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Mack Technician

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Posts posted by Mack Technician

  1. Our filthy neighbor of 10,000 years still remains the greatest offender here......

    The CDC high estimate number for Flu deaths since October 2019 is 63,000 dead. 

    Corona has 9,109

    Don't care for either of them, but this annual scourge has never gotten so much attention and the flu deaths are being considered perfectly normal and outside of our personal control. 

    With all the distancing precautions being taken the Flu spread has to have been stunted also, so how bad would the high flu number have been by end of May? 80,000? More? This is also flu bloom right now. 

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  2. Think Uncle Sam is probably nervous about how well China first introduced or at least hosted a new virus, shut up or killed whistle blowing doctors 🤐, let it spread globally and now ,ironically, is controlling Covid like a tame pup. The globe is begging on their knees for their PPE goods. The dollars is sacked and western economy’s tanking. The Hong Kong uprising is officially squelched. China killed off some of the excess population which has been state policy since 1979. Covid keeps getting artificial fang extenders back home and no one can determine how wide spread it already is or if half of all the cases aren’t even getting reported and so can’t calculate the real morbidity stats? Be a great time for China to pull some island building or Japan prodding as they tend to. Be a real bad time for our defenses to drop. China did it in two months from the comfort of a hammock. Think Trump is putting those heavy tariffs on China’s ventilators and PPE? There’s some serious global trust issues right now.

    The carrier was looking at 16-20 deaths which may or may not be still avoided right now. Ugly situation. Not to mention everybody is sitting at home preoccupied with Covid and nothing to do, including the Moms. 

    Who’s leaking this stuff to the media constantly? Our government has become C.sack full of Chelsea Mannings?

  3. In this case I was 7 hours away in MN ice fishing, so she was on a solo mission. If you don’t feed the 5 they’ll turn on you. Could be Corona, but I doubt it. He’s been better for a week with no other symptoms.

    He’s the one who gave me Corona when I started this thread. He got a cough and sore throat, passed fast. I got it from him and was laid up in bed for 4 days with an elephant sitting on my chest and 102.3 fever. No GI issues at all, could eat like a horse. Got better, chest still funky, went to work 4 days and fever and elephant returned which usually means pneumonia. Only 100.5 fever that round and only lasted 12 hours. 

  4. Got a taste for how fast kids can pick up and spread.

    We’ve been respecting the stay home order. Wife had to take the kids to Walmart with her after a couple weeks of home stay. It’s the only public exposure. Cleaned hands before and aft. The 2.5 year old picked up pink eye inside of the single 1/2 hour visit. 


  5. 10 hours ago, carlotpilot said:

    two things I see talked about on here I haven't seen or tried . moxie and that stuff from aust.  gotta try and find some of each. :D  by the way some good lookin bacon

    I was able to mail order some Vegemite. Kraft makes it. Different. It’s a paste that tastes sorta like like beef boullion. 

    Moxie can only be explained using visual aids.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, 41chevy said:

    Once it is done aging I'll send you a slab, but you have to share it with your mom too.

    If I see bacon show up with a single can of Moxie you’ll being seeing some of the maple syrup I’m watching boil down. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, david wild said:

    I was asked to donate them to the local fire dept, the chief just bought a new Teluride (loaded) and we gut a Hummer brush fire truck, if the Chief got a Soul and a Ford f350 brush truck I may have been a little more inclined but if you can piss away tax money on toys then screw you. now I know that every volunteer fireman will be up in arms but our fire dept pisses away tax dollars like the shit grows on trees  so I feel I don't need to give away stuff,  goes along with hospital, never got anything from them but a screwing too, 6 dollar aspirin ? and I need to give to them, when asked about this today I told them I would burn them be for I gave them away,  my Snap On dealer bought them all. wallets so fat almost did not fit in my pocket, see being a capitalist works,I spent money on buying what the Government wasted money on buying to much of, I stored it then along came a need and I made a profit, that is what snowflakes need to learn.  and OH now Shifty shit wants to impeach Trump for his handling of the virus, if you are a Liberal Democrat and you can support that you have not brain cell that has  survived your birth because you would have to be brain dead to believe your right and the rest of us are wrong.

