it makes people more passionate, and it’s been proven that people have gotten farther from the center politically, and with everyone having an agenda they want to push you have to be extremely careful in trusting what you read, the bias has infiltrated everything. Everyone is benefiting from this division except for the regular joe who has nothing to gain in the long run except hatred for someone over something as simple as buying chicken from a specific restaurant... we’ve gotten so bad when it comes to arguing that I can’t go get Chic-fil-a Milkshakes without being criticized for it. Families torn apart, friendships broken, two people who would otherwise be good friends result to calling eachother enemy robots over the smallest political points. Both parties just change to be whatever the other party doesn’t support, both taking opposite stances, and insisting their stance is the best. In reality both parties are interested only in benefiting themselves and they’re doing it at our expense. But what do I know, I’m just some guy on the internet who wrenches on some old firetrucks.

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  3. I’m not saying I want to ignore the DOT laws per say, more things like drivers logs and daily chores a trucker has to do besides personally inspecting your rig, especially with new laws coming out trying to stop pre emissions trucks from continuing to run daily jobs. And I do intend on slowly collecting more trucks, off in the distant future I want my retirement plan to be rescuing trucks from places like Commifornian junkyards and find them new homes, and as many times as it seems like we’ve fixed this thing and then a new problem appeared... it’s better to have a winch and not need it than to need it and not have it. And I’ve looked into the whole legality and state laws and I can’t remember if it’s PA, WV, or VA but one of them actually has a law specifying that hauling antique vehicles with an antique truck and trailer is a perfectly legal practice. And talking about an antique tractor hauling a trailer with commercial plates is exactly why would rather have an antique trailer. It’s much easier to explain it as a historic piece of history on your than somebody have some fun taking his toys around that way. Worse comes to worse I know a few trucking companies that wouldn’t mind adding something like this to their fleet if you know what I’m saying. Believe me I’ve spent more time looking into the legality of this situation than I have finding out what trailer is best for what I plan on doing with it. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Mr. Cal Little but I quite like the way he operates his collection, and that’s essentially what I’m aiming at being similar to. Basically he takes an old L fire engine that’s been converted to a tractor to haul his toys to shows and bring new toys home. He hasn’t had many issues if any at all and we’re not too far apart in terms of location. I’m also in no hurry to get this done I’m just getting a head start so that if opportunities start arriving I have less of a chance at missing them.

  4. Both the trucks combined weight is less than 40,000 pounds without any water, so that's not the primary concern. The real concern is length because both trucks would have to be bumper to bumper and they'd still be hanging off one end or the other. The reason I said Landoll was because the few times we've had them hauled places it was by a Landoll. I'll admit that it is a bit of a wishlist item but like you said, with deep enough pockets anything is possible, and being honest I'm hoping a few somethings pull through soon so I can knock some of these wishlist items out in the next few years. At the very least thanks for the recommendations, you're right I know more what I want with the tractor than the trailer. What I really want is something that's easy to load them up with, preferably with a winch so if something happens loading doesn't rely on the vehicle being loaded up, we've had plenty of issues with that in the past to say the least. Honestly I'd rather have an antique truck and trailer so I can put historic tags on them and not have to worry too much about the DOT and keep the insurance lower. This is actually exactly why I posted it here, either I find what I want or I find out what I really want. I mean I haven't even found the truck yet, because me and dad keep finding one's we want but they need work that we need to dedicate to the L, and the ones that don't need work are the ones that we feel just don't fit what we're looking for. Mini update on the L though: we're hoping to get it back real soon. The new fuel pump is coming and then were going to just maintain it for a little while before continuing the restoration effort later after some personal matters that it needs to be ready for.

  5. I think at this point most people on here know im looking for something to haul the firetrucks with, just an older tractor, definitely pre emissions... but that tractor is pretty useless for hauling unless you have a trailer, just something to throw both the 25+ft long firetrucks on the bed of. Dad keeps saying he wants a Landoll. Just throwing out what i intend on getting at some point and seeing what works and what doesn't.

  6. That’s ok, I saw the complete opposite of a Mini Cooper being hauled by a W900 with a lowboy one day... got it stuck over the railroad tracks by my house. Unfortunately I was working when they finally got it unstuck, otherwise I would’ve just used the CF to haul it back over the way he came, just to give him some hope only for him to realize there’s no space for him to turn around. There’s signs everywhere saying you have to have a good amount of clearance if you’ve got a trailer! Also reminds me of that time a guy almost bent his trailer in half trying to tow a house boat because he thought it’d be smarter to lay the thing on blocks instead of spreading the load out over the trailer bed...

  7. 8 hours ago, j hancock said:


    You are working on a space dog???

    The space dog is a different project... lol!

    I’m hoping to be able to share more info next week or the week after. That’s all I can say for now though... it won’t be for everyone but I intend on spreading the word any way I can!

  8. I’ve signed an NDA so I can’t say anything about it but I have to say that the minute I have information to share on it I will, I won’t be making a cent of off this and I’m just gonna be spreading the word about a great thing that’s going on that I have the privilege of being a part of. Here’s the accumulation of the work put in so far on my end, but there’s plenty more to come!2D51DA64-8069-4910-828D-FBC115EAA79F.thumb.jpeg.e179348c232eaf10b97dbfeda83e70bf.jpeg

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