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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Gambi80

  1. Yup. This is the exact phone I've got....been using the little loop thing to hang it from my visor while driving (so it takes a beating against the door post)....still works great :thumb:

    Wow...amazing what people with absolutely nothing else to do can come up with....."let's freeze a phone...super!!"

  2. Casio??? I thought they only made watches and calculators.

    I had the Motorola Tundra before this super sweet iPhone. While it was a pretty durable phone it had trouble receiving calls...but it's for sale if anyone wants it.

  3. Get the otterbox for your iPhone Gambi, it'll protect your phone if you drop it.

    Look at this guy setting the timer on the dash-cam! I bought one with the phone, I've got a couple little kids and farm too...

  4. Nope. Don't have a generator OR an AC window unit laying around here at the house. If I gotta spend money, I'm gonna fix it right. I only redneck engineer the stuff I can fix WITHOUT spending money. :thumb:

    And I don't have any cars, either. Got 3 pickup trucks (with a 4th on the way), a motorcycle, and the Mack...but no cars. :banana:

    For AC, I just roll the windows down. Mother nature does a good enough job conditioning the air for me. B)

    ...of course it makes it pretty obvious what I do for a living :pat:

    Mother Nature doesn't like the swamp ass though...she told me that one day...

  5. fridge is doin good, that's a big thing here in phoenix. 106 2day

    i feel kinda like a goofball rolling off these hills at 25mph, but it is what it is, im not gona burn the brakes off it.....

    Better safe than sorry really. If you have a manual engine fan switch, try turning it on for the extra drag on the motor... I drove an IH (piece of crap) with a Cummins ISM motor...ran good for what it was...and after so long on the jake the brain would kick on the engine fan.

  6. It really ain't as bad as you'd think. I've had the dump controls on that side since 10/08 and the blower controls on the other side since 5/08 when I bought it....ain't ever had a problem with 'em. B)

    My blower control has a ponytail on it...yeeeooowwww!


    It's the Mormons...I bet all the signs point to underground shelters full of food for when the apocolypse hits...or the second coming of Jose Smith...or the earlier days saints.

  8. I'm around $800 (have to look it up to get exact) per quarter with Country Companies...in-state only with cargo insurance and pull a dump trailer 99.72% of the time. Located in Illinois, 4th year as an O/O and I'll be 30 in sept.

    Sounds like you're getting screwed pretty hardcore with no mention of lube.

    • Like 1
  9. Welllllllllll...we've got GPS auto-steer tractors nowadays. All you have to do basically is 'train' it once and it'll do it by itself after that. It's only a matter of time before your Garmin maps are programmed into your car's computer (once they get GPS down to the inch), some sort of radar to tell you how far/where other vehicles are around you and the auto-steer is built in and away you go driving completely input free.

    Check this out...

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