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Everything posted by JumperAndSon

  1. This stuff's retarded. You guys have to watch the AMERICAN version. That one has TRUCKS instead of 'lorries". And a Cummins insead of a scania. Ben
  2. Good idea. Does your green truck have a 404 Gas? Ben
  3. They aren't the best though. I think an E9 V8 would hold a boat in place better. Or an 855 cummins would be great. Ben
  4. Hey, could you provide some pictures? Story time is so much better with pictures. Ben
  5. Sounds fun. Have a good time at Scout Camp. Ben
  6. Well, I went to bed at 2:00AM on Friday Night, woke up at 5:30AM yesterday then worked extremely hard all day. By midnight last night, I was really tired and I wasn't thinking straight. But I'm better now. Ben
  7. I'm going to be in trouble now. I just sent her the link to this page. I'm preparing to get yelled at. Cousin Ben
  8. Yea, well they're actually better looking in person, this picture sucks. Ben
  9. Let's be honest here. You don't know anything about anything. Cousin Ben
  10. I don't know, but it sounds complicated. Why don't you just swap an Allison into it? Ben
  11. She's sending one right now, gimme ten minutes. Cousin Ben
  12. Yea, butI don't have any good pictures of them yet. When I get some, I'll post them. Cousin Ben
  13. I did. They said hi back. You should see them, you'd want to join 4-H. Ben
  14. Well, yea. But I'm also currently arguing with two girls from 4-H about who's a better playboy bunny. Ben
  15. No I am. Do you know what I'm doing right now? Ben
  16. If the camera guy wasn't in it, it would be awesome, but he totally ruins it. Ben
  17. I didn't want to take my good camera for fear of loosing it, and my other camera was dead, so no pictures tonight. But one of the girls had on a playboy belt buckle, I thought that was interesting. But seriously, that burger in the commercial looks really, really good. I love spicy hamburgers like that. Ben
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