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Dirtymilkman last won the day on October 9 2021

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About Dirtymilkman

  • Birthday 02/06/1979


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  1. It is said to be controlled by the"mob" wouldn't bet against it! Starting in the late 80's the landfills in NYC were full, At that time they were "exporting" bailed garbage to landfills in pretty rural areas of  E Ohio,and Va.One of our o/o  sold his "hotshot" rig and bought two "Large Car" Freightliners and 53ft alum. spread axles.A lot of guys bought high dollar "walking floor" trailers.Those burnt rigs are either walking floor or dumps,can't see enough of them to tell.I'd bet the biggest steak in Florida.Those guys "cut the rates" hence the burnt equip!! As soon as my friend and those who bought the walking floors in the 80's and 90's locked themselves into those big payments, the brokers "cut the rates" The walking floor guys were really screwed,as you contractors know they can only haul certain commodities! Predictably all they could do was haul Fast and heavy!!You Pa guys who are old  enough will remember Uncle Miltie shapp and "operation trashnet"In addition to the aforementioned problems,guys were hauling baled garbage in reefers,then hauling food without washing the trls. So my pal got busted,both rigs on I 80.Are ya' ready 90k gross, speeding of course, logbook that were a museum exhibit!! The fines were like the national debt! As if all that weren't enough the folks in the little towns where the garbage was going were pissed,began picketing the landfills(wouldn't you!).I was running across 80 every wk. To new England and the Bronx with insulation.There was at least one garbage wagon rolled over each trip!

    1. BillyT


      Forgot to mention my friend with the two freightliners was a union boilermaker who built his own hotshot trailer. Took the measurements off a Cherokee trl.and duplicated it in his shop.Looked factory,but the welds were better! I guess he wished he'd kept it!

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