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That is indeed a tough engine. I had one in a '68 Camaro when I was 19 or 20 years old. The rear main bearing seal leaked really bad, but I never fixed it because I was intending on putting the 350 out of my Nova in it. I lived in Cumberland,Va. at the time and I would fill it up with oil- cheap oil too,reprocessed or whatever- then overfill it a quart, drive it to Richmond on Friday nights, and by the time I got back to Powhatan on the way home the oil light would be on and it would knock like hell the rest of the way home. Then i'd fill it back up with oil the next day and it would quit knocking and be good as new. Did that many times with that old car.

Haha yea, I love that motor. Especially the beautiful open-manifold, straight-piped sound :twothumbsup:


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That is indeed a tough engine. I had one in a '68 Camaro when I was 19 or 20 years old. The rear main bearing seal leaked really bad, but I never fixed it because I was intending on putting the 350 out of my Nova in it. I lived in Cumberland,Va. at the time and I would fill it up with oil- cheap oil too,reprocessed or whatever- then overfill it a quart, drive it to Richmond on Friday nights, and by the time I got back to Powhatan on the way home the oil light would be on and it would knock like hell the rest of the way home. Then i'd fill it back up with oil the next day and it would quit knocking and be good as new. Did that many times with that old car.

That's awesome. I wouldn't recommend trying that with any of today's engines.

The Impala was my first car. I didn't even have a license yet but my neighbor was selling it cheap on an impulse and I happened to be at the right place at the right time. He had gotten into it to drive somewhere and when he turned the key, nothing happened. He opened the hood and realized othat some compassionate criminal took the time to properly disconnect the battery before stealing it. He got all pissed off and slammed the hood down. He then looked across the street and saw me mowing the lawn and started yellinng something at me. He was asking if I wanted his car so i asked how much and he said $100. I quickly ran inside was able to scrape together about $72. I didn't want to borrow from my Dad because I had to "act now" and didn't have time to listen to a lecture that would without a doubt begin with the words "Now wait just a minute..." I ran across the street with my $72 and handed it to the neighbor with a promise to pay the balance as soon as I got my next paycheck. He said "forget the rest, just get it the hell outta here". Still not wanting my Dad to find out I asked if he could help me push it across the street. He reluctantly obliged.

Within minutes of cashing my next check I was hammer down (still without license) to the local R&S Strauss store to get points and plugs and some Chevy orange paint (Dad had already bought me a battery :twothumbsup:. ) The car ran fine but it was mine and I was going to work on it. I took off the valve cover to paint it and could not believe that this engine was able to run. The entire valve train and the inside of the valve cover were encrusted with 93,000 miles worth of sludge. The next time I saw my neighbor I asked him if he'd ever had the oil changed to which he proudly replied "yeah, 3 or 4 times in fact".


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I never used Quaker State oil because everybody used to say it would gum the engine up, but it's probably just as good as any other oil.

Do you remember a brand of oil called Fox Head? Not Wolf's Head, I remember that.

One of my Uncles, a devout cheapskate and Rambler owner, used to use some off brand that was used by those who's choice of motor oil was driven solely by price and I'm pretty sure that was the name. This is the same Uncle that used to drink PathMark's "no frills" beer. It came in plain white cans with BEER in bold black letters on it. I think it was selling for 99 cents a six-pack in the late 1970's. Good stuff.


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OD, you could tell a Quaker State motor just by looking in the oil fill cap. It would sludge anything up! I can remember cars coming in with valve cover gaskets leaking something awful, I'd ask the owner if he used Quaker State, and he'd reply "Sure, how'd you know?". Because the oil return holes would be plugged solid with gunk, and nowhere for the oil to drain back down but out the gasket. Each valve cover would hold 2 quarts of slimy crust, and as low man at the Exxon I had to clean them out. Late 70's Chevy with camshaft issues were the worst. The entire lifter valley would be packed solid! Hours at the parts washer.

Jim, we had Blatz beer $3.99 a case in the late 80's. or Shaffers. or Old Millhunkie(Millwaukee). I'm gettin' thirsty just thinking about it. The beer, not Quaker State.


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Do you remember a brand of oil called Fox Head? Not Wolf's Head, I remember that.

One of my Uncles, a devout cheapskate and Rambler owner, used to use some off brand that was used those who's choice of motor oil was driven solely by price and I'm pretty sure that was the name. This is the same Uncle that used to drink PathMark's "no frills" beer. It came in plain white cans with BEER in bold black letters on it. I think it was selling for 99 cents a six-pack in the late 1970's. Good stuff.

Had a next-door neighbor in Jersey that drank SHOP-RITE brand "no frills" beer exclusively,now i see the empty cans going for big bucks on ebay! who'da' thunk it?.....................................................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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We used to take off for Bob's Supermarket in Farmville,Va. in the 70's when they'd have a sale and stock up on Ballantine beer for 99 cents a 6 pack. It came in short fat bottles, not too bad, and way cheaper than the good stuff, like Falstaff or PBR.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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