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Posts posted by Quickfarms

  1. So we have been trapped in the house for the past 45+ days. The kids have been doing home study, and get outside when they can as the weather here in eastern Pennsylvania has been for the birds lately. Half a day of sun and then six days of rain. Wash, rinse, repeat. Large (now 16) and Medium (now 15) are pissed off they can't go hang out with their buddies and are suffering because of it. Large (10th grade) also began Welding at the Votech school this year (one of the hardest programs to get into.....) and he grew to LOVE his classes between September and March when they locked down the schools. He is PISSED he can't go to Votech. 

    So we were bored the other day. I was talking to my dad, and with everything that happened with my mom, the weather and now this bullshit, I found out in casual conversation that the Hahn hadn't been run since Trucktoberfest. So I told my dad that Large and I would go run it. We really needed to get the fook out of the house and it was a pretty nice day. So we headed down to where it is kept in an old fire station about 40 minutes from here. The batteries are always plugged into a trickle charger/conditioner so we weren't worried about that. But we were concerned because that truck always had a history of draining down the fuel system after 2-3 weeks of no running. An electric fuel primer was even installed later in life. So I held down the electric primer switch for about 20 seconds and then hit the starter.....Took 4 times before it finally caught and that loud, smelly obnoxious two stroke Satan finally came to life. Pulled her outside and let her run for 15 minutes and then we took her for a ride for 5-10 miles. When we got back, pulled out back of where she is stored- there is a huge parking lot. Large needed something to smile about. I stopped and set the brake and said "Get over here" as I climbed out. Well, I am sure if that loud POS wasn't running you probably could have heard a pin drop. He sat there for a second with his jaw hanging open and all of a sudden it was elbows and assholes to get his seatbelt off and hop over the Morse tower and into the seat. I climbed in the passenger seat and gave him the quickie basics. (He has never even driven a car yet......) I wish I had taken pictures or video because his smile as he drove that thing around that lot for 10 minutes was enough to erase a lot of the misery for the last 45 days. 


    What is the electric fuel primer and how can I build one? I have a truck that keeps losing its prime.
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  2. Wow California, except the City of Los Angeles, is fairly normal.

    Everyone in my family is still working and enjoying the lack of commuting.

    I do refuse to do most work in Los Angeles now, but it’s a cesspool normally and I don’t want to have to deal with the residents.

    The protestors in Huntington Beach are not wearing masks and the police are just watching them.

    I see people out jogging, walking or riding there bike without a mask all the time.

    Yes you have to wear a mask when we go into a business.

    I do put on gloves and a mask when I go into a store.

    • Like 1
  3. My daughter was invited and accepted to go back to Camp America in PA this coming June for the 2020 season. The camp owners have told and keep emailing all their 2020 staff to keep preparing for a mid June start this year. The regular update information my daughter receives weekly is that the owners are in full preparation mode for June start and to receive all their regular students. And if not mid June by end of June. My daughter has been told to get her US visa organised and she has an appointment at our local US consulate for her visa.
    Most of the students that attend this camp have attended since their youngest years, nearly all come from well to do/prominent New York city and surrounds families, attorneys, bankers, business etc. While the children are in camp, their mums and dads are away on holidays. No camp then no holidays for the parents!!!
    My point/question is, what information may the camp owners know/have that others don't have access to? And given the same students go back every year, the camp owners would not dare risk the health of these youngsters - consider the potential for multi million law suits for negligence, God forbid if 1 or more students took ill or dies at camp from CV!!!
    And this is only 1 camp of many (100's) across USA? Camp America I now appreciate is a big part of the annual summer season for lots of families that can afford these camps.
    At this time my daughter believes she will be coming to USA for the 2020 season, especially if she gets her US entry visa, we will soon know better.

    The owners don’t know anything more than the rest of us and are just trying to remain in business.

    If the camp closes without the government ordering it the owners will not be able to receive hand outs from the government.

    I have heard that there are limits on civil liability due to the virus.

    In California the school science camp was closed due to the virus and is not issuing refunds but will reschedule when they are allowed to open, just like the concerts. Maybe this camp is planning the same.

    Did your daughter have to fill out a health questionnaire?

    Are the deposits non refundable?

    Are they banking on a large percent of the kids not actually showing up?
  4. To me the dm600 was ugly but I could back the truck into some really tight holes and drop the roll off box especially remember one hospital on the jersey shore, had to drop the empty box on the street and back down an alley with the doctors cars all over the place pick up the full box and take it out and then put the empty box in its place. I remember one day they sent me there with a new r model and it would not fit. I got on the radio and borrowed a dm from another driver and got the job done.


  5. I keep reading that of those people tested only about 20% are positive, keep in mind you have to have symptoms to even be tested. Now there are reports that the test is only 70% accurate.

    I told this to my son last night and he immediately started researching it to prove me wrong but hasn’t mentioned it all day today!

    I do kind of enjoy this shut down. There is almost no traffic going to the job sites, but I do miss going out to eat.

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  6. I know quite a few people that have been sick with the symptoms, are told to self quarantine, experience a case of the flu, recover and are not counted

    They even had an Orange County firefighter on tv the other night telling a similar story.

    This is scary if you are in a high risk category

    For me I am still working and enjoying the extra time with my family and working on some neglected projects

    The bad thing is I haven’t seen my friends since this started and all the events that are cancelled or postponed

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  7. It’s common to remove the cars after a wreck if they can get them out.

    The problem with doing this type of recovery with a rotator is the winch cable is two short.

    Since they are only carrying one extension, one chain and one harness it looks like they don’t do this that often.

    The reality is you need about 500 feet of cable for some of these recoveries.

    Around here, just about 25 miles from downtown LA, the trucks that do this type of recovery are properly equipped.

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