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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by BOB DINGSDALE

  1. she has the experience and she would help him in more ways than one.from a outsider looking in you have got to get rid of that lier.he's had four years and has done nothing even when he controled the house.Can't stand watching ED or any other channels except FOX.Like those bunch.Call a spade a spade.

  2. 51ljsw: check engine serial numbers to see if they put them down as serial numbers.I know of two more trucks in wash. that this was the case.one even put the year of truck down as serial number in Wash.the trouble is or was people couldnt relate chassis number to serial number and when they seen SERIAL on engine plate thats what they used.check engine serial plate number to your registered one.then tell me where in Wash. are you.

  3. with the old(1960's)90W gear oil when it got hot it was still thick and didn't leak the new stuff 80-140 or such numbers is like water when hot and comes out any where like water finds the path of least resistance.there is a addative for auto tranys that stops seal leaks that I know works but dont know if it would work in rear ends.worth a try.

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