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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. Back (40 yrs or so) when l had my '77 R model. My wife and l would turn NH/ME to MD/VA twice a week. Speed limit was 55 so we strolled along at about 60. Every trip it seemed there was one truck that would pass us two, three, four times. But l'm proud to say my little puppy dog was always the first one to get to the delivery. With our return load of beer or liquor upright and damage free! .....Hippy
  2. Nope! l don't see a beer holder and/or cooler anywhere near the pool! lol Unless it's over on the right side on the stool... .....Hippy
  3. Charlie, Welcome to BMT! You do realize this post is 10 years old? l'll bet someone will see this and bail you out tho! .....Hippy
  4. This is my favorite from a few years back. .....Hippy
  5. l know it's at noon but, what day is the BMT group picture at Watt's tent? (Asking for myself this time! lol) Thanks. .....Hippy
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