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Posts posted by navypoppop

  1. Hi J Hancock,

    I thank you for the response and pictures of L.J.Kennedy. I had a choice when I drove for them between an older R model with a 237 Maxidyne or a U with a 300 Maxidyne so I chose the 300 for the power difference. I drove out of the Florence, NJ terminal but didn't stay very long because of differences with dispatch and the driving laws. Oh well they were still a fairly decent company back then. Thanks for the link and update.

  2. Thanks Mackman 1965,

    I'm not very good at posting things on the computer and after reading the various posts from other Bulldog people I thought that I'd try and see if anyone knew of my previous companies. Being retired and really bored I was hoping to find someone from my area that might have any info on these various employers of mine. I appreciate the words of encouragement and hope that someone does remember them or have some pictures. I might be going offline soon if my computer dies before I get a replacement. Have a great Sunday.

  3. I was wondering if because I don't own a Mack but just drove them all my life that no one replies to my posts about some long ago Trenton trucking companies that were all Mack? I was hoping that someone out there had some pictures or memories of seeing H.M.Royal, Inc. or HERMS Trucking or L.J.Kennedy around the Trenton area. I see that this site isn't visited that often so maybe that is why there are no responses to my questions. Thanks anyone and everyone for any help about these companies as I am just remembering my past 45 year career after retiring to sunny Florida. Have a great day and be safe out there. Bulldogs rule!!!

  4. It's been a couple of weeks since I posted and thought I'd again ask if anyone remembers or has pictures of a couple of long ago Trenton, NJ trucking companies. Are their any pics of HERMS Trucking, H.M.Royal or L.J.Kennedy available? All were Mack truck fleets back in the 1960's and 1970's. I was hoping someone remembers these companies and their bulldogs. I drove A40, B61, F600 and R685's for H.M.Royal, B61, B67, B75, R685,U685 and F600 for Herms and U685 for L.J.Kennedy and can't find any of my old pics anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help.

  5. I thank everyone for the replies to my question about the first R model 300 maxidynes color scheme. I knew that if I asked here that I would receive a vast knowledge from all the "puppydog" people and I was right. I especially appreciated the picture from the Bulldog Magazine showing all the R's and F's ready to go. I sure wish I had one just to drive around in on Saturday night. There is nothing like a good old Mack. Thanks everyone.

  6. Does anyone out there know if there are any photos of the first limited edition R686ST that was introduced around 1974 I believe. I remember them as being white with red/blue striping, chrome bumper with gold bulldogs on the bumper bolts and they had the first 300 Maxidyne engines. I believe they were limited edition and the company I was working for back then had placed the order for one from Trenton Mack in Trenton , NJ. I was hoping that my memory is not failing and would love to see a pic of one again. It was very unique looking. Thanks drivers

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