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Spring Fever



It is starting to look a little like spring around here, peach trees and pear trees are in full bloom. I don't know if I really qualify for spring fever, or if I have just got a case of the mullygrubs. It just seems that when I have time to do something, it is raining, snowing, too muddy, or it's below freezing and the wind is blowing 50 mph. I did manage to get out with some friends a week ago, and get up to Marble NC, to pick up the dump body. I had bought the thing 6 months ago, but there has been no reason to get in a hurry. A good coat of paint, and a little TLC, and it will look about as good as a new one. Check my album for a picture. James


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Good looking dump body James. Looks like your like the rest of us just waiting for nicer weather. It was good talking to you today, hope you get to work on her soon. See ya buddy.

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I don't think you could catch it from a toilet seat, but like CABIN FEVER, a continued exposure to someone who has it, is bound to rub off on you.

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Last year a late frost killed all my peaches, and I only had 3 pears on the whole tree,and one of my apple trees died. I pruned them last fall,not that I had any clue how to do it,but I cut off a bunch of limbs they didn't look like they needed. This year the 2 peach trees are loaded,the pear tree's loaded, and the other apple tree's looking pretty good so far.

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Hey, we still don't have anything blooming up here. The dogwood is JUST starting to flower. Mom is up here and she is complaining about how cold it is. :)

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Hey, we still don't have anything blooming up here. The dogwood is JUST starting to flower. Mom is up here and she is complaining about how cold it is. :)
where IS up there,if anywhere?
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