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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by grayhair

  1. 1 hour ago, Maxidyne said:

    Is the last few months press releases from Ford a clever disinformation campaign, or is this their real strategy?

    I think the real strategy is soon to be hatched at the "cathedral of knowledge" railroad station.   Inept management led to bankruptcy at GM.  Improbable  as it may seem, a few more missteps and Ford could fail.

  2. 32 minutes ago, kscarbel2 said:

    And that's the other twist....money. Farmers are desiccating their crops with Roundup to get it to ripen before cold weather arrives. That was never the original intent of this herbicide (poison).

    Poisonous barley?  I wonder if it is making its way into the beers of the world yet? That'll help control world population growth...   

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, HeavyGunner said:

    My great grampa lived into his late 80’s eating bacon and eggs every morning and a fair amount of whiskey for medicinal purposes only 😁. The first 16 seconds of this video give away some of the secrets to longevity. 


    I like his early Browning Humpback Auto 5 shotgun.  I've had mine for close to 50 years now and I have no intention of ever letting it go. Here a photo from the web of Mr. Browning and his invention, one of  many.



  4. Besides glyphosate, the grains themselves are not good for you either.  The grains used today in commercial food production have a very different genetic makeup than the grains from a thousand years ago.  If interested to learn the damage they can do to your body, read the book Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, cardiologist.  Very revealing about the role of today's grains in weight gain, celiac, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, crohn's, and a dozen other things frequently mis-diagnosed.  

    Another interesting book although not authored by a cardiologist:  Eat Bacon, Don't Jog.


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  5. For those of you that find cell phone to be an annoyance, maybe you would enjoy it just a little bit if you change your ring tone from whatever it is now to a favorite song.  While killing time in the hospital last year I figured out how to download some music and then added the songs to my saved files and can them make any of them to be my ring tone.  (An accomplishment for a tech-challenged geezer like me.)  So, my phone doesn't "ring" anymore.  Instead when I have an incoming call it plays Faded Love by Bob Wills, or The Duke of Earl, or Waltz Across Texas. When you answer the call the music stops of course.  You are just substituting music for the typical "ring."  Easy enough to change from one song to another when you get tired of hearing it.  If you need help with this, ask your children...

    • Like 1
  6. I remain a skeptic.  Designing and building battery-powered electric trucks is one thing.  However, hydrogen powered is something entirely different.  Obtaining the necessary federal and local permits and actually building hundreds of hydrogen generating and hydrogen refueling stations will be much more difficult in my opinion.  Ask BP or Exxon about the difficult permitting process for new refineries.  I think not much difference for permitting for hydrogen generation plants.  Storing liquid hydrogen in tanks at 10,000 PSI.  (First at the dispensing station and then a 10,000 PSI tank under the drivers seat.  Uh oh...)

    There is some stubborn science about generating, storing and transporting liquid hydrogen..  Here is an article from 12 years ago that reveals some of the same hurdles that remain today.


    Perhaps the generating, transporting, and storage hurdles will be overcome.  But for now, I remain skeptical.

  7. On 5/17/2017 at 7:19 PM, grayhair said:

    Wow, yeah, it's crazy.  Every where I look there's a new hydrogen fuel station.  (Not.)  I've been all over TX, OK, and FL in the last 6 months and haven't seen any construction work on any of these new hydrogen refueling stations.  Zero, zip, nada.  Gotta buy the properties, get local approvals and permitting for tanks with explosive materials, etc.  Maybe there will be hydrogen trucks long before there is actually a place to refuel them.  "Hello, is this Pilot Truck Stop on I-20?  Yeah, good, listen, I'm about 15 miles east of you. Can you bring me 40 lbs. of liquid hydrogen?  Hello?  Hello?  Damn, I think he hung up on me." 



    A year and three mnths later and I'm still not seeing these fueling stations they are hyping.

    • Like 1
  8. Nice looking project.  I understand the "keep it all Ford" thing.  But to me, its begging for a Cadillac motor.  Maybe a 472, plentiful, cheap, and 550 lb-ft. in stock form and a little bit less weight than the Ford 460.  "Fordillac" was a popular thing back in the day.  Thanks for posting. 


    2 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

    Reuters, Ed Mihelic - "New market opportunities tend to start out with very small sales volumes and unknown market potential."

    Duh, no kidding, really?

    I dunno... Buy Chrysler, sell Chrysler.  Split into separate business units to become more nimble.  Next step several years from now will be combining business units for synergies, etc., etc.  I appreciate seeing the article KSC, but as for Daimler's business, I say much ado about not a damn thing.  IMHO.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

    The apple pies used to be rather good when they were deep-fried. The baked ones today are terrible.

    I've been told the apple and cherry pies which were a real money-maker for franchisees here in the U.S. were a complete failure in Japan.  Taste was just too sweet.  McDonald's then introduced the taro root pies in Japan and sales picked up right away...

    • Like 2
  11. Also,

    3 hours ago, 41chevy said:

    I needed some Plutonium for my flux capacitor, got it at Sams Club with a coupon.


    And, your gonna have to have some Xenon Difluoride to make it work.  I'd send you some of mine but the dog knocked my bottle over. It broke, and then he peed on it. So it immediately vaporized.  I'll send the wife down to Tractor Supply to see if they have some...


    • Like 2
  12. Yes dog has a good life as an adored family member. Interesting how her English comprehension keeps growing.  Understands and reacts appropriately to the following:

    Sit, heal, down, lay down, shake, high five, car, ride, load up, beach, rabbit, squirrel, cat, bacon, sausage, egg.

    And probably understands other words, more than we know she knows 

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