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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Packer

  1. I'll give it a shot!

    At any one time, there is only ONE tire turning!

    If only ONE tire is turning, there is no power to the other three.

    Now, if the power divider is engaged, it 'locks' the drive lines togother.

    Now there is one set of tires with power on each diff.

    If one tire has traction per axle, and the other tires are in the air, nothing happens!

    A power divider will only work if you loose traction on one pair of drivers, not two.

    Remember back in the good old days when you smoked the tires at a stop light?

    Torque lifted the right rear tire, and that is the one smoking!

    The left one just followed along.

    If you put two axles in tandem, same thing as having the power divider 'locked' in.

    The tires with the LEAST traction will turn.

    Posi-traction is a horse of another color.

    Now every thing turns!


  2. I spent 15 years on the Green River, WY ambulance service.

    13 years as crew command.

    I saw a lot of death, and none was ever good.

    The worst call I ever had was an 11 week old baby that was cold and blue.

    The police were the first on scene and started CPR.

    I continued CPR for the 15-20 min. ride to the Hospital, but the baby was pronunced almost at once.

    I never knew the baby, but I am not ashamed to tell you that a 50 year old man cried all the way.

    That would be me.


  3. I've used some at differant times.

    Really liked the Milwaukee brand!

    One thing about mag drills is that you can't feed them like a drill press and the first time you do mash down on them - - - you'll be up the creek!!!


  4. Did a bunch of research on this several years ago.

    Bandag was the best cap at the time, with Kelly/Springfield and Bridgestone the best original and capped miles.

    Also the best for casings.

    We would cap in the fall and when the weather warmed up in the spring, the caps were 40-50 % worn and heat was not an issue.

    We were running 100,000-120,000 miles a year and the caps were making that many miles.

    Bridgestone a 100,000 miles - - -Michline 55,000 miles on original rubber.

    This was in the 70's and things have changed since then, but at that time, Bandag caps were the best way to go.

    Oliver now has a cap that is like the bandag, but I have no history with it.


  5. I don't have a lot of experance with Dynatards but

    Jake brakes will break down the 'O' rings and let oil seep by.

    This will cause the brake to loose it's effectiveness.

    A set of 'O' rings, a pick and some 'O' ring grease might make a great differance.

    This can be done on the engine in maybe an hour.

    Also, make sure the valve settings and Dynatard lash is on the money.


  6. I quit about 25 years ago.

    Still remember it as a bad time in my life!!!

    I used patches and gum to kick the habit.

    Thirty days after quitting I tried to smoke one and about died!!

    To think I used to do that 20-30-40 times a day!

    Hang in there - - - you'll be better off!!!

    (even with the few extra pounds you'll put on)


  7. My EG has an air valve at the hydrovac and a trailer air valve on the steering post.

    It also has an air compressor on the engine.

    My '48 has a REO engine in it.

    Must be an upgrade done at some time.

    My Mack history is a bit rusty but Mack and REO were togather at one time.

    That might be why I have a non-Mack engine.

    Than again - - - maybe not!!!!! LOL


  8. Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties.

    The first man had married a woman from Illinois and had told her that she was going to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

    The second man had married a woman from Michigan . He had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table.

    The third man had married a beautiful girl from Wyoming . He told her that her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye ... enough to fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher


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