    Thought I’d throw it out there, you were jumping up and down like Ebenezer. You kill it on more big auction payouts than anyone I’ve know. Sold to Snap On? Maybe there’s mercy in it somewhere. A fortunate motor monkey will be getting a free pack of Corona masks with every $150 worth of tools purchased? 

  8. Out of curiosity, do you have the inner hub of that gear? You can see residual blueness at some of the spoke breaks that typically occurs when the gear is overheated during installation. Be interesting to see the color of the center chunk. 

    I’ve never seen those break, but I did see one get forgotten, cook too long and turn blue. At that point it’s junk. If someone is shade tree fixing they may use a torch to heat (overheat) the center during the sweat-fit install. That also denatures the metal for a break. Torches can’t heat uniformly and usually go hot too quick. 

  9. 2 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

    Today, the CDC is finally suggesting that Americans wear face masks when out around other people.

    On 4/1/2020 at 9:39 AM, kscarbel2 said:
    Based on personal experience, I urge everyone to wear a mask when out in public. Industrial masks, even a scarf, whatever you can get.
    The government has steadily said that face masks won't help. But you'll never fine evidence to support the ridiculous claim because it doesn't exist.
    The truth is, there aren't sufficient quantities to provide for the masses. They barely have enough for medical facilities.
    There is abundant proof that masks do help prevent viral infections like the Coronavirus. For example, wearing a mask in public resulted in a 70% reduction in the risk of catching SARS, which like Covid-19, is a respiratory illnesses caused by the same family of viruses called coronavirus.
    Masks work !

    CDC must be in trouble. They’re turning to Odds and Ends for suggestions.... 😉 

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, david wild said:

    HA HA I have 17 cases of N95 1860 3M  Masks that bought on a GSA auction knew I had them but was out on a move, got home checked the cases and now I am going to cash them in, lucky me.

    What’s that Dave? Your donating them to your local Red Cross chapter and taking a tax deduction instead of selling them! High five man 🙌 

  11. Company had the first positive test on a production worker yesterday. I'm not making it up to fit this narrative...………..It's Wallula, Washington....population 179. It came into the door in the middle of flat, dessert, nowhere S.East Washington. Guy wasn't traveling. Took 5 other workers out with him, mandatory quarantine for them. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, HeavyGunner said:

    If it was just the people leaving and migrating that were rolling the dice that would be fine. Why should they have the opportunity to spread something that is highly infectious to very small rural areas with little to no healthcare options. There’s less than 2000 people in the county I live in. We have a little medical center that doesn’t do much for any serious injury or illness. They more or less patch you up good enough to keep you alive until they can get you to help. For me the closest real medical help (again not including our triage center) is 100 miles away one way. So these selfish people should be able to come to a rural place and expose a very small community to Coronavirus that has very, very little medical care?  I think that’s wrong but I guess that’s just me. Always enjoy visiting and hearing your side of things MackTech. Stay healthy. 

    I simply think folks would lose even more of what we’ve already lost in personal privilege if they can’t escape. It’s the last liberty. 100 miles is a problem. I’m surprised they want that level of “removal” from society.

    We have my mom holed up in the family farmhouse. She’s ashes if she gets it. Stroke survivor and diabetic, 72. If I had a cabin up here I’d move her into it. 

    Cheers Gunner! 👍🏼 To your good health and continued sound judgement. 

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  13. I’m with the Mud Duck. Not so opposed to migration since it’s already here. Let’em roll the dice if they want to, they’re moving further away from good hospitals and into the land of Indian medicine men dancing and slapping your fevered body with a dead eagles plumage.

    Personally, I recommend folks getting a Covid plan...

    1. Start exercising and doing cardio. It kills by depleting your oxygen via pneumonia. Exercise helps your heart run better on lower levels of oxygen. I can’t go to the gym now but there’s woods trails and a highway. You can do jumping jacks in your living room if that’s what you have. Beats sitting around wringing your hands. 

    2. Go on Ketosis. Drop some weight fast. I’m shooting for 20. It’s less inflammatory foods. Fat contains blood flow, more fat means more blood needed, means more cardio stress to pump extra circuits. You can drop a couple pounds a week. 

    3. Begin a regiment of Elderberry Extract. It’s the only supplement proven to turn you around faster during a viral infection. I doubted my wife and she proved me wrong. So I figured I’d still prove her wrong by looking up data, and data from .gov medical library placebo study also proved me wrong. People get well days faster and need less intervention “rescue” medications. 

