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Trucking News: NATSO Urges Missouri Lawmakers Not to Toll I-70

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After news broke that Missouri might toll I-70, which runs east and west through the middle of the state, to fund repairs, the truckstop association NATSO urged Missouri lawmakers to oppose the proposal.

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We have a 1500 acre farm split in half by I-70 in Mid-MO and we have been hearing this kind of nonsense for the last 25 years. First they want to widen it, then they want to build truck only lanes, then they want to build a wall down the center, then they want to build a railroad down the middle, now they want toll booths. All I know is that when they finally pick up a shovel and do something except posture and yak about it, I will die off in shock. Smarty pants engineers keep calling every year and meet with us and show us maps and then nothing ever gets done.

All that has been done is they have installed safety cables down the comedian so we no longer can drive dozers and combines across to the other side without going around to the exit.

We have a couple of water wells, one on each side of I-70 that are hooked together with a pipe under the highway. The engineers never can understand how this is there without someone knowing about it. Lots of things, good and bad, are known to happen in the dark of the night.

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