    4. Shift to a CAG MOF attitude. Come And Get Me Mother “blank”. Puts you in control. I know I’m getting it eventually and it’s going to be from work. Don’t let a mindless, pus coated, Zipperhead(Paul quote) prick virus eat your lungs without first turning it into a complete p&$$ing match. 

    5. Use BMT as an outlet for your rants, unreasonable prejudices & fears, crack pipe theories and Mack truck needs. I apologize outright for blowing up this sight, but it gets boring if you follow this stay home order properly. 

  14. If they changed the horsepower it must be running the latest file? Surprised that didn’t help the smoke stumble issues. Did you tell them about the stumble issues?

    if it’s the “hardest to get at” its probably #6. Mackpro once pointed it out, and I believe it to be true, the heat shield is the only thing saving 6 from repeat premature deaths. It’s the hot zone. Are your shields on?  Radiant heat exposure is a killer. Months back I grabbed an engine harness on our 2011 Liehberr and it shattered like glass. It became a big copper furball. I cut back into the heat shielded area and it was still soft and pliable. All exposed spots where radiance could absorb into the wiring were shot.

    A number of guys in here have had harness issues in the harness branch that services the EUPs. Getting to be some old rubber on those wires and also exposed to heat if no covers. 

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  15. 31 minutes ago, HeavyGunner said:

    News on local radio station says local Montanans are requesting that the governor figure out a way to stop all of the Californians who are supposed to be in stay at home quarantine like the rest of us from flocking up here to avoid being in California. Seems absolutely ridiculous that we don’t shut travel down period for awhile with very few exceptions for essential personnel. Doesn’t seem that would be hard to do. Want a flight? Unless your a doctor or some other person or reason better than that Nope stay home. You want to leave the county or city you’re in?  Again unless you have a damn good reason nope. Get home. 

    I don’t completely disagree, but imagine you own a vacation home in Montana and a cramped apartment in Sacramento. Apartment-AKA cruise ship on concrete. Wouldn’t you get the hell outta dodge before the heat is turned to full on? Our recreations are shut off. The folks heading up here aren’t tourists, they’re property owners. 

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  16. Ponder this.... 🤔 

    Everybody generally sits and stares at their phones on break. Now everyone stares at them from a personal distance of 6 feet apart. Was anything really lost or have we been refining “Social distancing” for a decade?

  17. 2 hours ago, tenfive0 said:

    For a bowl of rice and a fish head a days pay with a population of 1.4 billion they can afford to pop out masks or what ever else by the millions daily. While in the process if a few of the 1.4 drop off the planet they're just added to the false body count they're not telling you about. But, there are a million other peasants waiting in line for the jobs of the ones that died in the process. Everyone's expendable to feed the machine in the conquest of world dominance.

    The Chinese Communist Party have a HUGE problem feeding every body and trying to keep them busy, working or otherwise occupied in the process. If the people are left hungry with idle time to long with nothing to do I gives them a chance to think about how much life sucks living under Communist rule. It's all part of the plan. While the resent trade deal is good for US Agriculture and our Farmers we are helping feed the machine. We should be applying leverage holding them accountable for their continuous lies, current and past history of human rights abuse.

    1 in every 5.5 people on Earth is Chinese (Be happy were not the 0.5). May be a tough group to intimidate. 

  18. Maybe China does have their spread under manageable control? 

    China owns this Earth in terms of the manufacturing of common goods. We put ALL our eggs in THEIR basket and they’re enjoying a fantastic omelet right now. Their health department say “5 million masks please”, the government yells “NOW!!!”, the grunts scurry, there’s a big puff of black coal smoke over at the factory stack, and boom, out pops 5 million masks a day later. Can’t blame them for taking care of numero uno first. 

    Meanwhile back in America the government is trying to convince us we don’t need personal protective gear because “they won’t help anyway”. Meanwhile Joe down the street is up in the attic digging through boxes trying to find the gas mask his great grandpa saved from WWI.

    In Italy they buried their 66th doctor today due mostly to a lack of PPE. 

    Time for some good old fashion, stiff upper lip, stoicism. OR maybe apply some of what we do make in the USA, ummmm.....Kim Kardashian and P Diddy? 

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